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Posts posted by OH1FlyersFan

  1. He did okay tonight. One soft goal - the one that squeezed through between his arm and body, but considering the three breakaways he had to stop plus all of the other great saves he made, we should cut him some slack. He looked sharp. The score could easily have been 7 or 8 - 0, probably higher if Bryz had been in the net. The defense on the other hand, was pretty much non-existent against a team tied for last place in the Eastern Conference. So was the offense, for that matter. Way too many turnovers. Bob gave us a chance, the rest of the team left him hanging this time.

    We've got a rough weekend coming up. New Jersey, Boston, Florida. This is going to be brutal. And then way too much time off between Florida and Winnipeg. We won't be up for that game and the Jets have had our number this season. I'd be happy if we stole two out of the next four games.

  2. Going out and getting another goalie would make absolutely no sense to me. Who are they going to get, Ryan Miller? Getting a goalie that's clearly better than what they have (what Bob is or what Bryz is supposed to be) would cost some serious assets, why give that up for a short term solution when you may already have the long-term solution (be it Bob or Bryz)? And why would you make a desperate move for another goalie with such a young team? The only move I can see the Flyers making would be for a defenseman. Anything else would reek of impatience, even by the Flyers standards.

    I don't have to post anything now, because you summed up perfectly exactly what I was thinking. I'll just go with - what he said!

  3. It was a rhetorical question based on the fact that the same team is on ice in front of either goalie, yet one goalie is total junk. The same guys are 'hanging out the goalie' either way, but one guy at least sometimes rises to the occasion.

    I agree and have zero confidence that Bryz is going to be the one to rise to the occasion. The more I watch, the more he just looks lost. Doesn't seem to know where the puck is going to be or going to go or has gone. His positioning is way off. He's always looking around, behind him, left to right, he seems totally unfocused. Bob looks lasered in and gives the impression of confidence and control.

  4. This is a quote from my wife, who is only a very casual follower of the game and humors my obsession with the Flyers. Just finished watching the game from last night on DVR. It was her observation of Bryz's game compared to what she's seen from Bob. I know it's totally uniformed -- heck, she only knows the guys by the "expensive goalie" and the "cheaper goalie" -- and she's definitely not an "expert" on the game, but I thought her innocent impression was fascinating. I have a hard time disagreeing with her.

  5. Center Ice did broadcast the game last night, I watched it.

    Even if they blackout your local channel you should still get the away feed on Center Ice. If you didn't I would call your cable provider.

    That's how it works here in Ohio too. I got the game on Center Ice last night, though it was just one feed - I got JJ and company. Most of the time they have both the home and away.

    Edit - it's also the case that the Columbus Blue Jacket games are blacked out on Center Ice. I normally just watch them on Fox Sports Ohio. Though I do seem to recall seeing the Jackets on Center Ice - it may have been the away feed.

  6. I came across this in Yahoo Sports today. Thought it was pretty telling.

    "G Sergei Bobrovsky's penalty shot save was the first of his career. He had been 0-for-3 on penalty shots. Bobrovsky has been in the net for the last four Flyers penalty shots against. It was the first saved penalty shot by any Flyers goaltender since Martin Biron stopped Tampa Bay's Ryan Malone on Dec. 2, 2008—opponents had scored on five consecutive penalty shots since then. Before that five-shot streak for shooters, Flyers goaltenders had stopped 14 of 15 penalty shots from 1998 to 2008."

    Here's the link to the full story: http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/teams/phi/report#notes_quotes

    Ah, the good old days. But all credit to Bob last night. He was amazing.

  7. For some reason the Flyers don't go into a defensive mode when they are in the lead. They keep pressing on offense and it's killing them. How many odd man rushes in the third? It was terrible to watch.

    I actually don't have a problem with that, with being agressive and not going into defensive mode, as long as they can score, or keep scoring. But you're right -- to keep pressing on offense, but not score any goals of our own, and then to give up goals against because we haven't clamped down defensively -- that is killing us. Play agressive but score some freaking goals! You'd think 4 would be enough though. They need to be in the 5-7 goal range to win apparently. Ha.

