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Everything posted by nossagog

  1. Yeah, as I said previously, players will do what they can get away with. In this case, I'll agree to disagree, having watched Crosby play an aweful lot. Did he go down easy? Looked so, but why would he do that on purpose if in needed one or two mor strides to get a point blank shot on goal. Just don't see it, but I understand how you do. And since you had a problem with that one, how about the Great 8 last night. Late in the third a stick comes up high on him and he goes down on his knees grabbing his face like someone tossed acid at it(second time this year he's done that), only to get right up and still get a scoring chance, and draw the penalty. In this case, they didn't score on the PP, so no ones talking about it.
  2. Would be nice. Orpik was paired with Martin in the morning skate, could be a good sign. Neal was on a line with Malkin and Bennet, which also could be good, but the fact that Sutter, Morrow and Iginla did not skate put them low on offense.
  3. See, here's something that I can understand and appreciate. Yes the 5-4 is a hugh advantage. I'm not that old, but REAL old school would go way back to the days when every penalty was for the duration of its time, not how it is now where the player is released on minors after a goal. Some teams were SOOOO good, they would score 2 or 3 goals on a two minute penalty, so they changed the rule So I can see your point about an advantage being given at ANY point in a game. But lets look at the opposite. Do you think that the Devils would have won any Stanley Cups if they had call had called player obstruction penalties at even half the rate that do today back in the dead offense days? Part of the reason was Brodeur, but a big part was you couldn't get throught the neutral zone without getting hooked or held onto. I, as a fan of the game, don't want to see the game deteriorate back to all the hooking, holding and interference that was going on back then. Or worse, you build a team for speed, get to the playoffs, or to overtime, and you can't even get a scoring oppurtunity because of all the obstruction. Players play the game to what's being called. If the Ref's go back to not calling that stuff, then the players will take full advantage and we'll go back to all games being played in the neurtal zone and little in the way of offense. Do we really want to see the Devils trap, or the putrid Lightning 1-3-1 sweeper played everyone? Because if you let that stuff go, that's what's going to happen, especially by teams with less talent, to compensate for the skill difference. No thanks, Wouldn't you rather see the game decided by talented players rather than grinders taking advantage of a turnovers caused by hooking and holding?
  4. His knees were just weak due to all the liquid foods from the broken jaw . That's my story and I'm stickin to it, until someone proves me wrong.
  5. Just forget the percentages, it doesn't matter. Could have even been along the boards with 0% chance of scoring. Defender is beat, takes hand off stick, grabs onto opposing player with free hand. Its been the focus of enforcement since the rule was put it back almost 8 years now. Do they always call it, no. The fact that they DID call it this time as opposed to others that they did not doesn't matter, its still a penalty. Iginla was called for tripping midway through the third behind his offensive net, wasn't giving or taking away a scoring chance, but a penalty was called. Wow key point there in a game that that the Isles just tied past midway of the third. How dare the ref's step in and possibly affect the game then, right?????? No one complained, problem was the Isle's didn't score. If they had would we be complain that the Ref's had to step in to affect the outcome of the game? No because its STILL a penalty to trip a player with your stick, just as it is to grab onto a player with your free hand.
  6. I think I was playing behind Bryz in the morning, the group was playing pretty slow, and I unfortunately hit one long right at him. But don't worry, I didn't hit him, it went right between his legs.
  7. That's some funny stuff, how many times did they hit Crosby, Malkin and Letang today, Answer, everytime they could. Its ok, that's what their supposed to do, hit em, get em off their games, finish their checks. No one complained. One causes a penalty, and we listen to, 'OHHHH, you can 't hit Cindy, waaaaaaaah'. Really?
  8. That plus the old, just let em play argument just kill me. People don't want to see that called in OT, saying its the Refs deciding the games, but if you don't call penalties like that, the the Ref's are deciding the game by letting that stuff go. Hey let's just let em play, and just tackle any one when the get near the goal.
