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Everything posted by mojo1917

  1. that was a disgraceful effort. what the bloody hell ? where is our 1st line ? they are being out played, by a lot, by guys that aren't close to their skill level. not going to panic, games like that happen, but our boys need to realize NJ will make you beat them, they're not going to quit. when our guys get back to supporting each other on the breakout and not jailbreaking up the ice on 50/50 pucks we should be fine. shame to have wasted that effort from bryzgalov.
  2. agreed. he played well enough that if his teammates win 1 individual battle and 2 puck races they still could have won. and that's saying something. NJ has good players and a championship goalkeeper i didn't think they'd roll over; but i also didn't think our guys would stop playing either, i'm going to chalk that up to one of those nights, pucks skipped our sticks and got caught in their sweaters, it was due to effort, but sometimes when you're not getting any breaks it's hard to keep moving your feet.
  3. i'm hoping for stader and engblom... although last night i thought eddie olczyck did a nice job from rink side during the rangers game. i'll tell ya i'm a little tired of emerick yelling at me, ohhhh and a shot... doc could stand to step back a little in my opinion. mcguirre might not be in the mix soon , he interviewed for the habs gm opening....
  4. yes that was el boneheado grande ! ftr i haven't been in the the string the goalie from rafters and burn him in effigy camp. i was dismayed by that goal though as i thought it was a potential momentum killer at the time.
  5. if he stops the sykora shot, people wouldn't be complaining, yet that atrocity forced a game into OT where anything can happen, Bryz needs to make that save, period, bad breakdown and all that shot was weak and his reaction could have been timed with a sun dial. i'd like to agree with you greenman, but the guy's play so far has not made me feel confident what so ever.
  6. @mdeaglesfan "G is going to go all G on them".... that's frickin' awesome.
  7. only half facetious, I thought the crucible of playing in tournaments like the memorial cup and the longer schedule made the transition to the NHL easier from a major junior hockey league compared to the 25-38 game season of ncaa hockey with a single elimination tournament. plus there's a whole life style thing that prepares junior players for the NHL life better.
  8. Cooter and Schenn haven't been as ... what's the word, as audacious since Neal and Asham had their way with them, however i thought I saw 14 looking for his offensive game a little more the other night, he might be due for a couple o' points. I don't think they are injured, but i do think they're both playing a little more heads up since both the shots they took were completely out of the blue and not from plays where you're expecting to get hit, even though schenn probably thought he'd have to answer for his big hit, i'll bet he wasn't thinking it would take place one second after.... I think both those guys will get back to that level, they just need some minutes vs a team that isn't as hell bent on trying to hurt them.
  9. this. but the voras briere and JvR line looks extra special good too.
  10. @Spinorama @podien25 @orangecrush i'm not at practice, so this is complete speculation... but perhaps JvR has been working hard there , flying around, he is a very fast skater, maybe Schenn's a little nicked up , he hasn't really been the same player since the asham hit....maybe to the coaches it isn't even a question of who should be getting the minutes based on last weeks practices. that said i thought JvR was pretty effective with some room to improve, he's plus 3 with a goal and made a great rush just prior to the gwg, what i noticed about him is he went into the "men only " areas of the ice, took a beating but stayed in the the fight, i think that is a good sign.
  11. timonen ? would they really do the captain thing now ? after a week where there was literally nothing else going on ? free agent signing from the NCAA ? i don't know, there's a lot of things it could be. Pronger to retire might be a good one but why now ?
  12. the 19 year old played junior...
  13. @flyercanuck have our expectations become so low for bryz to the point where if he plays like a bottom tier goalie we're happy ? regardless, all he needs to do is let in one less than the guy at the other end of the rink and if as we play into the tournament that means incremental gains then so be it. that sykora goal was atrocious. and i agree about Voras, what a pleasant surprise he's been, i reckon he just need a change of scenery and some guys with his skill level to play with...he's like a jagr lite , but with better backchecking
  14. eric wellwood, max talbot and sean couturier is that our second line ? because , damn were they effective. oh wait, that's our fouth line, right... and that's why this team is going to be a tough out for anyone.
  15. there is no answer on the devils for JvR. if that kid can stay healthy, I will really start to like our chances, he looked fast and comfortable today... dare i say dangerous. everything i've read about him said he was looking to be a leader this year, well his body didn't help him much there, i suspect shortly there will be no more questions about his motor or desire. now bryzgalov, has to be a little better than he was on that goal by sykora, he was pretty good in the first period though , kept the flyers in the game when the devils were buzzing, so aziz says they were easy saves... he had to make a poop pile of them, lots of them were very quick shots that he needed to be in a good position for, i think this team can score 4 goals on anyone the way they're going, if he only lets in three i'm good with that. any win in the tournament is a good win.
