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Everything posted by mkscrewy

  1. look at all the people cheering. what's the story with that pic?
  2. Hartnell has been great to watch this season. I loved that he chirped it up with Phaneuf in the ASG and threw down with him after his goal in the last meeting. This is still my favorite Hartnell moment though... http://youtu.be/W-up-DWGmFc
  3. I'm not even sure we're all talking about the same play anymore. The one Maine was talking about (since we both had to watch the Wings feed thru Center Ice) was right after Simmonds turned the puck over and the Wings got a shot on goal. Bryz made a blocker save on it I think then slammed his stick on the ice while play continued. Like I said before, the Wings announcers made a big deal about it but the Flyers guys didn't so I dunno what they or you guys saw that we on CI didn't see.
  4. That is the way The Insufferable Wings Announcers played it and without the benefit of Clement's insight I thought the same thing as you. It appeared (at least to me and one other person) it was the culmination of several bad giveaways in our zone, the last of which was Simmonds's that lead to a SOG. I didn't see or hear anything else that would have set him off, but then again we were watching the Wings feed (thanks Comcast).
  5. I was wondering the same thing. The Insufferable Wings Announcers made a big deal about it last night but the flyers guys seem to have glossed over it. It looked like Simmonds and Bryz had made up or something by the final whistle team high five or whatever. Of course I'd rather it be handled in the room than by Panocchio or Carchidi.
  6. I can agree with that. I guess I'm still annoyed at having to sit through their insufferable broadcast for three hours last night.
  7. You should have heard the Wings announcers' hand wringing every time we gave Kronwall a chop or an extra shot after that hit. It was pathetic.
  8. yeah well there's this too: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/councilman-assaulted-detroit-red-wings-fan-loss-chicago-221701090.html but then again, philly fans booed Santa. a point of fact the Wings announcers made sure to make during the game tonight.
  9. when is a head shot not a head shot? when it's Kronwall on the delivery?
  10. what pains me is that the game was too close for a real response by the Flyers before it ended. the Wings announcers whined and cried every time Kronwall was targeted or baited after that hit and it drove me up a god-damn wall.
  11. what did the philly announcers say about him slamming his stick after Simmonds's giveaway in the third? i only ask because the Wings announcers rode him (bryz) for several minutes after that...
  12. did the Flyers feed show Laviolette pointing to his chin with his middle finger while talking to the ref after the hit?
  13. Every time I get fed up with all the negativity spouting about how badly our team supposedly sucks, I think about how Buffalo Rick must feel about his team and start laughing.
  14. The title of this thread is a really mixed up metaphor
  15. You'd think the league would have figured out that this is the surefire way to beat us by now. Remember when we made Minnesota's fourth string goalie look like Patrick F*ckin' Roy?
  16. @mojo1917 you may be right. i'm never one to say i may be wrong. or something.
  17. I know these guys aren't supposed to be the most physical guys for their size but I hope they can help establish a more consistent physical presence around our own net. So tired Yoda is of watching guys get 2, 3, 4 whacks at the puck while our goalie tries to cover and Carle and Coburn try to stick check from 4 feet away when they should be putting him on his arse or burying him 3 feet behind the boards.
  18. I'm not implying one must be a HOF to have world class talent (I would say the opposite, however). To me, world class talent would put this goalie among the top goalies in the league, up there with Miller, TT, Price, lundqvist, and a few others. I wouldn't put the Bobs up with there with them-yet. I think he's got a lot of skill and potential to be very good. I just think calling him a world class talent is a little premature. Maybe in a couple years I will agree with you. Also keep in mind Bryz is supposed to be a world class talent as well. I don't think even his strongest defenders would say hes playing like it now. A lot of us question if he should even be in the NHL. He's good for at least one head scratching WTF goal a game, and frankly so is the Bobs ATM. Not saying we have to agree here. I want to believe just like you do. I think the potential is there, I just don't see the consistency yet to make the same assessment.
  19. I must have missed when Bobs was suddenly imbued with "world class talent." i'm not even sure what he's done to deserve such praise and i like thr Bobs as much as the next guy. there's maybe four guys on our squad with "world class talent" but I wouldn't put Bobs up there with the likes of Jagr, Pronger, Timmo, Giroux. Would you?
  20. IIRC they lit up Bobs pretty good this season too. Still, hoping for a win tonight and not the 9-8 kind of win.
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