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Prospect info and Habs talk

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2014 Habs Offseason Recap

Hi there folks. The dog days of summer are finally winding down, and I hope you all enjoyed your summer as much as I did. But, with the NHL season looming, the leaves on the trees will soon fade to brown and the lights in the arenas will turn on and our favourite superstars will hit the ice once again. The Montreal Canadiens enjoyed an offseason that could be be described as "transitional". We all knew Brian Gionta likely wouldn't be brought back and we'd have a new captain for this season, but



Habs Goalies, thoughts on Eastern Final:May 27

Hello folks. I wanted to post this today before tonight's Eastern Conference Game 5 showdown between the Habs and the Rangers, because regardless of tonight's final score, whether the Habs are eliminated, or whether they live to fight another day, there is one, shining, bright light that we've seen emerge over the past year or so, and that is our goaltending is looking stellar, and the future is now. Carey Price is only 27 years old, is obviously a top 5 goalie in the league, signed to a long te



Team Canada 2018

First of all, congratulations to the 2014 Men's Canadian Olympic Hockey Team. Go Canada Go! I'll be cheering from home! Also, in case you missed it, here are the 25 members of the team, arranged by where I think they'll be playing. Forwards Kunitz-Crosby-Stamkos Perry-Getzlaf-Tavares Sharp-Toews-Duchene Benn-Bergeron-Nash Carter/Marleau Defence Weber-Keith Doughty-Pietrangelo Bouweester-Subban Hamhuis/Vlasic Goalies Luongo (will start 1st game) Price Smith As for my evaluation of this team, I e



Montreal Canadiens: World Juniors 2013 Edition

Although only 6 players from The Montreal Canadiens prospect pool were selected to attend their respective countries' training camps for the upcoming World Juniors set to take place in Malmo, Sweden, they are sure fire bets to not only make their squads, but all 6 are almost sure to play huge roles. Team Canada: F Charles Hudon Drafted 122nd overall by MTL in 2012 Hudon appears to be one of the steals of the 2012 NHL draft. He made Team Canada last year, but missed the whole tournament due to a



Habs Sign Murray, why Price can rebound, Kadri

Habs sign veteran Doug Murray to 1 year/$1.5m deal I like this signing by Bergevin. Doug Murray brings a physical edge to Montreal's blue line, and with Alexei Emelin sidelined until mid-November, Murray will be counted on to play minutes against the opposing teams grinder lines that forecheck hard, something Murray has grown accustomed to while playing with the San Jose Sharks and Pittsburgh Penguins. Although Murray proved last season that he no longer has the foot speed to play with the game'



Habs Off-Season Recap

Prepare yourself, this is going to be a very long blog. I thought about splitting it into two parts, but I'm not sure when I will be logging on again. Anyways, hope you enjoy. 2013 NHL Entry Draft: 25th overall pick: Michael McCarron 2014 Team: London Knights(OHL) Height:6'5" 228lbs 59-16-21(182 PIM's) I cannot say I was very impressed by this pick when it was announced. With Valentin Zykov, Morgan Klimchuk and Ryan Hartman on the board, I envisioned a selection of a player that had a much highe



Draft Day 2013: Needs, Wants, and Targets.

Draft Day. June 30th, Newark, New Jersey. Marc Bergevin and his super side-kick Trevor Timmins (pictured with 2012 draft pick and WJC standout Charles Hudon) will wake up with one goal in mind: supplementing one of the NHL's deepest prospect pools. with a late first rounder (25th overall, to be exact) and three 2nd round picks in a very deep draft (the best in a decade), something has to give. June 30th will be a busy day for all 30 organizations, from Colorado to Chicago, all looking to acquire



State of The Franchise

Besides from having one of the most handsome GM's in the league (that title belongs to Jay Feaster), The Montreal Canadiens are in a very good position right now, 2 days after being embarrassed, albeit by a very good Ottawa Senators team, Marc Bergevin will likely be announced as 1 of the 3 candidates for NHL GM of the Year. After all, he has turned around this franchise. This time last year, the future of the Canadiens looked almost grim. They were fresh off finishing 15th in the East, and unce



P.K Subban: The Man, The Myth, The Superstar.

