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J0e Th0rnton

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Posts posted by J0e Th0rnton

  1.   If you were starting an NHL team, who would you choose to start your team with if you could pick any ONE player?


      I would be torn between:


    Sid the kid. Most explosive offensive force in the game today plus takes more faceoffs than any player alive.


    Stamkos. Younger than Sid and the best true goal scorer in the game.


    Lundqvist. If I wanted to start my team with a goalie I would have to go with the king.


    Toews. The ultimate captain and two way player in the game today.


    Someone else.


      Any of the four listed would be perfect, A very difficult choice.


      I personally think I would start with Lundqvist. To me, you cannot go wrong with any of the above but I always believe in starting with goaltending and working your way out. That is just me, I know some out there would even consider Quick or another goalie (Rick with Miller, lol) but to me it is good to be the King.


     So that is mine. Anyone else care to take a stab?

    Sidney Crosby, assuming he can stay healthy. I fully believe he is well ahead of the others healthy. The kid just dominates and slants the ice in the opposite direction. He is very good all around. I let his early career fool me into thinking he was a playmaker first. the year he played with very little to pass to, he ended up scoring 51 goals. he also matured in his all around game.


    Right now, and likely for the next few years if healthy, he is just ahead of everyone else.


    I understand the philosophy of building from the net out, but I disagree with it these days. We have seen teams with very good, but not great goaltenders win cups if the rest of the team is playing well in front of him. Very good in net is good enough these days provided you have good coaching and a committed team.

  2. You know, you are absolutely right, and I have to give credit to Mike Babcock. This has, without a doubt, been the most challenging coaching season for a Red Wings head coach since before Scotty Bowman arrived. Combine all the injuries we've had this year with uninspired play from the #1 goaltender for almost the first half of the season, not to mention the move from one conference to the other (which means different teams to coach against) and you've got the potential for a disastrous season. It has NOT been a disaster. We have (finally) seen some player development, and while I do think Babs and Kenny Holland were late in shifting gears from designs on the Cup to player development, I think they have come around to a significant degree--although admittedly much by necessity.

    People are complaining about what KH gave away to get Legwand, but I still like the deal despite the cost. With both Helm and Weiss repeatedly hampered with injury, it was necessary to get a center who is reliable if for nothing else to help teach the young centers what is expected of them. I think there's a good chance they can resign him.

    Having said that, it is now time to completely focus on development of our young players. If they are not ready now, we should at least find out where they are at this level, and not be as concerned about winning. This will be very difficult for Babcock. He is SO driven by winning, but winning in the NOW may not be in the RWs best interest looking forward, and I see hi struggling to put that drive aside, even for a few weeks.

    There is no shame in having the streak end on your watch when you have had the kind of injury-riddled season that we have had. But it am not sure he can swallow that right now. What you said should give the team and their coach solace. No need to have your head down. It has been a great run. But like all streaks, they eventually end. I'd rather it end this way than by apathy or lack of effort.

    Very good post sir.


    I have to ask, were the Red wing fans upset about getting Legwand? I heard a few of my friend absolutely going berzerk over a prospect they gave up for him. It is rare I hear them complain about the Red wings front office(Which has been NHL best for like 2 decades) so something must be up

  3. Can we list Toronto's entire team for the past month or so?


    If not, Clarkson is the best choice. Honourable mention to Franson after his stellar year last  year.



    Toronto playing the way they do makes life more happy for me at work ^_^

    Just because the ones in my building tend to be unbearable.


    At work, we tend to rib the crap out of each other and often sabotage each other's offices with pictures.

    I.E When the Sharks got swept a few years back, I walked into my office to see it plastered with pictures of dead great White sharks and a gift wraped broom on my chair. I of course responded by filling the two culprits drawers, pockets and briefcases with the contents of every 3 hole punch in the building. Confetti rules.