  9. Golfed 36 holes today, just finished watching the game. Physical game by both teams, gotta love the hitting. The penalty in OT? That comes down to who you are rooting for, or in most cases here, who you hate more. He took his hands off his stick and reached accross with his off hand to hold him, that's been called all year.
  10. You would think that Fleury would know how to play the boards in his own building. Tale of two goalies there, Nabakov played fantastic, especially during the double minor at the end of the second.
  11. Damn good news, going to tape it as well as try to watch it. Hummm, could simply be a Crosby in for Neal if Neal can't go.
  12. @hf101 Don't think that there will be a suspension. For suspension, Shanny will have to say that the head was "targeted". Gryba,is leaning with his knees bent for the hit with his shoulders probably 10-12 inches LOWER than normal, you target the chest that way, not the head. I think Gryba is going for the chest, but Eller it gets just as low reaching for the puck. Can't even tell if the head was the primary point of contact.
  13. @Polaris922 With the way that Bennet has been playing, I don't expect to see Kennedy again unless its due to a few injuries.
  14. Practice lines today had Crosby centering Kunitz and Dupuis. Crosby also practiced with the first PP unit. Could be real close to playing.
  15. @hf101 Just saw the replays(NBC was aweful tonight showing things like that)Think was his ankle getting caught along the boards when he got hit, not the head.
  16. Great start for the Pens, but Neal hasn't been back since going down in the second period. Hope he didn't get one in the noggin again.
  17. Hearing nothing yesterday, figured this was the case. I hope the Sid watch doesn't become a distraction.
  18. @B21 I think your spot on with the forward lines, but I think on defense, Eaton may get the nod over Despres. Despres has looked shakey at the end of the season, and Eaton has cup experience.
  19. Yeah, big night by Neal, the whole team has been flying out there. What a third period. Ottawa lost in regulation.
  20. Can't worry about things like that. Play smart and stay out of the box and I think the Pens handle the Sens. Make it a special teams series, and the Sens have the ablility to score some goals.
  21. Well its as meaningless a game as there can be. Canes are out of it, Pens have the 1 seed in the east locked up, let's not do anything stupid. Good to see Neal and Martin playing tonight, get some game experience before the playoffs start. And as sick as it seems, I'm rooting for the Flyers tonight(wait, I think I just threw up in my mouth). Keep the Senators in the eight seed, best fit for the Pens in round 1. I think I start the Guiness flowing and cook some spagetti and meat sauce for the boys. Let's go Pens.
  22. @B21 Cooke and Murray will probably be gone. Murray was brought in just for the stretch for physicality. Cooke, I'd like to see him go. I'd resign Adam's at the same price, he's gotta love it here. Duper's, I don't think it will take $3m to resign, he's a smart player, he's a product of the system and Sid's passes, $2.25M at most, if he wants more, sorry. You left off Kennedy, good, I'd rather see him gone. Iggy's having fun, he may take a big hit to have the chance to win a few cups. NFN, I wouldn't cry if I saw Paul Martin moved. He's had a great year(well half season year) who can tell what we'll get next year. His stock is high now, move him. That would gree up $5m
  23. Personally, after watching the power play last night, rest Malkin and keep the same guys on the ice.
  24. That's okay, no need to apoligize, I'm sure it makes you feel better after that earlier statement, we wouldn't want you to be sick on your keyboard.. I have my own love hate relationshiop with Cooke, as he is a Pen. I will call it as I see it, and on the Savard hit, I called it, it was dirty. I don't care whether it was within the "rules at the time". Its still dirty. But Savard DID come back from that hit. He played again. So the lable of a "career ender" is a little harsh. Did he contribute? Sure, but he did not end Savard's career. That would be like if Crosby got another concussion and had to retire, can we say that Stekel ended his career with that hit in the winter classic?
  25. SOrry, let me rephrase, Gonchar slipped on the ice, and ended up off balance hitting an opposing player low, looking very much similar to a hip check.
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