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Giroux had a good game Sat

King Knut

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Not just saying that because he scored a goal.


He looked slightly more woken up throughout the game.


I felt compelled to post this because I've been a bit hard on him here lately and I really thought he played a decent game.  I almost had the feeling he was going to score the whole game. 

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@King Knut


You are right, Giroux has not looked dangerous at all this year.  even when he wasn't going well in the past, he always had the puck on his stick and i always felt like, i do when Malkinstein has the puck, that some **** is going down. That aspect of his game has been missing this year,he's not really been Claude Giroux yet. 

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Not just saying that because he scored a goal.

He looked slightly more woken up throughout the game.

I felt compelled to post this because I've been a bit hard on him here lately and I really thought he played a decent game. I almost had the feeling he was going to score the whole game.

I agree. A much better game for Giroux overall, but I still want better defense out of him. And maturity. Breaking a stick out of frustration should be beneath him. An up and coming young player like B Schenn shouldn't need to tap the Captain and let him know that everything will be okay.

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Actually I think Giroux had the right of it. And was actually being a decent leader in that moment because thw sentiment schenn was expressing was wrong. If they don't break through this funk, it really isnt going to be okay.

Why cant Captains can get pissed at themselves? They expect more of themselves. Everyone expects more of them.

If A franchise caliber player needs to snap a stick to get himself going, I'm okay with that. It worked!

If he's snapped his stick and then just stunk the rest of the night, them that's a bit different. He used it. G seemed to be on a mission to shake himself awake and get some things clicking. I am totally behind anything he needs to do to achieve this. Getting through it somehow shows better leadership than staying in a slump. Saying "that's okay, you'll get 'me next time" to a player like Giroux who is in the cold streak that Giroux was (past tense is wishful thinking) isn't really appropriate. It's not okay anymore. Three four games, that's okay. 15? Not okay. If Giroux had come off the ice after that chance and shrugged and said, I'll get it someday I guess... What kind of message does that send to his team? It's okay for the franchise to be on a 15 game drought. Well it's not okay. And I'm thrilled G knew it.

You're pissed at yourself Giroux? Good! Go out there and do something about it next shift. You're right there, it's gonna happen. Use this and make it happen. That's a competitor's mindset.

Besides Giroux is like 2 years older than Schenn and Schenn has been in the league for three years plus.

This is part of the problem. Shenn shouldn't be seen as an up and comer anymore. He's not a defensman. He should have arrived by now.

I agree. A much better game for Giroux overall, but I still want better defense out of him. And maturity. Breaking a stick out of frustration should be beneath him. An up and coming young player like B Schenn shouldn't need to tap the Captain and let him know that everything will be okay.

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