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Everything posted by bunnyman

  1. While performance in contact sports decreases significantly after age 30, there's no reason one can't play at a competitive level long into their thirties or even forties. The main issue is keeping it going. Slack off in your later years, it's MUCH tougher to get back. I am a good case argument for that!!!!
  2. @TretiakCCCP20 Age 35 is actually a peak age in endurance sports, fyi.
  3. @TretiakCCCP20 You can always get a custom cage maker to make one if this one needs replacement. I'm certain it is not cheap, however.
  4. Dunno- it's the Sharks, and they are always a trouble causer for us in the land of Sky BLUE Waters (queue the Hamm's beer theme). We're good, but this is a test for tonight. Go BLUES!!!
  5. @Polaris922 League just seems to be too much of a commitment for me both time wise and monetarily right now. I'd love to, just isn't in the cards right now. none the less, I will have fun with playing at stick and puck twice per month.
  6. @TretiakCCCP20 Forgot the mention- read last post!!!
  7. hm30 are not new gear!!!! Interesting stuff. eBay?
  8. @AlaskaFlyerFan East Alton opened in '95, and Fairview Heights US Ice and Sports opened some time around there.
  9. And now for the second day update: one would think a bank Holiday (Columbus Day in America) would get some bodies in the rink; think again!!! Two showed up. But we ran drills, not a terrible thing!!! He just wore sweats, gloves, and helmet; I was fully kitted out. I need to get used to the mobility limits of a full set of pads, anyway. And I still fall over a few times per session, so I definitely need pants on!!! I don't know when the next time I get out in full gear, but I can't wait!!!
  10. @AlaskaFlyerFan Wood River. East Alton has a rink open year round. i lived in Belleville from 97-09.
  11. @goalnut3133 The Blues can always use more fans... come to the Blue Side!!!!
  12. My skating is improving pretty well. I was sore from pick up hockey on Friday, but am working through the soreness. It's not a joint or anything like that. I forget how anaerobic this sport is!!!!
  13. @TretiakCCCP20 - When I was playing Junior hockey, I would have not had a problem losing a tooth. Now that I am old and ancient, I like the fact my teeth have held together thus far! My Blue gloves match my Atlanta Thrashers (non-crested) and any other blue sweater I'd get. The red match my Dallas Stars third sweater and the Thrashers sweater (go with the red on each sweater). I would rock gold or silver gloves if I could find them, but since I have two pro-level gloves for half the price of a pair of custom Warriors, all-silver or gold gloves is out of the question for now. Now is someone made a gold or silver helmet, I have one today!!!!
  14. I couldn't get myself to get an Oakley visor... Probably the best optics and fog resistance in the game (I was a sponsored athlete in the sport of duathlon by oakley back in the late '90s), but I am a heat/fog making machine!!!! My helmet was so full of sweat that it looked like I washed my helmet during the game!!!!! I already have my alternate pair of gloves. Shame I don't have a glove drier on the bench like Ray Bourque back in the day (I did, too back in the day; just one of my many silly inventions). I guess I will dry gloves after each game... My gloves are TPS Response R10 in Red/Gold and Navy/Gold. The Gold is GOLD!!!
  15. Just surprised 'cos those usually had a conventional cage. Cool gear once again, mate!!!
  16. Maybe the wifey will watch and shoot pix on Monday.
  17. Trix can't wait for the game against the Rangers!!!!
  18. So Jordan- is that an old Jofa or an old Cooper helmet?
  19. btw- no "spin-o-rama" moves on my first day back. Not falling too many times was enough of a challenge.
  20. 'twas just an afternoon of "shinny", but it was fun. I only fell on me arse three or four times. I tried hard not to make contact, and did decently. One wannabe NHL-er, but he was actually a gentleman. Three on three, no goalie was the game of the day. My shot was crap. I did force people to shoot over me. I did score three goals. Sometimes I would give the puck right back to the wrong people. I couldn't take a pass well. I always tended to take the guy with the most skill, which was silly on my part, but he also was a gentleman. He just had to work harder. Again- I have only been back on the ice skating for two weeks, going an average of three times a week. The sweat: damn!!!! I forgot how sweaty I get. I use a padded compression pant/jock that while it contributed to the sweatbox aspect, I felt nothing when I fell on me arse. I chickened out and ran a full cage on my helmet. Not many shots got near the noggin, but I was NOT going to take a chance. Can't wait 'til the next time I can play shinny.
  21. @jammer2 not offended. @goalnut3133 I appreciate that you have my back.
  22. @jammer2 Think about most male rabbits- we love to f***!!!! Is that manly enough?!? Just axin'...
  23. @hf101 What about the execution option? lol
  24. I don't hate the shoot out. I don't want to EVER see it in the play off; however, I dig it kinda. I also understand the tradition of no shoot out. I dunno- make it where the team captain is executed by guillotine after their team loses after a tie. I dunno!?!?
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