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Posts posted by xganarchy

  1. @xganarchy

    Beat you to it. :)/> Our little guy came 5 weeks early...11/23/12. 4 lbs. 12 oz. He looked like he is the right size...until you see him next to a full term baby.

    If there was ever a good year for a lock-out, this would be it. Then again, I'd catch a lot of those west coast games during the late night feedings. :)/>

    Hope all is going swell on your end.

    P.S. - I watched the delivery and will never look at a v a g i n a the same way again.

    Congrats!! 11/23 is my wife's birthday! What name did u decide on? My wife gave birth 12/26, 9lb 5oz boy named Gage Alexander. Not getting much sleep but well worth it!

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  2. @B21 and @xganarchy

    congratulations. always good to bring more hockey fans into the world.

    best wishes for healthy babies

    my birthday is 12/30 my aunt's is 12/27...

    as you travel on your journey with your children please remember that the birthday matters to kids, my aunt's was often overlooked because it's 2 days after Christmas...as a result she has made damn sure mine was not, (she is awesome that way) kids are often off school and it can be a fun time to have a kid party... just sayin'

    again congratulations.

    Yeah that's one thing i'm worried about, being so close to Christmas can overshadow his birthday. I'm hoping for 12/12/12 personally! Thanks Mojo!

  3. Congrats! Right about the same time our new Pens fan is expected to go five-hole (12/23). Lucky for you and the other Flyers fans we are having a boy, too. Mrs. Burgher was a fan of "Sydney" for a girl's name. :o

    Awesome news! Congrats to you as well! Perhaps our sons will be on a message board a few years down the line, bad mouthing the current stars of the opposing team together! haha Have you decided on a name?

  4. lol thanks for all your well wishes and name ideas, guys! I'm extremely excited and can't wait to meet my little guy. The only way life could get better right now is if there were some damn hockey games to watch!!

  5. Hey fellas, just wanted to drop in, say hello and CAN WE GET SOME HOCKEY PLEASE?? I've been here less since starting a new position at work, but just wanted to say we'll have a new Flyers fan entering the world 12/26, having my first child, a boy. I was contemplating the name "Giroux", but the wife has voted a strict no.

  6. just a question, but what are you basing that on? What is it that your gut is telling you? Just curious...

    I could see him turning into those one hit wonders. I like his speed and vision but just something about him not making the NHL until he was 25, his size, and if i remember correctly his production dropped off towards the end of the year/playoffs. I'm a fan for what he's accomplished and i certainly hope he keeps up the production, but I just have a gut feeling he'll be one of those Druce type one and done players :(

    • Like 1
  7. other GMs would be lining up to deal with you too.

    i think that is too much for him, 2 of the three things you've offered here maybe... i think read is way more valuable because he can play in all situations, so if i'd offer him it would be matt and pick. no MAB...

    bobby ryan = nice player not a necessity.

    I'm not sold on Read for some reason. He had a very nice season, but for some reason I think it may have been a fluke. Sell high...

  8. Is Ryan the next in the Homer Hunt? What will it take? This guy falls into the category of a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. The Ducks want top players in return,makes sense to me. The Flyers forwards need all the help they can get,Ryan would be a big help.

    I'd offer read/bourdon/pick for ryan
  9. Yeah I'm not saying the Wings will sign Semin BECAUSE the Pens got Doan, just that their offseason has been uneventful and disappointing. The only large prize left would be Semin if Doan is snagged. I don't think any teams are too keen on taking a chance on Semin, but i was just pointing out the Wings may feel the pressure and cave in.

  10. wow i JUST saw this on Amazon Prime over the weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. Sure there was lots of cursing, but don't most locker rooms have that?

  11. I hope they leave the team as it is, get some more young guys in the lineup and see what they can do. If that means trying to trade Timonen and/or Briere towards the deadline (if we look like we don't have a shot) then so be it. I do NOT want to see our youth traded away as a band aid. I think Couts/Schenn/Voracek are great pieces for the future.

