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Commander Clueless

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Posts posted by Commander Clueless

  1.  Part of that "hidden" offensive potential was the way Luke played for the World Jr's team he was on. He was on the top pp for Team Canada and scored on few absolute rockets during that tourny, enough to convince me and many others that he would be at least decent on offense. Guess I was wrong...lol.


    That's true. I wonder where he put that clapper? Doesn't even seem to try it at all any more. Any time I've seen him shoot in recent memory, it's a wrister.

  2. We can give Homer all the credit in the world for "restocking the farm" but while doing so, also need to acknowledge the major mistakes made actually running the parent club.


    "credit" flows both ways.


    Wearing orange-coloured glasses while drinking Kool Aid is just as silly as unrepentant "negadelphia."


    Also, for the record, flyercanuck is in "Ontario" which isn't quite part of the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area. And his point that, under the Master Plan, this would be Bryzgalov's third season of nine, making any "restocking of the farm" superfluous at best without the buyouts that came from losing half a season of hockey because GMs made stupid deals like that, remains valid.


    That's "fact" - and the point that it is "negative" is secondary to the fact that it is true.


    I'll have you know that there is nothing wrong with Kool-Aid. It's sugary and delicious with a fun if highly intrusive mascot.


    But yeah, you have to look at the good and the bad, and while Holmgren has done a good job getting young talent to the Flyers, at times he seems to trade/sign players without much of a conceivable direction...kind of like he's playing an EA Sports NHL game. See, this is yet another wonderful example of video games corrupting minds!


     Still, if it works out I guess you can't complain too much.

  3. I imagine that the Flyers would have had to have given more for Yandle, and I also don't think Schenn has regressed. In fact, he has looked better in Philly in my mind than he did the last year of his time in Toronto.


    Unfortunately he hasn't progressed much yet either.


    Also, two very different games. I'm guessing Holmgren was looking for the in-your-face type of defensive defenseman.


    When Schenn was drafted he was touted as a hard hitting, nasty defensive specialist. We got the defensive specialist and the hitting, but the part that seems to be lacking is the nastiness. There were some that suggested hidden offensive potential, but I think that was mostly wishful thinking. He was drafted to be a shutdown guy, through and through.


    I think he still has it in him to be a strong shutdown guy, although not as tough as we were lead to believe.

  4. Hefty price, but happy to see Phagoof locked up. A Leafs defense without him is just....pitiful at this point.



    Him and Kessel got some pretty big bucks from Nonis I have to say. Still, that looks really good in comparison to the ghosts of contracts past (and probably present, if early indications on David "Wendal" Clarkson mean anything).

  5. I really enjoyed that game. Fun to relax after a massive ham dinner for an interesting afternoon hockey event. Was also fun to hear the chants of that many people fairly even across both teams.


    Kind of glad I didn't get tickets to see it live though. It looked really cold out there.


    Lupul should probably see a suspension for that cross check though. I'm not sure if he meant to specifically target the head as it looks like he started lower, but it's still a dangerous retaliatory hit that ended up in Eaves' neck. I predict he'll get a game or two plus maybe another game or two for repeat offense.

    • Like 1
  6. Looks like a decent prospect swap type deal, although the Leafs gave up the higher pick. I guess they are hopeful in Holland's potential...well that, or they just desperately needed a center.


    At this point in time, getting a center was a must for Toronto. Hopefully it turns out for them long term, but it looks like they are handing out 2nd/3rd rounders like candy at this point.


    I like Holland so I think it's a reasonable gamble. Still think Blacker can hack it as a solid bottom pairing guy.

  7. Commander, with all due respect I think he was taking about Giroux.  However while we have your attention, would you recomend the fans throwing waffles on the ice at the home games?  Do you feel Is that what turned it around for the Leafs after years of futility? :P   (My personal thought is that it was the hiring of Dave Poulin).


    Well, then I oughta sue Giroux for copyright infringement! ;)


    I think it may have been both, actually. Poulin was secretly behind the waffle throwing.


