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Posts posted by Jam1986

  1.  aziz very good! Like to see NHL system played in AHL when someone comes up they know what to do. Hartnell ha has to. Third and fourth line need upgrading. Well the d needs a couple guys but like to see Ollie and Alt up maybe Ghost. I also think Ghost and Laughton should go to AHL for some seasoning . Also trade the 17th for 2 first rounders or a first and second in next years draft

  2. no one is untouchable! Size,speed and kill needed. The third and fourth lines as well as third to six d/men are as important as one and two's. Trade partner should be sharks,oilers,coyotes and jets.

  3. Not knocking them to much with the way they been playing lately. I know you can't  win them all but their playing for the playoff lives! Every came especially next 3 BIG GAMES! Would be happy for 6 points  but would settle for 4 to 5. Giroux as to learn to come back to help no more gliding. Other wise Let's Go flyers!

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