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  12. they're taking the flyers legendary loyalty to former players to new levels eh? they'd better get the current crop of players to start pro-creating so we have a team in about 15-20 years from now!

    maybe that was Jeff Carter's assignment in Sea Isle the past 4 years?

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  13. @xganarchy I liked Valequette when he was with the Rangers. I'd be more than willing to give him a try out. Last I heard he went to the KHL, where it looked like he had decent stats playing for a bad team. Then last year he played for some team in Europe I never heard of and has ?????? as a stat line. Maybe fc can clear this up for us and give us a Steve update?? http://en.wikipedia....teve_Valiquette

    i liked him as well, big body who always seemed to be a wall against the Flyers. AND he had his awesome Spidey mask haha

  14. We need to kick 1.5 mill or so into the back up spot IMHO. I regualr back up is not what we need. We need somebody to step in and win a playoff series if needed. This excludes Biron, Bouch, Leights and any other former Flyer stiff they want to dig out of the mothballs. We need Clemmenson or Montoya...those are the only 2 that could be legit starters if needed....and more importantly will command more than a mill...this is not a spot to cheap out. We have a crappy back up and we may not even be a playoff team....or last just one round. @DaGreatGazoo

    I vote for Valiquette!! ;)

  15. This team is more likeable, and a better story, but how could you give up the chance for a guaranteed Cup? And as for this team possibly becoming a dynasty....it IS possible but it's a very short window with the salary cap in place. You've gotta pay these young guys soon, and when you do you're going to lose a few key components. Now if we slowly get rid of older handcuffing contracts (Pronger, Timo, Briere) and replace them with new contracts for the younger guys, we may have something.

  16. I'd prefer those to what Carkner did to Boyle. Carkner "protected" his guy when he dropped Boyle with the first two punches. The SEVEN additional while Boyle was down on the ice cannot be defended...at all.

    Yeah, kind of like when Adams was throwing punches at the back of Hartnell's head while he was tangled with Crosby. But I digress, Carkner did get off a bit easy but when a team is trying to take out your star, there is a real reason for sending a message. At least Carkner took it out on Boyle instead of going after, let's say, Gaborik?

  17. I agree Asham should get suspended for the punch to the head of Schenn while he was down, but in all honesty (and I've been through this on the Flyers' forum as well) Asham's stick never hits Schenn in the throat. Asham got what he deserved for hitting the guy while he was down, which I believe was in response (not justified!) to Schenn's falling like he's been shot by a rifle. Schenn left his feet hitting Martin (dirty play), Asham crosschecks him dangerously high (penalty), then punches him while he's down (dirty play). I feel both Asham AND Schenn deserved suspensions for this incident. Why Schenn? Because the league is saying the severity of the injury caused by an illegal hit is weighed into the decision as well. So in my book it would've been Schenn for one game and I have no problem with Asham for four due to the punch while Schenn is down.

    So are you trying to tell me Schenn's hit on Martin was worse than Neal on Couturier? At least Martin had the puck when Schenn hit him. Unbelievable.

  18. You mean this?

    Jonesey called those "noogies". Now watch what Carkner did to Boyle again and see if you can't see the difference.

    So would you want Crosby getting those "noogies" from 6'6'' monster Boyle? I don't think you would. The Sens felt the need to protect their star who was getting targetted by a low talent goon. The Flyers should be doing the same thing after what the Pens have been doing.

  19. I cannot BELIEVE Shanahan can give Torres 25 games and Neal ONE! The Neal hit on Couturier was deserving of 3 by itself. Couturier didn't have the puck, Neal left his skates, and got his head. But Neal says "Oops, I didn't see him!" and all is forgiven? Total b.s. Rinaldo gets thrown out of multiple games in this playoff series alone for pushing a guy to the ice & other small infractions, but Neal stays in and tries taking out Giroux as well. The Flyers can't get ahead even when they play by the book and ignore the circus act the Pens tried. Dress Shelley, plaster Crosby to the boards (even if he doesn't have the puck, since that apparently doesn't matter) and see what happens.

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