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Posts posted by wcflyer

  1. This was clearly Bryz's fault. All kidding aside, it looked dirty at first being caught up in the moment, but after further review it was a clean hit. It was a matter of time before someone caught Voracek with his head down, too bad, hopefully he won't be out too long.

  2. I know Bryz is a poor starting golatender, first 2 shots were goals, that was a joke. I was ready to jump on the Bryz is the goat train, but there is always a fall guy on the Flyers going back to the late 80's. We've never had a stud goalie since Lindbergh. Hextall had a couple of good years, but even he would let in shots from center ice and give up softies. The thing about this game was character that everyone showed, even Bryz. He faced his demons in a way, going to the s/o may have been a good thing for him. I'd love to see Schnieder or Nabavov in here as a back up, but it isn't going to happen. We could be at a turning point with Bryz. I can't moan and groan about a win, it's not how you start, but how you finish. We are stuck with Bryz, tough learning year for him and I hope things get better next season. I'm not writing off this season, because no knows who is going to hit their stride going into the p/o's.

  3. "To be fair, this Calgary or HNIC crew was one of the best i have watched recently. Only slight homer activy was with 5-3 penalty. But they have called fair game both side."

    I wish all Flyer games were on CBC or Sportsnet or TSN, they are a lot more bias than the homer team announcers in the USA, while except for Denis Potvin in Ottawa.

  4. I think the Flyers play better while losing, that's the only way they constantly move their feet. Even when they were ahead, when was the last time they blew someone out? Everyone wants a perfect win, the league isn't built like that anymore. Just about every Flyers loss or win has been by one or two goals.

  5. "You're looking at the game and calling it like you see it. I agree with you - about the game. I was trying to speak to the bigger picture that's all."


    Ok you are talking about the season, fair enough, but I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. That's two decent games in a row for Bryz. Nothing worked last night, special teams, f/o's loss, no traffic to the net, blind passes, too many indvidual efforts, no one moving their feet all the time, I can't blame Bryz for that. Looks like Bryz is going to get the majority of starts down the stretch and he is looking more confident. I am starting to be concerned about Briere, JVR and Read, whom have all hit a wall. My guess would be that Homer goes for a veteran forward next.

  6. I can't see it like that Canoli, Bryz played a good game tonight, maybe it was his fault he didn't score a hat trick too. The offence wasn't there tonight, some lackluster play, is it that hard to put in a 60 minute effort? You can't take one period off in this league, no matter who you are playing. For some odd reason, the Oilers have the Flyers number, read somewhere that Gagne was the last Flyer to score in Edmonton back in 07.

  7. "Betcha Johnson feels just like Carter did last year... stuck in Columbus with a 6 year contract now."

    No, unlike Carter, he was very professional about it. Johnson is actually excited to be going to Columbus, being a Mid West guy and all. He said if LA didn't want him, screw them basically. He did an interview with Sportsnet after the trade happened.

  8. Offensive pressure is awesome, a couple of ugly t/o's in the defensive zone. I really question Lavy? How does he prepare these guys for a game? There was some lackluster play out there for a bit in the first period, even Bryz looked a little groggy, jk. But Bryz showed some battle tonight, still lacks focus at times, but he looked sharp on that glove save tonight, looked confident making the save, haven't seen that confidence for awhile. I hope they let Carle walk or trade him by the deadline, not worth the raise he will be seeking.

  9. FC: There is a lot of uncertainty's this year with goaltending, Ed and Homer can't be feeling to comfortable right now. Usually when Homer starts denying reports, something always happens. Then there is the Pronger issue, Kimmo is probably gone after next season, Carle is probably gone after this season, plus no one knows who is our number 1 goalie. You have to think Homer's going to make a splash by the deadline.

  10. Some days I wish to Doom, but I can't see them letting the $51 million dollar man ride the pine in the p/o's. I say they try to get him going, if all else fails there is always Bob. Bryz is Snider's baby though, he will want to see what he is made of come p/o time. To try and trade Bryz may be a lil far fetched with the term of his contract, but if they were to sweeten the deal with a prospect or 2, slim chance something gets done.

  11. Decent effort tonight by the Flyers, I guess every game can't be like playing the Bruins. Ot here, but MAF has started 22 games in a row for the Pengy's and in tonights game against the Blues he made a couple of huge saves in ot to get them the extra point in a s/o. He has played in 42 games so far this year, burn out by the end of the year maybe? 34 games to go, I would say to give Bryz the majority of starts, give Bob's say 10 or 11 more starts. They have to get Bryz in a groove starting after the all star break. Start him 8 or 9 games in a row, no matter who the opponent is. Like it or not, he is the guy Lavy will be counting on to carry us into the p/o's.

