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Everything posted by OccamsRazor

  1. Leighton ain't even in the top 40 goaltenders in the AHL say the stats....sad.
  2. I don't think telling a young player to just choose wiser hits and to "think" out there to keep from being suspened is a bad thing, hell you know they watch this team a whole lot harder than any other...god job Rinaldo use you grey matter!!!!!!!!!
  3. I'd rather trade for a better option, myself i like Toni Lydman and they wouldn't have to gut the team to make it happen. Plus he's signed for next year at 3 mill. The Flyers have i believe 3.2 mill in capspace...make it happen Homer...
  4. If the refs were following the play i don't know how they missed that. Sad, had Bryz been able to come up with some huge saves the point might be moot.
  5. Wow. WOW. Wow. I can't believe they commit that long to a guy whos never even wore the jesrey FIRST is beyond me!!!!! Why you heff to be mad?
  6. Whats so funny with Bryz is the fact that he was talking about how big the universe is and how small we are compared to it and how we have such little problems. We shouldn't stress and relax and enjoy it. Then he comes out doesn't play well and he explodes and tries to slam and break his stick looking like a spoiled brat after he's been told he's got to share his toys with the other kids...does he realize he needs to heed his own advice and not get so upset about the little things!!!???? He wants everyone one else not to stress then everyone has to watch him not handle a bad play? Bryz actions speak louder than words...set an example if for no one else but your kids. Like water off a ducks back right?
  7. Schenn and a 2nd for Alex Pietrangelo. They need help in the middle and Schenn hasn't found his spot here and we need defensive help. And he's still young. I'd almost do a JVR for Stewart but he's a RFA after this season thats to much for a rental.
  8. Wow no link? Slack man, just slack. I don't blame him fhuck em. All they wanted to do was talk crap about him when the team in front of him didn't play well either, especially Tim Pinnoccio. Now they wanna suck his d*ck!
  9. I just think he needs to play more, looking back at his time in Phoenix Labarbra(sp) didn't play a whole lot Bryz got plenty of reps hasn't been to case here they are more concern with his rest than getting him paying better FIRST...which doesn't make sense.
  10. "Your mileage may vary, but I can guarandamntee you we would be hearing about a "crushing softie" if Bryzgalov let that happen in that situation." Thats when everyone places blame on the team in front of him. Bob for some reason is free of blame because he aint' earning 51 million (just 1.75 mill for a backup job). It ain't fair but thats how Flyer fans are, someone needs to be blamed and Bryz fits the whipping boy mentality.
  11. This squad is all finesse and has lost it's physical edge it use to maintain on other clubs. That is what is needed come playoff time the physicality goes up and our forwards shrink. Briere doesn't give it he's all till playoff time...that hurts too.
  12. Thanks for reminding me and ruining my day before it starts...breaking out the liquor....66th ain't so bad...right?
  13. Well you can't count on his solid defensive play cause he don't have any, so i say no thanks. They said Gleason can be had for a 2nd round pick and since the Flyers can't find any talent with those picks i would be ok to trade that pick for Gleason....make it happen Homer.
  14. Well then he has to play more like Coots then and when i say that i mean "SHOOT THE GOODDDAAAMMMNNN PUCK!"Stop always LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT PASS TO JAGR!!!!! Rebounds do come off shots that the goaltender block sometimes....try it it might work!
  15. Looks like good moves from where i'm sitting!!!! Who would have thunk....
  16. He has made the playoffs twice..03-04 and 06-07 but hey don't let facts stand in the way of a good story!!!!
  17. Those moves definitely woke him up i believe. Made him realize if he don't pick it up he to could be jettisoned, somehow some way if need be. So he stepped up his game maybe even trained a little bit harder this off season and it has payed off. Seems he has put his nose back to the grind stone. The Simmonds move forced him to pick his game up around the crease too.
  18. +21 after 39 games. WOW! I must say sir, Bravo for turning your game around. Doing the dirty work. Even staying upright way more often. Especially with the rough start. I didn't think you had it in you and you proved me wrong! Keep the hard work up.
  19. And a 817% on the PK for the season. Bob has a .900% on the PK in comparison.Terrible. With the quoted stat he is 65th out 71 goalies in the NHL!!!!! Holy schit that is bad...
  20. "but it looks more and more like Bryz should not be taken out during a hot streak" That is all i'm saying i'm not saying he was setting the NHL on fire just the fact that they were winning and his workload with a day off between games is just inside Bryz's wheelhouse...or suppose to be. I would only rest him in back to back games or when he looks like he needs a rest. Which was neither the case. He was well rested. Jammer this KaptnRich from the old board. Just changed names here. OT where has Wellwood been i haven't noticed him on the Phantom scorecard in awhile. He must be injured?
  21. He won 6 in a row and was rested when he really hasn't had a rough work load, he's the type of goaltender that has to play a lot.There was a day off between games so really no need to rest him, but they did and it had something to do with taking him out of his rhythm. Or maybe it was just him think about the universe while out on the ice...the team in front of him was certainly lost in space...he was maybe driving the ship.
  22. That is why they should have kept rolling the hot hand in Bryz, instead they cooled him off. The team in front of him played horrible too but they shouldn't have rested Bryz. Oh well maybe Bryz has a concussion from blocking that shot the other night off the dome.
  23. No but surely i am tired of Shelley in the lineup, he's killing the flow of the 4th that they were rolling when Rinaldo wasn't in the box.
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