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P.K Subban: The Man, The Myth, The Superstar.



blog-0286767001365402220.jpgThis is P.K Subban's team. Mind you, in 3, maybe even a year or two from now, Alex Galchenyuk will have something to say about that.

Don't get me wrong. The Habs have had many key contributors to their magical season. A team that was supposed to finish dead last (or somewhere close) and have a lottery pick is at this current moment leading the North East division, a throne the Bruins or Senators were supposed to battle over this season. They are a lock for the play offs and sit at 55 points, only 3 behind a Crosby-less Pittsburgh Penguins.

After all, Michael Ryder has played in 18 games since being reacquired by Montreal from Dallas, and has been phenomenal. Brendan Gallagher is making a strong case for Rookie Of The Year, Carey Price is starting to get into the Vezina conversation, Brandon Prust has brought a much needed proverbial back bone, Tomas Plekanec is one of the best two way players in the league, Rene Bourque was playing great before going down with a concussion, Alexei Emelin is emerging, Lars Eller has stepped up his game, the captain, Brain Gionta, is in the building and playing well, Josh Gorges is, well, a friggin' brick wall. Oh, and the presence and offense from Andrei Markov has helped, too.

It's almost like nothing can go wrong for Marc Bergevin, Michel Therrien and company (knock on wood).

P.K Subban though, is only scratching the surface of his potential. Last year, the cocky, arrogant blueliner had 36 points in 81 games. Fast forward to today. 32 games played, 32 points. That's tops among all NHL blueliners this season. 10 of those points are goals, also tops among defensemen. He is also sitting at the plus/minus of +13. Not too shabby.

It is apparent that Subban, who is still only 23 years old, has been rehabed by Therrien and his coaching staff. His plays are safer, and when he does take chances and plays aggressively, he makes sure he is right back to get into perfect defensive position. His play this season has been, dare I say it, almost flawless. I simply cannot point out 1 thing he has done wrong (knock on wood, again)

If it matters, I also think Subban would be the #1 candidate for the next captain of the team, if and when Brian Gionta is done in Montreal.

Need more proof Subban is a changed man forever? Look no further than 24CH, a documentary of this season. It is obvious Subban has matured and been humbled by his team mates. His play and his attitude this season has definitely helped him gained the respect of the team, the coaches, his peers, the media and most importantly, the fans (we are still working on Boston).

"The Subbanator" is making his case to be the Norris Trophy winner, and he deserves it. When I watch him play, he reminds me of Paul Coffey.He chirps, he fights, he scores and he can skate. He moves the puck exceptionally. There is never a dull moment when Subban is on the ice. He reminds me why I love the game. It's no longer the "P.K Show". P.K is a team first player this season and beyond. We are truly witnessing the birth of a superstar. You could credit Therrien or Bergevin, but really, its Subban the one putting in the effort night in and night out.

Subban for Coots is off the table. Sorry, Flyers' fans.


Happy Hockey,



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That sound you are hearing is me eating my hat.

I have never been a Subban fan, I did not think he would develop to the level that he has, I thought he was a chronic whiner, a malcontent who could not lead a playoff caliber team. Boy was I wrong.

He is a point a game blue liner(!) who drills people all over the ice with a wicked slapper. Congrats, he is everything you hoped he would be including a team leader.

Will you pass the Ketchup please? I just got to the bill.....

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Well we have the Hockey package so we watch some hockey every night, we watch more West than East, being Wings fans.

But in answer to your question, we have watched two or three whole games plus switched over a half dozen times during intermission of Wings games, so it is fair to say we have watched more Habs than anyone in the East except the Penguins.

Carey Price is finally playing up to the hype, he has been a God back there. The most underrated player on the team, IMHO flying under the radar is Raphael Diaz, a puck moving d-man who makes the second pair go.

If I could describe the Canadiens in one word, it would have to be ENERGY. They fly arund, looking for opportunity, knowing if they get caught in a 2 on 1 the other way that Price has their back. Subban hip checking (A lost art) anything that moves, little Desharnais waiting to pounce, Ryder finding new life in his second time around. Markov rising out of the ashes for a chance to prove he still can play.

Maybe I was wrong with energy. Resilient may be more appropriate. So many players came in to this season considered to old, too short, too hobbled, overrated, and together they have made a team. Congrats to you and all Habs fans on a great and magical season.

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I was SO wrong about the Habs. When I looked at their roster before the season started, I figured there was NO WAY they made the playoffs. Dead wrong. I think the unsung hero on this team is Lar Eller. Basically the main return for Halak from the Blues, he has played a smart all round game, I expect big things from him going forward.

Price has been outstanding all year, but the past week may have cost him his chance at the Vezina, which is unfortunate, cause he really has been rock solid, but his last few losses have been just dreadful. Gotta be a bit uncomfortable going into the playoffs, esp since one of his brutal outings have been against the hated Leafs, a team they just might play in the first round. What a match up that would be Orginal Six at it's best! Enjoy the playoffs Habsguy, you deserve it!

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