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Everything posted by Bertmega

  1. Dejardins Pronger Hatcher McGillis Weinrich
  2. Yandle? Why does this name keep getting tossed around? He will not be traded to Philly for a bag of peanuts. Yandle is a top flight Defenseman that will require probably a 1st, B. Schenn and a defensive prospect (and that is pure speculation). That is not cheap. Phoenix has no, repeat, NO INTENTIONS of trading their #1 defenseman just for $hits and giggles. If they did it would be like a trade that the Flyers instantly regretted. It is almost like going to the 'Yotes message board to read that they will trade for Giroux for a lower tier prospect and a pick. Oh and Yandle makes 5.25mm per year. I think it is time for the Flyers brass and scouting department to start drafting and developing prospects on the D front. Strap in boys and girls this is going to be a long ride.....
  3. @Digityman Wait Bryz can't stick handle or think the game through in real time? Says who? Oh never mind, this about solidifies your point
  4. @caluso You must have missed that game last night. Let me give you a refresher: I guess if it were up to you he'd play every game (Bryzgalov)? Besides, logic says the Flyers may actually want to have a top 5 pick in this years draft.
  5. "Guys even if we get the #1 pick, we still need a top quality defenseman. We cant expect an 18 year old to step right in and be a big factor and play big minutes. No matter what happens we absoultely need a puck rushing ,young skilled defenseman on top of the defenseman we get in the draft. The Flyers have inuries to their defense EVERY year, we cant rely on Timmo to be the anchor of our defense and to be the only defenseman who generates any offense. A top young forward will be sacrificed for a defenseman." This is very true Ron, but I agree with JS on this one. Draft a highly touted prospect and let him develop. In the mean time our D could be slightly re-tooled via the UFA market. This is going to take time to get it right, but it makes the most sense to develop rather than over-pay. We'll have Timmo, Schenn, Coburn, Grossman, and Gervais. Add a UFA and maybe make a minor trade for another puck mover and the team may be set.
  6. @activestick I agree with what others have said. Perhaps if the team wasn't decimated with injuries there could be a trade, but at this point I imagine that the starting price was Schenn, a 1st, + (high rated prospect; i.e. Cousins) For how this season panned out, it may be best to draft high and re-tool this summer. There will be a lot of decisions and work to do in the off-season regarding Briere, Bryzgalov, etc. For once I am truly excited that the Flyers did basically nothing at the trade deadline.
  7. @pilldoc Can I have some? My shoulder hurts , or is it back? Or neck? Nope it's the sciatica, that's it!
  8. Boston and Pitt are going to be fun to watch this post season.....
  9. @TedZep I hear you, but for me, 13 years left on that whopper is nuts. Especially considering that they Flyers already can't shed Pronger, probably compliance buy out Briere and are shaky with Bryzgalov. Anyhow, I 100% understand that the Flyers would welcome any contract, no matter how ridiculous, with open arms.
  10. Coots and a 1st is more than enough. That contract is way too dumb for any team to swallow. pass
  11. @brelic "Couturier and/or Laughton are rumoured to be parts of a deal." More like: I had the gif from the movie Scanners. I however deleted to gif because, well, it was a little too much... Anyhow, good Scanners Gif and it is the 1st thing that comes up.
  12. @radoran I wish I could add like x 10^6 power on this post: "Garioch is tweeting that the player would be Couturier. Which either means this is a Grand April Fools Conspiracy or it's just another Monday in the Flyers front office. Couturier for Clowe would be a disaster of Sharpesque proportions."
  13. I am actually getting pissed that they are winning. I was getting used to the notion of being able to see Seth Jones in a Flyers uniform. This is what I want to see from here out.
  14. @Bakanekimiwa "well... all the talk of Snider here lately... Let's imagine this... What happens when Ed expires... retires? Do we know who is in line to take over ownership? " Kuato Agree With This --
  15. @mojo1917 I hear you Mojo, I was just busting chops.
  16. @mojo1917 Lavy handed him an extension while he was hurt? I am confused here.... who's the GM again?
  17. @ruxpin Rux I like your thinking sir..... Normally my wisdom comes to me while on the commode or while feasting on some coconut brined halibut from Applebee's.
  18. @toughfighter83 I don't think the fan base is loving a bad product at all, but what shall we do? Hold a rally on Broad Street? Kidnap Bryzgalov's husky? Cry ourselves to sleep in our pillows? Seriously, this is the 2nd time in nearly two decades that the team was not in competition for the Atlantic, Eastern Conference or the Cup. On top of that, had the brass properly rebuilt after the disastrous 2006-07 season we may have won a cup. Instead they made panic moves that only solidify a teams chances for a few years. This was a messed up season with a lot of question marks surrounding it. Take a deep breath, step away from the ledge and look forward to the Flyers making progress to addressing their needs in the off season. Seriously, it could be worse, we could all be Leaf fans.
  19. @jammer2 I agree 100% with the above assessment. And you are right that with Snider still pulling the strings, there will never be a proper re-build. The shame in it is, that 2007 was the perfect opportunity to do just that; however, band-aids brought the Flyers Briere (most likely a buy out candidate), Pronger, Bryzgalov. A few lousy years and proper development should allow this team to get on the right track. Wishful thinking. I am fully anticipating a trade that involves a young center or two for something that will never get us over the hump.....
  20. @toughfighter83 It doesn't make sense, but much hasn't made sense in the Flyerland in the last few years. If any thing, it may send a message to players that their job isn't safe. Also, it could prevent another Upshal and a 2nd for Carcillo type move. I don't think the Flyers do anything at the deadline. Briere is hurt, Couturier isn't lighting up the league, Hartnell has value but is under valued this year. Untouchables should remain: Schenn (both) Giroux Voracek Simmonds If Holmgren is fired you know damn well Bobby Clarke some how some way will become the interm GM.
  21. @DaGreatGazoo That is a very good point DGG. I will go back to my default logic; I blame Lindros......
  22. @brelic That is the best contraption that I have ever seen...... They should fire the squirrels at Bryzgalov in practice....
  23. Does it look like this doughy bitch is hitting the weight room: Yeah, I am sure he is willing to lead by example. Waiting for the stepfords in 3...2...1
  24. @flyercanuck Yeah I hear that. 25-27 should be the target age.
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