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Ben Peterson PhD - Flyers new director of Sports Science


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Ben Peterson has joined the Flyers from Sports Catapult Sports.  At Catapult Peterson helped teams identify and evaluate contextual analytics by measuring training volumes, (accelerations, decelerations, change of direction speeds, biomechanical and physiological load quantifications), in real time, to improve performance outcomes and reduce soft tissue injuries of athletes.



Some rather cool stuff in this video, and hey he's an old time North Star fan.  :5726ba4ad74b2_blowingakiss:




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Well i hope this guy does a better job for the Flyers than the one the Eagles guy does.


To hear Lane Johnson tell it he can't get any help from who the Eagles have hired to tell him what supplements he can and can't take to keep him from popping for PEDs.


Sad. Poor Lane no one can help him.


I think it would be safe for Lane to stick with taking just protein and the basic amino acids that have been around for ever...


...who cares if you take this new improved supplement than makes you bigger and stronger and then you have to watch the season from the press boxes.


Back to the Flyers it's good for the Flyers to have a guy who can hopefully help this kids come up with an offseason/on season workout program that can help them get bigger stronger the right way and hopefully keep them playing and not injured. I guess we'll see.

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