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Buffalo Rick

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Posts posted by Buffalo Rick

  1. Nolan is a good coach in my opinion.  Gets the underachieving teams (Islanders) or teams that don't have the talent to get very far (Sabres).  

    Yes he can motivate.  And we have to believe that my boys will pick up a pretty darn good pick in the first round.  and possibly make a few big time trades with those other picks for established players that can get them back in the mix fast.  Of course keeping one Ryan Miller on board is a huge huge part of it

  2. The fact that the Sabres are in every game and I know they are getting beat in OT just about every night, but at least they have not quit, is proof that Nolan is a good coach.  Most of these guys know they will not be back.  Some will, maybe six or seven.  Hoping Nolan gets the job.  The only other guy I would really want in Ron Wilson.  But othetr than that, keep Nolan

  3. I cannot believe the Sabres are favored tonight.  Florida must be damn awful.  I have to give Nolan credit for getting some of these guys to show up.  I hope that when they make their moves and do get some talent in here they allow Ted to stay and coach this team for at least three or four years.  He deserves a shot.  He has them in every game.  Sure they are getting beat in OT most nights.  But you do not see them lose like Vancouver did the other night, 9-1.   So Nolan at least gets them to show up.  I know many are playing for jobs next year.  There are probably 3 or 4 at most that are truly safe.  

  4. @Hockey Junkie   In the end, Sabres choke, can't hang....not surprised.

    They are playing with a unit they have thrown together until they reconstruct the team in the off season.  They are in every game to their credit.   I cannot say much better about your team.  They got beat again in OT. They could have just as easily lost and if Miller was in goal Buffalo would have won that game.  To me both teams suck.   Maybe you see something in your team I do not?  But they suck too, so I do not know why you are bashing the Sabres.  Half of this team will be gone next year and they all know it.  Vanek scored again a few minutes ago.  When Vanek was traded Regier sealed the season and his own fate.  For a team  in full rebuild at least you do not see them losing 9-1 like Vancouver did last night.  So why don't you back off.  Your team is no better right now.  Its going to be either St Louis, Chicago or someone like that.  Better start thinking of how you will fix your team rather than constantly bash mine

  5. Sabres can certainly win this game. That's why they play the games.


    I have several Buffalonian friends who will be sporting the blue and gold tonight at the F'N Center. Wish I could be there in orange and black :)

    Well too bad Miller is not in this one. They have been alternating as I am sure they are taking into consideration his duties with team USA.  1-0 good guys as I type

  6. Not that it means a hill of beans, but I do not know if Miller will go because they have alternated him and he played last night vs Wash.  So you may be fortunate and get Enroth and if that is the case I doubt we win.  If Miller goes its anyone's game.  Miller can steal games just ask Wash who has lost to him twice.  

  7. I dunno.  I watch Buffalo every chance I get.  They  play a lot of one or two goal difference games.   


    It seems to me, that they're improving. 

    Well they can't score since Vanek ;left.  Mysterious that Moulson has not scored more or Hodgeson?  Maybe Hodgeson is out?  Not sure.  They lost the shootout with Enroth in the nets.  Miller is very good in shootouts.  As for the goal this thread is about, someone on ESPN said the play should have in fact been blown dead because the refs obviously lost sight of the puck.  That makes sense.  But we sucked one out.  Gee, like we needed a win.  It might ruin our lottery chances.  LOL.  What a nightmare of a season.  I cannot wait until the Olympics.  then at least I will have something to cheer for.  Even though I am cheering for the St Louis Blues to win it all

  8. I think he stays put as well, which was the point to my long-winded posts.   I think the type of trade @jammer2 described is the type they can legitimately expect.   At that point, if I'm the Buffalo GM I, too, have to say "for Miller???"  and just make every effort to sign him.   Because the three choices, I think, are to  1) make that type of trade, 2) Let him walk as a free agent or 3) Resign him and let him backstop the rebuild.  


    If I'm GM, I try my best to go for Door #3.   If at the deadline it's been made clear he is NOT resigning, I make every attempt at #1.  Because #2 would be a travesty.

    Agree with you all the way

  9. There is no reason for the Sabres to let Miller or Ott get away.  For God's sake, Vanek is gone and they are the two best players we have.  Moulson and Hodgeson and Erhoff likely next.  They have alot of picks to work with and will trade some and use some.  First the GM.  Nothing will happen until a GM is hired.  

  10. Buffalo is my second fav team(other than whoever's playing the Flyers tonight), but I just don't see them getting much for him.  In the end they may take less just to get something for him if they think he's gone in free agency.

    They would get plenty for Miller for will never let him get away and the same for Steve Ott

  11. @Hockey Junkie   Just wondering out loud, but I think Tatar a 2nd round pick, and a mid level prospect get the job done.