This is P.K Subban's team. Mind you, in 3, maybe even a year or two from now, Alex Galchenyuk will have something to say about that. Don't get me wrong. The Habs have had many key contributors to their magical season. A team that was supposed to finish dead last (or somewhere close) and have a lottery pick is at this current moment leading the North East division, a throne the Bruins or Senators were supposed to battle over this season. They are a lock for the play offs and sit at 55 points, on



Mock Draft 2013

Well its that time of the year again. Teams are now determining whether they are buyers, in order to make a push for Lord Stanley's mug, or, whether they will be sellers, trying to unload as many assets as they can in order to make a push for a chance to draft the world's best young players. Today, I'll be looking to give you an update, as to what teams might select who. The order of selection is updated up to today's date, March 27th. Anyways, let's get to it! The first overall pick belongs to



Trade Bait 2013

The 2013 NHL Trade Deadline should be an interesting one to say the least. With so many teams who think they have a shot at the post season, the cup, or the #1 overall pick, I expect many teams will be active come April 3rd. This blog is devised to show you who could be put on the hook for teams that are actively buying, or rebuilding. Let's get right down to it. Goaltenders: Ben Bishop - Ottawa Senators Age: 26, Contract Status: 1 year @ $650 000 Ottawa has 3 NHL calibre goalies in Craig Ande



NHL Realignment + Mock Draft (Soon)

Hello again! Today we will be covering the confirmed, NHLPA approved plan of realignment. NHLPA executive director Don Fehr released a statement on Thursday, saying, "After discussions with the Executive Board, the NHLPA has given consent to realignment, to be re-evaluated following the 2014-15 season." Major moves include the aging Detroit Red Wings and the dismal Columbus Blue Jackets to the Eastern conference. while the Winnipeg Jets will move back West. The Jets have been playing in the Sou



Be Gone: The Ryan White Edition

The image to the left perfectly sums up Ryan White's season. White is a gritty player. He hits, goes to the net, goes to the corners, sticks up for his team mates. Sounds like a great 4th line player correct? No. Ryan White has about as much discipline as a 3 year old child. I will go on a limb here, and quote me, but Ryan White is responsible for atleast half of the Habs' 10 losses this season, including tonight's 6-3 loss against the Islanders. The Habs were heading into the 2nd period with a



Lars Eller: 2nd, 3rd or 4th liner?

Sometime back in the long, long summer of Habs fans' most recent discontent, I thought about compiling a top ten of the best moments from last season. It wasn't easy. It was, after all, a desperately depressing year. Still, after some thought, I did come up with ten small things we could take to heart from 2011-12. It never got published because, in the end, I felt celebrating just ten things in a wasteland of a season seemed a little hopeless. For what it's worth, though, number three in that t



Gone With The Wind: Sayonara Scott Gomez.

Today, Montreal GM Marc Bergevin announced that Scott Gomez had played his last game for the Habs. The newly appointed General Manager say he spoke to Gomez around 7:30 this morning and told him to sit this one out. The remainder of his contract will be bought out this summer, when the Amnesty Buy out clause comes into affect. Where he will not be missed on the ice, he will however be missed in the locker room, where Gomez was a team leader. "Unfortunately, the personal side of the game is rea



2013 Cup Contenders

The Montreal Canadiens’ organization will be competing for a Cup during the 2012-2013 season. Am I a crazy “homer” of a Habs fan? Have I been drinking the Kool-Aid on the Brandon Prust and Francis Bouillon signings? No, I’ve been pretty straightforward with my expectation of another potentially difficult and long season in Montreal, barring a succession of 2-3 significant trades (unlikely.) However, that won’t deprive Habs fans of following what looks to be a promising and highly intriguing



Bored? Read this. (Habs trivia, NHL Questions)

