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It's a Canadian Game

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Posts posted by It's a Canadian Game

  1. In regards to saying what if Giroux gets injured, I guess that is part of the risk of them going and actually Rick Nash last week got slammed into the boards in a game and they feared he might have hit his head hard and possibly may have gotten concussed. Luckily it turns out that he only hurt his shoulder, but to think what could have been had he actually received a severe concussion.

  2. Yea the contracts for playing overseas allow so that as soon as a new CBA is reached the players can return to their NHL clubs with no hesitation. However, if the new CBA decides to cut the wages of the contracts players have already signed and for European players getting the chance to play closer to home you might see many players decide to stay in Europe instead of coming back. Also, it must feel nicer playing under a league that seems to have all its politics in place.

    This is what Ilya Bryzgalov who is playing in Moscow of the KHL thinks many Russian players may end up doing. The NHL better think hard and quickly if they want to keep their big stars on North American soil.

  3. Since the lockout has started an influx of NHLers have flocked to Europe to play hockey in various leagues including the KHL and elitle leagues in Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, and more. For many die hard hockey fans this is the next best thing because at least then they will still have the opportunity to watch their favourite players this season. However, others are starting to get the feeling that once the lockout ends many players may decide to stay and play in Europe. So, what do you think?

    Follow my blog at: http://its-acanadiangame.blogspot.ca/ and on Twitter @acanadiangame to keep infomed on what is happening with the players while the lockout carries on.

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