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fan4ever last won the day on September 25 2020

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About fan4ever

  • Birthday August 21

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    New Jersey
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  1. Dude was in court this morning..Blood Alcohol .87. For those that don't know the legal limit in New Jersey is .08. 5 or 6 beers, my ass. They appear to be keeping him locked up. Also not sure if you heard but Johnny's wife announced at the funeral that she is pregnant. This is so incredibly sad.
  2. I get what you're saying. I too pass by there on occasion and always remember him and that tragic night. So incredibly sad.
  3. Great to have you back! I, too, have started to watch on occasion. I have been using the temp of this board as my gauge. It seems somewhat safe these days! Go Flyers!!!!
  4. Thanks for the great find and sharing. Just sent it over to my Dad (who is stuck in Coyotes country) but a full on Flyers fan (had season tickets as soon as they arrived). Sure do miss the good 'ol days!!! Hopefully better days to come! Cheers!
  5. And now I know why I rec'd an email the other day for 90% off all Flyers and Sixers merchandise at the Wells Fargo Center. Can wait to spend another couple hundred dollars on a new Flyers jersey, not!!!!!!
  6. Happy Father's Day to all the dads!! Hope you all have a great day and and treated with the respect and admiration you deserve! Cheers~!!!
  7. Awesome song!! Never saw the video, quite interesting...
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