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Posts posted by nossagog

  1. Even with a let down we win. ;)

    Best part? Worst outcome for the Flyers. We get the win. They get a much not-needed point.

    That's got to be painful, you know that they haven't turned in the season yet, and to have the Pens score late to tie and then beat them the last two games, ouch?

    Hope Dupers is okay, looked like he was flexing his jaw on the bench before they sent him to the dressing room. Probably had to with al the concussion protocols now.

  2. Glass is a very respectable 24th in the NHl in hits, so he does at least bring *something*....the minus 8 sticks out like a sore thumb, but when you have 0 pts in 32 games, you kinda expect a minus....ha ha.

    And to think that he'll also get SOME time with Crosby when they double shift him. They've had to come from behind in several games this year to tie games in the third.

  3. Go roux must be frustrated. I've never seen him complain as much as tonight. It's almost every time he's on the ice.

    I don't know if I'd call it complaining, he's the captain, he's the one that is supposed to nag the officials. That's how Crosby got the reputation for complaining, but that's what he's supposed to do.

    Great game so far, both teams playing a great hockey game. Hope the Pens can start to hit the net more, Kennedy, Jeffery and Neal all had glorious chances that they didn't even get the shots on goal.

  4. So I'm guessing that Brenden Morrow had this kind of conversation with Joe Nieuwendyk:

    "Hey Joe, coach said you wanted to see me, what's up?"

    "Well Brenden, we decided to make a change in the organization, and we'd like you to waive your NTC for so we can make our team better for the future"

    "But Joe, I've played every game in the NHL for the Stars, I know that we're struggling at the moment, and maybe won't even make the playoffs, but I'm a Dallas Star through and through"

    " I know Brenden, and we appreciate everything that you've done for the organization, and hope that you can find it in your heart to help us out one last time."

    "I don't know Joe, I put in the NTC for a reason, I really love it here".

    "I understand Brenden, but think of it this way, Pittsburgh is alot colder than Dallas, and I hear that players that move to Pittsburgh really love it there."

    "Sure Joe, but my family really likes it here and . . . Wait, did you say Pittsburgh?"

    "Yeah Brenden, I talked to Ray Shero, and he thinks Dan Bylsma will slot you in with either Crosby or Malkin to start out."


    "Ah, Brenden, is everything okay?"

    "Oh Oh, sorry Joe, yeah everythings great, I was day dreaming. Hey yeah yeah, NTC waived, no problem, anything for the team. Hey could you do me a favor, I didn't bring alot of cash to practice today, could you spot me $50? I need it for a taxi to the airport. And could you tell my wife I'll call here later."

    In his mind, "Damn I wonder if I can make it by Game time??"

    "Good luck and all that stuff Joe, been great, talk to you later"

    • Like 2
  5. Time will tell on this one, prospect for aging veteran is always an iffy situation. I wonder if they talked to Morrow ahead of time, and also asked him whether he'd be amenable to taking a pay cut to resign for a few years too also, otherwise, I don't see a win here(unless he scores the winner in game 7 in the cupfinal). This could shore up the third/fourth line for the Pens, at not a great cost. But still, giving up a 20 yr old defenseman? Ugh.

    But Shero has a good record with trades. As we like to say, "In Ray we trust".

    • Like 1
  6. As posted in the other forum... There appears to be a deal in place for getting Brendan Morrow in trade for Joe Morrow. This is pending B.Morrow waiving his NTC to move.

    I don't like this move. If you're going to get a left winger and bump Bennett.... At least get a scoring winger. I know Morrow brings maturity and grit, but at this point I think we have that.

    Is there any better than just the normal rumor places with this, I did not see that something was in place.

    Anyway the Pens DO have a bit of cap space to work with this season. My guess would be that Dallas has no intention of resigning Morrow, so whatever they can get for him would be better than nothing. I don't think that this would be to move Bennet down. I don't really think he would play on the top lines. But what would you think if instead Morrow was slotted on the third line instead. Slot him on a line with Sutter and Cooke, push Kennedy either down to the fourth line or out the door. That could work out for us.

    Problem would be what would the Stars want. Morrow is 34, with diminishing skills. Stars are fighting for a spot at the moment, and could use somthing in return, and not just picks or prospects. Kennedy or Jeffery plus a pick may work out for us, but I don't think that's what the Stars are looking for.