    I did go overboard with the Email though. I sent it from a 3rd party Email(didn't want to get in trouble using my work email). It was a prank Email that constantly played an MP3 at full blast(even if your speakers are low). When you open the Email, it would loudly proclaim "HEY EVERYBODY! I'M WATCHING PORNO". and make it impossible to close the window


    Boy were they not impressed hahaha

  4.   Who has been the biggest disappointment for your team this year? For the Wings I want to say Howard but truth be told Stephen Weiss has been the biggest flop. Even pre injury he was just plain bad.


      Here is my list by team:


    Anaheim:    Saka Koivu. 25 points, showing his age

    Boston: Loui Eriksson only 8 goals, concussion issues

    Buffalo Mikhail Grigorenko  only 2 goals in 18 games, looks lost

    Calgary: Sven Baertchi  only 2 goals in 26 games, quickly becoming a suspect instead of a prospect

    Carolina Cam Ward. 9-16 record, injury problems losing job to Khudobin

    Chicago: Michael Handzus 4 goals after being a solid contributor in last seasons post season run

    Colorado: P.A. Parenteau slow start, finally got going and then got hurt, out for regular season.

    Columbus Nathan Horton After a fast start returning from surgery has only 5 goals in 30 games

    Dallas:  Ray Whitney 7 goals in 63 games. Stick a fork in him

    Detroit See comment about about Stephen Weiss

    Edmonton Nail Yakupov The biggest disappointment in the game this year. Number one pick, on the block.

    Florida  Huberdeau 8 goals in 66 games

    Los Angeles Mike Richards 3 goals in his last 40 games

    Minnesota Danny Heatley 12 goals in 71 games. Nothing left in the tank

    Montreal Danny Briere 12 goals playing 4th line minutes

    Nashville Pekka Rinne only 17 games due to injury

    New Jersey Danius Zubrus only 7 points in last 46 games

    Islanders: Garth Snow. Enough said

    Rangers: Henrik Lundquist. Good year but not a season fit for a king

    Ottawa Craig Anderson. Wretched. Absolutely as bad this year as he was good last.

    Philadelphia: Vinnie Lecavalier. Has not really fit in, looks lost at times

    Phoenix: Mike Smith. Very ordinary

    Pittsburgh: Beau Bennett. Great expectations, just could not stay healthy

    San Jose: Marty Havlat. 8 Goals cannot stay healthy. Skill has eroded.

    St. Louis: Brendan Morrow. 11 goals, fourth line minutes

    Tampa: Anders Lindback. Nit Picky to fault the backup goalie but the whole team has performed very well. Maybe Ryan Malone.

    Toronto: David Clarkson. Cue laugh track when describing his year. A whopping 4 goals.

    Vancouver: Alex Edler. -29 and only 6 goals. Skill slipping very quickly.

    Washington Brooks Laich. 7 goals, always hurt. Eroded skill.

    Winnipeg: Ondrej Pavelec. One of the worst goalies in the game and the reason the Jets are on the outside.


      Well there is mine. Any comments or disagreements?

    Yeah, I was never a big Havlat fan. But I was stoked to get rid of Heatley at the time because he was so slow and the Sharks fast system was just not for him. His linemate Couture was not a fast skater either, but Couture's Hockey IQ is through the roof and he is able to make up for his footspeed with anticipation and positioning.


    Havlat I knew was made of glass, but was fast and I hoped he might find his groove in a more speed oriented system.


    Ill be honest. I was hoping Brent Burns was going to become the messiah on defence and I was disappointed in that regard. But now he is an unorthodox defensive minded power forward and a very good compliment to Joe Thornton so I cannot be disappointed

  5. I liked Avery lol.


    I hate the textbook clones we have approaching the media after every game "Blah blah it was a team effort blah blah" I miss guys who used to make it interesting. Even Pronger more recently, while I hated his guts, talked a good talk in a media scrum. Roenick was great too hehe.


    When Avery made the comment about sloppy seconds, I was in disbelief laughing my head off, and then I was ZONED. I could not wait to watch that game to see if Phaneuf responded with force. And I do not even like either team. Sadly, in NHL joykilling fashion, they suspended him so we would not see the collision. The fact that they made a rule about him screening Brodeur and annoying the crap out of him just because nobody had ever done it before.......it obviously annoyed Brodeur enough for him to let a goal in shortly after lol.


