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**Off Topic Question: Philly Parking**


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Not sure where to post this so please move as appropriate...


I'm doing an overnight event on Friday 11/11. The start point is FDR Park across from the WFC. I'll be driving down from NYC and will need to leave my car somewhere near the start... any south Philly locals know if there's a lot right by there or if street parking is alright? My memory says, "you probably don't want to park there" haha.


Edited by TropicalFruitGirl26
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15 minutes ago, mkscrewy said:

Not sure where to post this so please move as appropriate...


I'm doing an overnight event on Friday 11/11. The start point is FDR Park across from the WFC. I'll be driving down from NYC and will need to leave my car somewhere near the start... any south Philly locals know if there's a lot right by there or if street parking is alright? My memory says, "you probably don't want to park there" haha.



Since you are asking for something specific from your fellow Philly fans, this can stay here.
I just adjusted the title to draw more attention so you can get your answer and also labeled it "Off Topic".

Carry on.

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