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Malkin will stay a Penguin?

Guest Polaris922

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There is a lot of talk right now about signing Malkin before the next season starts. Rossi (as little as he knows he DOES get insider info) said pretty clearly this morning that Malkin has said he will cut the Pens a break (ala Crosby) if it means he can stay and the Club can use the money to assure quality players to play with. Rossi didn't go so far as to say it's a done deal, but he seemed awfully certain Malkin wasn't going anywhere. He quoted Malkin as asking "Why would I want to be anywhere else?" or something similar.

I can't find any text confirming this... it was a phone interview on the radio this morning.

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There is a lot of talk right now about signing Malkin before the next season starts. Rossi (as little as he knows he DOES get insider info) said pretty clearly this morning that Malkin has said he will cut the Pens a break (ala Crosby) if it means he can stay and the Club can use the money to assure quality players to play with. Rossi didn't go so far as to say it's a done deal, but he seemed awfully certain Malkin wasn't going anywhere. He quoted Malkin as asking "Why would I want to be anywhere else?" or something similar.

I can't find any text confirming this... it was a phone interview on the radio this morning.

I wonder if a "break" means less than $8.7 million. Sid's annual cap hit comes from his jersey number. So $7.1 million for Geno? :D How great would that be? Heck, while we are at it, $5.8 million for Letang. Unfortunately, I don't think $900,000 does it for Dupers.

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I don't understand why they wouldn't pay him more than Sid if that's what it came down to it. I mean, if Shero can get Malkin to agree to that, great!

But Sid signed his contract last year, it only kicks in next year, and is for 12 years. Malkin can only resign for 8 years, is based on market value now - not in the past - so he could make the argument that he deserves more per season.

Also, I wonder if the PA would have any problem with this. I remember them having a conniption fit with Mario's low salary back in the day. Don't get me wrong, I wish more players felt like Mario and Geno and accepted lower than market value to be where they want to be. But the reality is the agents and the PA don't like that, I'm sure.

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I'm thinking "break" means matching Sid's contract. That's what they did last time. And it's not like it leaves them poor. As for the PA... there's nothing they can do but make pouty faces <_< and say mean things.

Any chance Giroux accepts his jersey's salary? $2.8M would be a nice deal!

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