    The modern game has not only culled on ice creativity into strict following of systems with short line changes(my opinion), they have also killed NHL players who want to chatter. Half the time when a player says something interesting, you hear they got fined for it.

  6. @J0e Th0rnton  Interesting you should mention Bourque. I was thinking about Ray during Nick's ceremony. While Bourque was playing, and for a while after his retirement, I would have balked at the thought of Nick being better than him, but over time, my thinking has changed. Nick just took the cerebral approach to the game to a whole new level. Thing is, not only did Nick think the game better than any d-man before him, but he had the special skill set to carry out his ability to anticipate what was gonna happen before it did. As smart as Ray was, he just didn't think the game the same way Nick did. They both had great shots, but I'd give Ray a bit of an edge in the shooting dept, his slap shot and wrist shot, they were so damn accurate. I also think Ray's top gear was a bit faster than Nick could manage, but overall, Nick had more flexibility and dexterity....and his conditioning seemed significantly better. The longer the game, the more Lidstrom would take over....the guy never seemed to tire. 

    I gotta disagree. I think a lot of Lidstrom's game was influenced by his extremely favorable circumstances on a powerhouse team. Ray with boston, usually had a good top line, but lacked 100+ point forwards most of the time that most teams had. Not all of those players were responsible defensively, whereas the red wings had almost a monopoly on the Selke trophy for superstar two way forwards and had incredible depth. When Ray went to Colorado, he was much slower and less agile than he was 10 years prior and his hand eye coordination for pokechecks and intercepts was obviously not what it had been, but he played the more Lidstrom type game, making those great first passes and pro defense first moves, and the team had its best year in Franchise History, and so did some of its players(Sakic). Had Ray been 10 years younger, I think his numbers would have been even better and he still came in 2nd to Nick for the Norris at age 40, despite it.


    He is like the only defenseman in history to lead a team in scoring 5 times. I think on a team as strong as the wings his whole career, he looks like a clear cut #2 behind Orr all time. He was also top 3 for the Norris almost his whole career(Which is ridiculous)



    @SpikeDDS  I like Larry Robinson a bit more than Bourque, Potvin, or Lidstrom. Just personal preference, but he brought the intimidation factor like the others didn't. He adds a whole different physicality element, but still skated and showed off his offensive skill set through his career. What a cannon Larry had from the point...and who can forget the pummeling he gave Schultz! 


      Nice was remarkably consistent, I'm wondering if a few Habs would have gone 20 seasons like that, not sure.

    Not sure if Robinson was more intimidating or not. Potvin was definitely a guy people worried about on the ice ala Scott Stevens though.

  7. He is only the league's top rookie because Hertl got injured :)


    Hertl had 15 goals and 25 points in 35 games before Dustin brown hit him with that knee on knee(Third offense for Brown in that regard in the last 2 years). Mack had 7 goals and 20 points in 34 games.


    Mack definitely looks fantastic though.

  8. Several teams got away with similarly structured contracts at the time. The initial Kovalchuk contract just pushed it to a point where the league had to put their foot down, and the Devils were made an example of.

    I'm surprised the league reduced the penalty, but considering it's Lou, I probably shouldn't be. He's a sneaky old bastard.

    Hey old friend :)

    Good to see you!


    Hehehe, yeah Lou was a tricky devil

  9.  OK...I'll give you that....what I am talking is about the eye test. Have you watched him play in Buffalo? Would you want him at over 4 mill plus for the next 7 seasons, knowing he is already on the down slope of his career? The cap hit is more than manageable at an even 4 mill a year, but he's signed till 2021 and is 31...I can't even imagine how bad he will be in 5-7 years from now. This is no way to build a defense.  He's basically a Streit clone, so yeah....let's add another guy who is signed long term whose main asset is a pp qb.....no thanks. We need mobile, smart d-men, like most of Chicago's d....that is what we should be shooting for.

    hehe. We called Ehrhoff "Error" when he played for the sharks. The other thing was, despite his big cannon shot, he could not hit the net if it was empty

  10.   Both of them took what I believe to be home town discounts to stay where they love to play. Kinda cool in this greedy day and age. With the cap going way up, Marleau for 6.6 mill a year is a steal of a deal. I believe he could have got 7.5 to 8 mill on the open market for many more guaranteed years. Refreshing.