  12. Lundquist is the real deal and that's our problem, we don't have the real deal right now. I thought Bryz was the real deal and felt some hope for our goaltending, not. Bobs is young and inconsistent, although he is better goalie lately. I think if we are going to stay with these two goalies, we are going to need another 4/5 d man and sit Lilja and top 2 or 3 line forward to get some scoring, our forwards are hurting. Jags today, JVR, Simmonds and Briere playing hurt, it's crazy. I hope Homer spends Pronger's money soon and doesn't wait until the trade deadline.

  13. @wcflyer

    Well the difference might be that (1) Thomas won them a cup (2) won the Conn Smythe to go with it (3) .943 compared to .896 (4) 1.82 compared to 2.92 (5) less cap hit and (6) signed to a "normal" length contract.

    But Bryz is a better interview so we always have that.

    FC, I'm not crazy about the length of Bryz's contract, a shorter term and less money would have been nice, but it is what it is. But it says right in Philly's dressing room, " It's not about the name on the back, it's about the crest on the front" Compared to last season, we are ahead of pace with Bryz/Bobvrosky tandem rather than a Boucher/ Leighton/Bobvrosky tandem, worse invidual numbers maybe, but I'm going to wait until we are healthy or close to before I start complaining about Bryz's play.

  14. wow, reading some of these posts you might think we haven't won in 10 games. I'm ecstatic being in the position we're at right now, I was ready to write this entire season off while the new kids got adjusted. But we're COMPETING here! We're right there with the top teams, surprisingly. We're more of a run and gun type team so far this season, and yeah we're going to have some defensive breakdowns.

    I know I don't get it, we lose to Boston with a depleted line up and everyone wants Bryz put on waivers. Yes he had a bad game, but he didn't have a lot of help either, it happens. Heck Boston lost to Ottawa last week and I didn't see Thomas on waivers after that game.

  15. My concern is that as soon as he goes up against a legitimate contender, this is what happens. Actually, My concern is for the entire team. Let's look at just the last five games.....Bryz's wins came against Washington, Tampa Bay, Pittsburgh, and Buffalo. Washington and Tampa Bay have been weak lately. Buffalo ain't all the hot now either. Decent win against Pittsburgh but even they are sitting at 3rd in the Atlantic now. And the one loss was against a really good Boston team. And he's given up 15 goals in those five games. I'm not saying put him on waivers, necessarily, but he's not inspiring confidence. Even in his 9-1-1 span. The 9 wins are great, I'll take a win even if we give up 10 goals to get it, but there's a fragility there, just under the surface, that his recent record is hiding and when it comes to playing the really good teams, when it counts, it's going to get exposed. Just like it did against Boston. His losses to Montreal and Winnipeg didn't help much either. And I understand the whole shooting match doesn't rest on just his shoulders alone. It is a team effort, but he's the guy making the big bucks. He's our last line of defense.

    The only goalie not being exposed to anyone right now is Tim Thomas, other than that every goalie has their weakness. We have won 7 in a row against teams we should have beat w/o our best dman, not many teams can do that. We lost to Boston w/o Giroux and Pronger, it would definately be a different story if they were in there. We have been exposed, which is a good thing because I don't think Homer will go with 2 rookie dman and a 4th line of rookies for a p/o run. I think Ed Snider is getting a little antsy for a cup. We are a little head of pace at this time last year with better goaltending. Nothing against the rookies who are doing a great job so far, but I worry more about them in the long run than I do Bryz.

  16. Hi WCF- I agree with the philosophy of the first part in playing the kids, but not the second. There are a couple of reasons:

    1) Nobody is saying Prongers career is done. To make a move for a top 4 will cost assets.

    2) Either Suter or Weber are going to cost 7.5+ million. I just don't see that kind of cash being moved around- especially given the chemistry of this team.

    This team is the best team overall that the Flyers have iced in awhile. IMHO, let Carle / Mesz / Coburn / Kimmo be the guys. Ice time to Bourdon / Guz will be a bonus in experience and payoff more down the line. Everyone forgets how good Gus was. 18 minutes a night and a +5.

    Hi Van, Homer has some decisions to make by the trade deadline. Experience would be good for the youngin's, but looking at the score against Boston now, it's obvious that they are not ready for bigtime hockey against the big bad Bruins. Another top 4 guy would be nice, move Mezaros to 3d pairing, doesn't have to be Weber or Suter. Marshall looks like he lost on some shifts.

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