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Posts posted by magnumpi

  1. I was simply commenting on his blanket statement that Mason will absoutely never become a good starting goalie.

    It's fair to say the odds are against it but as far as know someone who watches the games on TV as a hobby isn't qualified to make that conclusion regarding a 24 yr old goalie was highly regarded as recently as 3 yrs ago.

  2. how long have you?

    Big man, I never claimed to be a scout.

    You did.

    The point is that you're making all these judgements like you're some kind of an expert.

    To make a blanket statement that he'll never be a good starter is absurd.

    Its probably less than likely but to make an absolute statement at this point in his career, especially when you're some guy watching from a couch and TV set drinking beer, is unwarranted.

    He certainly has some potential but we'll have to see what happens

  3. i think he would be a good backup but to anyone thinks he'll be starter, i dont see it plus it's against a bad buffalo team, if he's good against really good teams maybe, but it's the pressure of being a starter in the playoffs that might be the difference.

    LOL, all that based one 1 game.

    How long have you been scouting for the NHL

  4. Howe was easily the best dman ever in the organization

    Clarke's worst move ever was trading Mccrimmon. The 80's team began their decline once that move was made.

    JJ Dainneault will always hold a special place in my heart. His goal made the Flyers my favorite team in any sport

    • Like 2
  5. typical Flyer move

    show no patience.

    trade valuable picks and young players and prospects for a star player who already peaked

    im done with this team

    they're like the raiders of the NFL

    past glory but now no clue, no plan, just winging everything from season to season

  6. gannable is also magnumpi from philly.com

    is there a way for ganable to change his handle to magnumpi???? I would post more. I promise


    and to Ranger Boy - people are acting like the Rangers are the 1982 New York Islanders.

    by me saying "they're saying not that great" and "overachieved" does not imply they're not a good team. You can be nothing special and still be a "good" team.

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