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Leafs 2024 review

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PRESEASON OUTLOOK Same as always, one hell of a talented team, no reason to think they could win the cup, no reason to think they could be an early out. As usual, half the people thought one, half the other


FINAL RECORD 46-26-10 102 points third in the Atlantic Sigh, lost in the first round to the hated Bruins in seven games.


STRANGE STAT OF THE YEAR In the seven game series against the Bruins the Leafs scored only 12 goals in 7 games, in the entire regular season, both this year, last year and the year before, they never had a stretch with only 12 goals in 7 games. Three seasons of fantastic offense, never had the offense went as far south in any seven games over three seasons. Chose one hell of a time for the offense to go to hell.


HIGH POINT OF THE YEAR Well, they more or less settled into third place relatively early, i would pick the seven game winning streak in February when Samsonov came back and played his best hockey of the year and the offense was on fire. They outscored the opponents 38-17 in that stretch.


LOW POINT OF THE YEAR Ok, everyone knows the Bruins loss has to be it, but I went and saw the CBJ best the Leafs 6-5 in OT in Nationwide when Gaudreau having a fantastic game.

  The reason I felt this was the low point, Samsonov was leaky but the defense was God awful, :illegren was coughing up the puck left and right, Reilly gave up the puck that led to a 2 on 0 that led to a goal, I knew that the Leafs were not to be taken serious as a contender. the forwards were great, Matthews was a man among boys but the defense was not capable of carrying a shaky goalie. Watched that game, knew they were a fraud.


WHAT WENT RIGHT Start with Matthews and his amazing 69 goal season. Nylander and Marner were down right amazing. Tavares had 29 goals. Bertuzzi quietly had a 21 goal season. Reilly had a fine year. Martin Jones played very well when the goaltending was a mess. Domi and Knies were solid secondary scoring. McCabe had a good solid year on defense. Bobby McMann came out of nowhere and was a solid 4th line center. Brodie really was not bad. We take life to seruous with goalies calling them bad when they are good but Samsonov went 23-7-8 which was pretty damn good.


WHAT WENT WRONG Lots of veterans were spear carriers just earning a paycheck. Giordono has to be through, Klingberg came aboard and was awful. Why they added Ryan Reaves only God knows. Joseph Woll was bad, then injured then awful. Lillegren still struggled. Simon Benoit was on the team and did very little. 

 Truthfully the biggest what went wrong was the postseason offense was huge. Marner and Matthews had one goal each. 12 goals in 7 games. About sums it up.


 FREE AGENTS Bertuzzi and Domi came aboard on one year deals and are both UFa, both want to come back. Samsonov and Jones are gone in net, leaving a gaping hole. Old crusty defenseman Edmundson, gio, Brodie and Lybushkin are free agents without any defense prospects in line to take their place.

  The Leafs have their first round pick still but then dont pick again until the fourth.


TOP PROSPECTS Honestly, the Leafs fit a bunch of young kids into the roster last year and did a decent job, Knies, Robertson, McMann all blended in very well. 

  Now, the cupboard is very bare. Easton Cowan is asolid prospect for three years away, Fraser Minten may get his toes wet a bit with the big club, Topi Niemela will probably get a shot as a 6/7 defender but really isnt much. Hildeby will likely take the Martin Jones third emergency goalie but he is not really an NHL goalie. 

  Not much here.


 OFFSEASON QUESTION MARKS Well they fired the coach, they want to improve the goalie situation, will they trade for Saros or even Markstrom? Will they break up the big four to free up cap space? 

 Or, with half the fans on each side of this question, are they to be taken as a serious contender or are they going to make the playoffs in 2025 and bow out quickly?

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