Hey guys, just a little blog here to get you into the hockey mood! If you love trivia then this one is for you! Just something to keep your eyes happy! 1) Who were the first three Canadiens to score 500 career goals? 2) Who leads the Habs in career playoff games played? 3) I was the first European captain for Montreal. 4) I am 4th in team wins as a goalie. 5) I was drafted 10th overall and traded for a 2nd round pick 9 years later. ------------------------------------------------------------



Habsguy26 Future Watch Part 4: The Pacific

Hello again! Welcome back to my Future Watch! This time, we'll be scouring the Pacific division of the Western Conference for top prospects. NEW in Part 4 is NHL comparisons. I have gone back to Parts 1, 2 and 3 to put them in. Go back and check it out! Unfortunately, not a lot of big names stand out but upon digging in I found the talent is there and although the Pacific isn't quite as loaded as other divisions like the North East or the Central, it will be an exciting division to watch in the



Habsguy26 Future Watch Part 3: The Central

Hey guys, sorry for the long hiatus of Future Watch... here we go again with the central. Please don't forget to leave a vote and comment, it really gives me the idea of how many people are actually reading these things through and whether I should even continue to do these because doing all the research and writing these puppies takes quite a bit of time (last one took me about 4-5 hours) so if you like the series show some support please! Also if you're on twitter don't forget to leave a follo



Habsguy26 Future Watch Part 2: The Atlantic

Hey guys and welcome back to my Future Watch. Today we'll be examining the Atlantic division. Please don't forget to leave a vote and comment, it really gives me the idea of how many people are actually reading these things through and whether I should even continue to do these because doing all the research and writing these puppies takes quite a bit of time (last one took me about 4-5 hours) so if you like the series show some support please! Also if you're on twitter don't forget to leave a f



Habsguy26 Future Watch Part 1: The North East

Hey guys, how are you doing this fine Sunday afternoon? Just a little series here to make the summer pass by for you guys. I'll be going through every division and naming each of its Top 10 prospects in the entire division. And today we start with the North East! Let's get started! (By the way, not being a Habs' fanboy here, just basically based off who I think will have the best careers) 10) Sebastian Collberg - Montreal Canadiens drafted by MTL 2(33) 2012 The Canadiens were pleasantly surpris



Why Montreal needs Alex Semin & more

First and foremost, let me explain something. I decided to come back here to talk hockey. Not fight battles about my past. I'm not going to respond to negativity. No if, and's or but's. If you feel the need to be an internet warrior and attack me about my mistakes, you can go ahead. I am not going to retaliate. If you don't like me, do not read my blogs, do not comment on my blogs, do not message me, do not talk to me in the shoutbox. For this reason, I am refraining myself from participating in



Sochi 2014 *Part 2: Team Czech Republic

Hey guys, this is a new series from me. I'll be going through all of the 2014 olympic hockey teams and projecting their rosters... remember, this is permitting on whether the NHL decides to go there or not... but if Bettman wants to grow the game like he says he does, he will send Sid and Ovie to Sochi. But anyways, Part 2 is on The Czechs. Enjoy, and please leave a vote and a comment telling me how you like the series! At the end of the series, I'm going to put in my brackets and reveal who I t



Sochi 2014 *Part 1: Team Russia

Hey guys, this is an idea for a series I literally just thought of... I'll be going through all of the 2014 olympic hockey teams and projecting their rosters... remember, this is permitting on whether the NHL decides to go there or not... but if Bettman wants to grow the game like he says he does, he will send Sid and Ovie to Sochi. But anyways, episode 1 begins with Team Russia. Enjoy, and leave a vote and a comment telling me how you like the series! At the end of the series, I'm going to put



10 Questions

Welcome back for another installment of 10 questions! I'm your host, habsguy26. So without further ado, here we go! 1) Who'd get canned first? Brian Burke, Paul Holmgren or Stan Bowman? 2) Pavel Kubina? 3) Which Canadian 'bubble' team is most likely to make the playoffs? Winnipeg, Calgary, Toronto or Montreal? 4) Who will have the highest +/- this season? 5) If you were Holmgren, do you shop Bryzgalov? 6) Sean Couturier, would you give him up for Nash? 7) If you were the GM



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