    I think the waffle throwing and paper bag wearing fans signified the fanbase was fed up with the losing, even if it came a little late. But credit where credit is due: I'm not Burkie's biggest fan, but he did a lot of good for the franchise. Even the Kessel "debacle" doesn't look like the horrific apocalypse that so many people (myself included, although I wasn't as upset with it as some of my fellow Leafers ready to jump off of the CN Tower) thought it was.


    Although, who knows if the futility is finally over or not. You never know when the Leafs are concerned - failure could be right around the corner. :(


    Especially with losing Bozak and Bolland on a team already hurting for centre depth....yikes.




    Burke to Philly - E5.

  8. I like Bob Cole too.  An honest, straight forward description of the game with none of the over-the-top phoney hysteria when goals are scored.  You mention mistakes.  Any he might make doesn't bother me either.   Speaking of mistakes, Harry Neale constantly misidentified players.  I always wondered how he judged players when he was a coach, because he probably didn't know who the hell they were.




    People also call out Bob Cole getting excited over nothing, but to me that makes games that might otherwise have lulls seem that much more interesting. You can tell he loves his job anyway. :)

  9. Huh.





    .....and that's pretty much my entire opinion on that.


    Okay, I'll also say this strikes me as odd. It'll be weird seeing Downie play for Philly again. I was hoping he'd stay out West for the rest of his career.

    • Like 1
  10. Officially, I think it's just a slump. The disruption to the Kronwall-Ericsson pair seems to have a large impact on them as well.


    It'd be nice to see the wings play Nyquist because he's an impressive young player. Some new blood could boost them a bit.


    Or just wait until they get back to playing the much easier Eastern teams. The West is on a rampage.



    Unofficially, it's clearly Alfredsson's fault. Just like everything else.

  11. Weird one. I guess Snow was looking for a boost.


    I'm not surprised Buffalo moved Vanek, but I am a bit surprised they moved him now. I thought for sure we'd see a blockbuster deadline deal.


    An upgrade for the Isles, but at a steep price and risk I think. If they can't get Vanek signed this looks pretty bad going into the offseason (barring some miracle cup run of course).


    Solid return for Buffalo.

    • Like 1
  12. Snider only goes into the locker room after every game to introduce himself to the new players :ph34r:


    I feel like I'm sitting in a bandwagon that's up on cinder blocks with the wheels and horses having been stolen and the blind driver keeps cracking the whip and yelling "yeehaw!"




    Also, too, that's one heluva photo of Sestito... Did he date the sister of one of the Inky assistant sports editors or something?


    Haha. That's an awesome mental picture you painted there. I can just see him yelling "Everybody hang on!"


    But hey, the blind driver sure has a passion for carriage driving!

  13. I think its a BIT early to be talking about rebuilds and such. Around trade deadline is when those talks should get serious if the Flyers are still in the same position.


    Bright side is if it does happen, the Flyers have some very nice young players to start at instead of a blank slate of utter barren crap like a team such as, say, the Leafs, started out as.


    You could do a lot worse than Giroux, the Schenns, Couturier, Laughton and Voracek as a starting block.


    If they do go "rebuild", I wouldn't be surprised to see it over quickly. But hey, lots of hockey yet to be played.

  14. Total showboating. What a bad attitude. Get this guy outta the league.


    A show of skill like that should not be tolerated. Only acceptable goals are tip-ins and crashing the net. Some goon oughta punch him for that crap. What is this league coming to?


    He should be ashamed of himself for such an obvious display of talent!



    Sweet goal though. What a pick this guy is turning out to be early on.

  15. Rinaldo leads the league in hits and is in the "doghouse" because of two "bad" penalties so his ice time was cut in half.


    Which pretty much means Rosehill's lucky the team killed off his 4:00 PP against Florida, or he'd be riding the bus in Glens Falls instead of getting "his time" on the ice.


    Well, it only seems fair he should be riding the bus if bad penalties carries that price for Rinaldo. Rosie lives off of dumb penalties from what I remember...and if you can only trust him to play 2 minutes, well...

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