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berube the problem all this time?


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it was interesting when hitch got fired and stevens came on the team, berube was on the coaching staff and the team didnt respond until he went to coach the phantoms in 2007-08 season, they were playing great and of course they got beat by good penguins team.


but this is when berube came to the team in 2008 season with stevens, they were showing inconsistency at times for the last two seasons, then stevens got fired and lavy took over in 2009, they were still showing inconsistency in that season, i think the players were listening to lavy when they got to the finals but they kept showing inconsistency in the 3 seasons after that.



and this team is playing worse than the 06 season disaster, i think it's berube causing the locker room issues that got stevens and lavy fired, plus getting rid of the players, even if im wrong, this team needs a clean slate/culture change like a brand new coaching staff.


here's berubes bio:




im saying this because it's the same thing happening for the last 5 years.

Edited by flyersfan83
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My understanding is Berube was very much a players coach as an assistant and most of the guys liked him.   He was mostly the good cop so I don't think he ruffled many feathers with the players.   Berube probably isn't the best guy to go forward with from a schematic and system standpoint but I don't see anything from a motivational standpoint or not having the rapport of the players to suggest he wouldn't be an adequate bench boss.   It really too early to definitively say he is the problem.   Right now its looking more like bad chemistry from the front office decisions of the general manager.  

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