    Playing the GM thing, unless this is a three team deal, with something coming to Dallas that will help them in the stretch run, don't think it happens.

  7. Couple of other interesting rumors concerning the Pens this weekend.

    Jaromir Jagr - Would be nice to see him end in the 'burgh, but would simply be a playoff rental. Top lines are IMHO NOT where we need help.

    Brenden Morrow - Would not be able to resign with his current cap hit. The would probably want Bennet or Despres. No thanks

    Jordan Leopold - Been there, done that. Not what I'm looking at for a "Shutdown" defensman. Pass.

    Stil looking . . . . . . . .

    • Like 1
  8. Interesting. This would seem to be a game where Bortuzzo would get the nod over Depres based on how they have been using them.

    Yeah, but that's probably why they have paired Engelland with Despres, adding Engelland's phisical nature. Bortozzo does not seem to be getting any traction with Bylsma, who has been known to play favorites alot(otherwise how could anyone EVER justify Tanner Glass in the lineup over Joe Vitale). I could see the Pens trying to shop Bortozzo(11 total games to Despres' 23), but to do that , you need to showcase him.

    But I'd use the reverse logic with Despres for tonight, I think if he's going to be the future top sixers, he NEEDS this kind of a game to get him ready for the playoffs. You know that its going to be physical, with hard forechecking, get him the experience of this kind of game.

  9. Game Day Skate lines this morning via the Pens online:










    Malkin skating with Smith as an extra and Letang skating with Bort makes it look like neither will be in the lineup tonight.

    Also looks like my Jedi mind tricks are still not working on Bylsma as I still see Tanner Glass' name on the fourth line.

  10. @jammer2

    I'm fine with 1.7 for Talbot. Considering some of the stupid contracts that have been handed out, this is peanuts and the guy usually comes out to play. I'd trade him for a 1st or a decent propect, but I'm not getting rid of him because of a bad contract, cause it isn't.

    1.7M cap hit is not bad, but probably top shelf, for a player like Max Talbot. His TOP potential is probably third liner, but he eats up alot of key minutes on the PK, is solid defesively on the third/fourth line, and is a great locker room player. The regressing actual payment down to $1M in real dollars is financially sound for the Flyers.

    Trading for a 1st or decent prospect is probably not in the cards, that would probably be too much.

  11. @B21

    A letdown? Against the Flyers? If there's a team in the entire world the Pens should get up for, it's the Flyers.

    I agree, I don't think that a letdown is coming, but for some reason, some of the Pens seem to put away their brains when they play the flyers. Both teams have players who play on the edge, and take liberties after the whistle. DON'T RETALIATE!!! If the Pens go into brainless mode, and turn this game into a special teams battle, they are going to lose since they will more than likely play without Letang and possible Malkin on the Power Play.

    Oh, and keep Tanner Glass off the ice.

  12. Where does this put Yzerman? The Bolts are uninspired and the goaltending is horrible, he caught lightning in a bottle with Roloson a few years ago, does the admission that Boucher is not working reflect on Stevie?

    Not sure. Problem was that the Lightning's success with Roloson in some degrees was due to Tampa playing that horid 1-3-1 trap that layered on top of Rolie's play. How boring was that to watch. They would not even send in players to forecheck, they just sat the playing a sweeper on defense.

    Gotta try to remember, who was the team that got penalized for delay of game because they refused to come out from behind their net because Tampa wouldn't send in any players. They ended up getting the penalty, because they had possession of the puck and refused to move it.

  13. Not sure what all happened there. The Lightning surely have no difficulties defeating the Flyers. Poor goaltending, inconsistent team defense, and injuries have probably had something to do with it.

    It will be interesting if they hire Lindy Ruff as next season the Sabres and Lightning are in the same division.

    Not sure if you want to merge the thread that I created in the Lightning section.

    Not sold on Lindy Ruff to the Bolts though. Ruff is a great coach at taking mid level and lower talent, and getting the most out of it, and making them compete. He's also had the good fortune to have good goaltending to backstop the defense. This was supposed to be it for the Sabres, new owner, money to spend, better players. He'd probably be better going to a team like the Panthers, not alot of talent, maximize the grinders.

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