  8. @brelic

    It's 2 out of the last 4 games we lost. And we blew 2 goal leads in those lasr 4 games but on the positive side, isn't more fun and exciting to watch? keeps you on the edge of your seats doesn't it? lol

    Definitely exciting. Love watching that 4th line. Our rookies are amazing. But my heart can barely take it and the disappointment at the end is overwhelming!

  9. I've mentioned this several times too. I don't know what it is. I'd like to pin it on Bryz, but the defense leaves him high and dry sometimes. Not all the time. The offense is capable of scoring, but also struggles. You'd think 4 goals would be enough to win you a game. I'm not really comfortable with any Flyers lead unless they have 5 or 6 goals on the board.....and even then I still get butterflies. It is ridiculous. The 3rd period was an epic collapse.

    The other thing I see is that whatever team we're playing, its goaltender just always seems to stand on his head making amazing saves. It seems like no matter who the opponent is, the goaltending is ridiculously awesome. The opponents goaltending seems to rise to the occassion and we struggle.

  10. I'm pretty sure the players cannot say no to the AS, if selected. They must play or attend if injured. They get suspended if they don't. There were a few players several years ago who didn't play because of injuries (Lidstrom, Datsyuk, Crosby). Datsyuk and Lidstrom did not attend the gameand chose to stay in Detroit to rehab their minor injuries. They were suspended 1 game each. Crosby did not play but he attended the game and did not get suspended.

    Talk about BS! Sounds like indentured servitude! The League really does own these guys. Huh.

  11. Really? Sorry but this wasn't on Bryz. First was a nice tip. Second goal Timmo took Bryz out right before the shot. Third goal tipped off Coby's stick. Fourth goal? Kane left alone in the slot scores that goal 9 out 10 times. I agree that he has to get better but tonight was on the D around him.


    I'll split the difference. I acknowledged the defense had it's lapses, so totally agree with you there. That said, Bryz had a perfect line of site and time on that 4th goal. It was a great shot, but he had time to get himself in a position to make the save. He needs to make those saves. I just can't put all of those 4 goals on the D around him tonight.

  12. Agreed. Sit Shelly and move Harry Z back to the AHL. Z will get more ice time there anyway.

    Z looked really good tonight too. Nice problem to have -- trying to decide which young, well-playing forward to sit or send down. All these guys are only going to get better. We're going to have a decent team in a couple of seasons. Hopefully next season. Need some work on "d".

  13. That's true. I've just never heard of the League firing a coach. I can understand the fine (because there are rules, etc.) as much as I may not like it, but I didn't think they could interfere like that with the hiring and firing of staff or had that much control over the indivdual hockey operation. I wonder if Torts could claim "whistle-blower" status and seek protection for disclosing this "conspiracy" were he to be fired. Ha.

  14. Tortorella has the right to free speech. The NHL has the right to fine him. There's nothing "anti-American" about this in the slightest. There is no constitutional guarantee that you can say whatever the hell you damn well please about your employer and they have no recourse whatsoever. The New York Rangers are sanctioned to play in the NHL by the NHL and they are subject to the discipline of the NHL.

    If he doesn't want to be fined for exercising his free speech, leave the NHL and flap your yap on ESPN, CBC or whatever they're calling VERSUS these days.

    To publicly and loudly proclaim that there is a CONSPIRACY between the league and the officials to DETERMINE THE OUTCOME OF A GAME is to call into question the foundation of the sport itself. Either this is the WWE or it's the NHL. It's not the WWE. The outcome of contests are not predetermined or determined anywhere but on the ice.

    Tortorella himself says what he said was wrong, inexcusable, reflects badly on the sport and that he deserved what he got.

    For once, I agree with him.

    That rant was about as good as mine! Well done. I still think his comments were refreshing. I agree he went a little over the top - and I think he admitted that he did too, that what he said was tongue in cheek. Besides, everyone knows the only conspiracy in the League involving officials is the one being perpetrated against the Flyers. So Torts was way off on that one. It's just too bad you have to be on Versus to call a spade a spade. The officiating was bad. Luckily, I as a fan, can actually voice that opinion.....for now. Who knows, maybe Bettman and Campbell will find a way to fine me too. Ha.

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