    Thornton would be even more sought after on the open market. Marleau is good, but streaky and disappears even more in the playoffs than Joe. They are the same age and Thornton outplays him year after year.


      Two down, Boyle to go. Still hoping the Sharks have shot their load and that Boyle would like to come East to play for the Wings.....

    Boyle is going to take a haircut on his last contract given his rapidly declining performance and age.

  11. @nossagog  All round, Duncan Kieth is the best d-man in this league, bar none. You could make a strong case for him winning it last year, and a stronger case this time around. One of the most underrated athletes in modern history.

    Yup. Keith is a beast.

    I was surprised as heck when I saw his offensive numbers today. He is a stay at home D

  12.   Detroit Redwings GM Ken Holland received news that Brendan Shanahan has looked at last nights hit upon Corey Perry and has decided to not suspend the Wings Kyle Quincey.

      "This is a terrible decision by Mr. Shanahan and I would like to find out what the appeal process is," said Mr. Holland in an interview with the Detroit free press (Or maybe just in one of my overactive dreams) "The hit by Quincey should have earned him at least two games, maybe longer."

      Shanahan said in his statement regarding the decision not to suspend Quincey that he thought a few games minimum was in order until he remembered that Quincey played for Detroit. "As a rule I always attempt to pay attention to whom the player is playing for before I decide if a suspension is due." a comment that further enraged Holland.

      "We deserve to be without the services of a player such as Quincey the same as any other team in the league, to not suspend him for two games or possibly even five is a travesty from the so called 'Dean of discipline. He should not treat us unfairly just because he used to play here, we deserve to be without Quincey's services before this whole playoff streak gets completely away from us."

      The Wings, who are so short of healthy forwards that they are considering activating Gordie Howe and Alex Delvechio, both in town for the Winter Classic ("They both look better than Dan Cleary" said one team source).

      The Wings still hold a five point lead for a playoff  spot in the East (Really) and are hoping the return of some of the injured forwards by around Christmas wil help offset the lack of suspension for Quincey.

    Interesting lol

  13. Hertl or Nieti will be candidates for rookie of the year :)

    Hehehe. Glad I made this prediction. 23 games in, Hertl, 12 goals, 6 assists, 18 points +8


    Next closest rookie. Sean Monahan, 8 goals, 6 assists, 14 points, -6


    People looked at me funny when i took him in my pool. Then he scored that 4 goal game and people asked me how I knew lol

  14. I used to post on the Chompboard before it was shut down.


    The official sharks forum on the Sharks board is a waste of time.


    Much like posting on Kevin Smith's website forum used to be fun before he shut it down(Due to the incredible number of douchebags with a sense of entitlement and feminists who hate his movies who had begun to populate his board). Those same douchebags made an emergency backup board where a lot of the posters went, but it is pretty much a dump of the worst that forum had to offer.

  15. @Polaris922


     On the flipside of the coin


     I have a good friend who used to go out with this....nutcase. He wanted to break it off and she lost it. He lives in this beautiful 2 story condo on the water. She calls the police and claims he assaulted her (he swears he never touched her and I believe him-he's about as passive a guy as you'll meet). So they throw him in jail for the night. She moves into his condo (she had a key). He isn't allowed to go near HIS home. Finally he proves to the police it's HIS residence, not hers. She's given TEN days to get out. Finally the day comes when he can go back home....he walks into an empty condo. She's gone, the furniture, appliances, light and plumbing fixtures... I kid you not.

    Yep. I have seen that situation happen quite a few times.

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