    Dream on.   For Miller?  Never.  He would chose Detroit first as he grew up a Wings fan and his mother lives there.  He is a native but he also loves Buffalo.  And he wants to win in Buffalo.  In this day and age rebuilding is done much faster and Buffalo has the ammunition to do so.  And a coach with alot of fire.  I say Miller gets the Gold and stays put

  12. I really think Miller could help the Wings this season if Howard does not get it together. I am hoping his 45 save win the other night is a sign of things to come, but lets face it is was his first win since the first of November so he needs more than one game to prove it is for real. As a rental, maybe the monster and a first rounder knowing that Howard would be pushed hard to hold his starting job, and that if he did not Miller could be resigned and Howard bought out.  The problem is the Wings are so damn conservative and would never in a million years make this type of George Steinbrenner deal. It would make for a very interesting second half tho.....

    Detroit scares me the most for stealing Miller. Miller is from there, his mother is there.  Yikes.  I hope not.  If you do go after him, he is going to cost

  13. I don't see any type of bidding war at all. The teams that are in contention do not need a goalie, the ones on the bubble, such as the Wings, Leafs and Senators have have a need but big contracts and/or commitments to other goalies that would prevent them from going after Miller. I know Junkie keeps mentioning Miller to California, absolutely no chance at that, all the California clubs have better goalies already.

      I really don't know who would want to give up much of anything for a UFA aging goalie

    There you go with this aging thing.  Its absurd.  Broduer is an old goalie. NOT Ryan Miller.  Miller has alot of good years left.  And gee, he is going to start for Team USA, so I guess he really sucks doesn't he?  San Jose could use him big time.  No the Kings and Ducks like who they have but he is better than Hiller al day long.   He is far beter than anyone the Sharks have.   He could be the difference maker for a team like St Louis or Dallas.   Howard is not going to start for the USA team.   Miller will start.  He is the best.  What makes you think for a minute some teams will not be after him? 

  14. I still do not think the Sabres will trade Ryan or let him slip away.  Nolan for one has said they want to build around him.  Very wise choice.  No up side to trading a great goalie like Miller.  We have enough picks, and top notch ones at that.  Look at Vancouver tonight.  Up 2-0 against the Ducks and that lead evaporated quickly with their golden boy Luongo.  The Hawks are ok as Crawford has seemed to have proven himself to be very good.  Or is he?  Hell, with that team in front of you, you are going to look good.  Its the Hawks and Blues and then LA and then everyone else.  I stand pay on the Blues being that good and they are proving it.  Could Ryan Miller wind up there if he was moved?  Well, if he were to go, that and Vancouver are the only two places I would be ok with.  I want one of them to win.  I always liked the Blues.  San Jose I suppose is possible also?  Pittsburgh would want Ryan but I doubt he would want to go there.  Look at that game tonight.  They escaped vs Winnipeg.  Do you think they escape against the mighty Hawks or Blues?  Or even the Kings?  No way.  I want Ryan Miller to stay here and I want him to lead team USA to the Gold medal.  Then he will be happy and will not mind staying.

  15. Was there ever any doubt?  Say all you want about the collapse of the Sabres this year, Miller was not part of it.   He may have proved more this year than any other year.  He kept his head and played great despite the miserable circumstances surrounding him.  He is also apparently willing to let Nolan and the Sabres have their time to fix the mess, use those 17 picks and hopefully be around when things once again look good in Buffalo.  And at some point they will.  Its too good a hockey town for it not to.  And they have not only an owner with financial backing, but they have a boatload of picks to work with, thanks in part to Darcy in all honesty, even though it did cost him his job in the long run.  He was on a short leash once he fired a very popular coach.  Now Ryan has his Olympic shot.  That is what he wanted.  He has it.   I hope he brings home a gold medal.  It will be tough.  I like the forwards, I wonder though if our defense can come close to Canada's?  Miller may have to be brilliant to get us a Silver or a Gold

  16. Miller again proves that he is the best goalie we are going to have.  He is the best choice for team USA.  He stopped 49 against the Capitals and Ott scored the winner in a SO.  


    i had tickets for next weeks Sat game vs the Devils given to me but I am going to stay home.  300 level.  Cannot find my binoculars.  Thanks but no thanks.  With my luck Enroth will be in the pipes.  

  17. Most agree that Miller will get the call to be the starter for the USA.  He is the smart choice.  He has kept the Sabres in all the games despite being outshot by ridiculous numbers.

  18. wow that was funny, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy (I cannot stand Smith)!!!

    Ha   But why?  I rarely see the guy  Didn't he play for Tampa or an Eastern team recently?  I forget where exactly  I think he is pretty good from memory?  This is how sad this year is.  Even when we win, its as ugly as ugly gets.  I did not see it.  I stopped watching when Vanek left I must confess.  I cannot take it.  I am waiting for the massive exodus.  Stafford should be holding a sign "will work for food".

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