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Everything posted by blocker

  1. Those stories are nightmares. They are hard to credit, because of the cruelty.
  2. Hunter seemed very laid-back every time he was interviewed during the post-season. I bet he'd already decided to return to London. I also think you hit the nail on the head with the observation that it's more rewarding to work with eager young kids than with multi-millionaire showboats.
  3. Yesterday, I watched a U10 girls game in Waterbury, Vt. It was a tune-up for a tournament in Quebec City next week. The best player on the ice was a kid from Philadelphia. I don't know her last name, but her first name is Kate. I wondered if she belonged to anyone here.
  4. Yeah...He might hurt over the long run. But, he provided a much needed spark last night.
  5. Yesterday, I went to a training session for select girls. There was dry land after the on-ice. A few blisters developed because of new skates. I have band-aids and plastic spray in my truck. So, I had a bunch of these nice girls sitting on the tail-gate. Kids who are really good at something have a maturity and confidence about them. Doesn't matter if it's hockey, music, school or whatever. I'd never met most of these girls and they didn't know me. But, they asked my help without shyness or stammering, in a respectful, friendly way.
  6. That's exactly what I thought. The goalie's job is to keep you in the game. Bryz did just that in the first period. Brodeur is (I think), a better playoff goalie than Bryz. But, the Flyers as a whole, are a better team than the Devils. Flyers don't need a stand on his head goalie to win. Brodeur might steal a game or two, but Flyers will win this series.
  7. Me too. I guess even dirty bas##rds can have a good side.
  8. He's the Greg Louganis of hockey. In more ways than one.
  9. blocker

    IIHF Womens Worlds

    The US and Canada games were sold out early. And , probably the most popular player was Hayley Wickenheiser. The Swiss did well. But, after the US and Canada, talent is pretty spotty.
  10. blocker

    IIHF Womens Worlds

    I said above that I liked pool stacking. But, there's an insect in the ointment. Because all the teams in pool A are assured of advancement, the weaker teams in that group are not using their best goaltenders in the early games. They want to have a rested goalie when the games are critical. It's understandable, but it deprives the fans of a chance to see the best efforts of a team every game.
  11. If players can't perform for a Sutter, it's time to replace the players.
  12. blocker

    IIHF Womens Worlds

    Canada beat Russia by 14 to 1 today. But, the shocker is that Switzerland defeated Sweden, 3-2.
  13. Depressing to think of all the a##holes in the world.
  14. US and Canada, so far are looking the best. The US won the opener against Canada by a wide margin. But they will probably meet again and it should be a lot tighter. Instead of putting strong teams in both pools, the organizers stacked them. 1 to 4 seeds are in A, and 5-8 are in B. All teams in A make it to the next round and the bottom two in B don't. It's a pretty good idea. More close games and less chance of blowouts. Also, the teams that should make it to the semis, probably will. There has been some superb goaltending.
  15. Isn't HNIC a cash cow for CBC? And, I'm pretty sure that the most watched part of HNIC is Coaches Corner.
  16. Islanders treatment of LaFontaine is especially classless. He was essentially an unpaid volunteer worker who quit because of principle. Another tacky move by rich lowlifes.
  17. Can anybody think of another sports star who's as universally disliked as much as Crosby? No matter how much you admire his talent, the whining is annoying.
  18. Flyers are relatively rich in young talent. Other teams need what Philadelphia already owns. If I was Homer, I'd sit back and see what someone else offers. I wouldn't be quick to dump JVR. He's still a work in progress. But, I think he's getting to the point in which his value is diminishing.
  19. I saw a couple of the Monarch games in which he played. I don't remember him. But, it looks as if he's jumped his game up a few notches since then.
  20. That makes sense. Quebec is a pretty good fit for him.
  21. What role do you think Roy might have with Montreal next season? From Molson's perspective, it would seem a smart move to have Patrick Roy involved with the team. He'd appeal to most of the French. He can be a loose cannon, but I can see him being hired. Either as a coach or in the front office.
  22. Yup.........I think that exposure is critical to the growth of hockey. A few years ago, despite all the Canadian visitors, Florida had very few youth hockey teams. Now, almost every tournament has a team from Florida. I think that is due to the Lightning and the Panthers.
  23. I hope Quebec City gets another shot at the NHL. It's a beautiful town, suited for winter sports. But, if a Canadian city gets the next opportunity, I think it should be Hamilton. Quebec had their chance, and the fans were indifferent.
  24. blocker


    Jr. Monarchs aren't pushovers. Your boys old team must be pretty good. I watched my pal's game on fasthockey.com. I always feel like I should take dramamine watching that site with all the herky-jerky movement. His team won 11-3. I think the next game will be a lot tougher. Anyway, it's fun.
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