  16. based on the performances in the playoffs the dominant performance vs the pens in game 6 and that the devils struggled mightily with a thin panthers team it is no wonder no one is picking NJ. getting zayjac back is going to help NJ's offense no question. but there will be match ups where our guys will have a big advantage, it is the luxury of having 4 very good lines with offensive punch. just like the series vs the pens i think our team has more good players and will find a match up to exploit.
  17. well you can knock me over with a feather because the capitals are in the 2nd round, i thought they were too dysfunctional and holtby would be too much of a question in goal. that said i think the Rangers play this new found capitals style better than the caps and will win the series. the devils still have some flyer killers on the roster but they aren't as deep as the teams that cause the flyers nightmares in the late 90's early 00's i think if the flyers move their feet they will win but it will take 6 games. i think there will be a total of 14 goals scored in the blues kings series, the kings are hard to bet against because in spite of their year there is some offensive talent on that team, they've played tight games all year, and truthfully aside from htichcock, oshie shatenkirk i don't know al whole lot about the blues except that hitchcock likes defense. so i think mike richards screws hitchock again kings in 7 i think the coyotes are doing it with mirrors and the preds are too balanced, they have 2 good scoring lines a good defense corps and great goalie , phoenix wins a couple of games but are never in this series, preds in 6
  18. people have their reasons for not liking music, bands et al. ... any type of art really, and that is their own personal preference. if you feel that nickelback is soulless garbage then that's fine. To sit in judgement of someone else because they like a band, went to a show because they had an opportunity...is petty and self aggrandizing in my opinion. sadly other than saying that nickelback writes decent hooks in 4/4 and says what they want in 3:30 is as far as my preferences will let me praise them, So i am not a huge fan, but if someone says to me " you should hear this song it's awesome", i'll listen with an open mind.even if it is from a band i don't care for, i missed out on too much of the good stuff from my own knee jerk reaction to accessibility and popularity. i didn't like that people were calling into the radio station to rag on some guys for having a good time at a concert that they were probably comped for, and that was the true origin of my rant. Using Tool in the example was probably not the wisest either.
  19. i'll tell you. Tool wasn't playing the WF center on 4/24 but Nickelback was. If some one says to me "hey do you want to go see Nickelback ? they like what you do and would probably like to hang out tickets are on the house"... i'd do it. life is short, but if you act like an ass it can feel really long. And for all the music snobs here i have this to say, Lighten the f up... I spent about 12 years listening to & following mid atlantic regional acts, I spent 12 years "hating the machine man" if the song was popular, it had to suck, just had to, then i met a new friend who was a better musician than me in just about every way, we hit it off; liked a lot of the same kind of music, traded our local cds back and forth, i learned a lot from him about ensemble and the fool proof way to write & jam in 3/4... but this guy liked miley f'in cyrus, because, "well when she turns 18 she's going to be hot and that song with the butterflies is a pretty good pop song". He then went on to a say just because something is accessible to everyone doesn't mean it isn't "quality". and then asked me what i thought of quincy jones, and I said well he's a bad ass, and then he listed 8 pop songs that the Q produced or wrote that definitely didn't suck. like i said, sometimes a groove to nod your head to is good enough.
  20. Orange Jesus works for me no one needs to ask who i'm talking about....
  21. with out Lunqvist, that team is middle of the pack NJ Devils ... he is the reason they're the chalk. the rest of those guys are nice players but he is why they win. can't argue with Malkin or Stamkos either Malkin was a beast this year, and Stamkos scored 60 on an awful tampa team, he had good line mates but that kid has the touch. i agree with all those who say it would be nice for Orange Jesus to win the conn smythe and the other trophy just to spite the league.
  22. NJ still has some flyer killers on that roster, broduer , elias, parise... a team doesn't win a round in the stanely cup tournament because they suck. the devils have some size and one very good and one decent line. if our guys move their feet they should win, I'm ready for Bryzgalolv to be the man he fancies himself and out play the legend.
  23. @doom88 i agree tool is the fing bomb, but maynard acts well... he's not very kind.
  24. @canoli i want to see JvR get a little hockey smarter too, right now he's got the couple of moves and if a defender guesses which one, the defender gets a draw at least. having him on this team with these other guys who work hard and play smart will only help that.
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