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Posts posted by Hockey-78

  1. 12 hours ago, sweetshot said:

    Apparently he realized that sometimes a hockey stick is good for multiple uses. Truthfully though, during his era he was an unbelievably clean player. He had 210 penalty minutes in a 10 year career.

    Shooting percentage tells the story--doesn't matter how pretty he looked. Besides, I would be willing to bet shooting technique hasn't changed much over the years as its a pretty simple motion--the fundamentals today are the same as they ever were.


    Sure, he was clean. I don't know what got to him in that situation.


    Well shooting percentage depends on the overall level of the goalies too. I dare say the goalies (too) are better these days than in the 80's. Their techniques have improved vastly. I believe quite a few of Bossy's shots wouldn't be credited as goals year 2018.


    Shooting technique probably has remained more or less the same. But with the advance of equipment players get much more power and accuracy in to their shots than back then. And probably any changes in the details of shooting favor Laine, I doubt they've left anything valuable out in the past 30 years.


    For the record, overall I value Bossy and his game much more than Laine's. Laine seems to rely on his shot heavily, to this day very one dimensional player.

  2. @yave1964  I appreciate you putting a serious effort into these opening posts!


    Yeah, they play fast as hell. But you're right tough, the Wings are trash. Not the most suitable opponent to start analysing your team. Nevertheless their 1st line works nicely together. Aho, Ferland and TT. Or is Staall there instead of TT? If they only had a quality starting goalie, they could do wonders. Faulk is an excellent offensive D, would love to have him in the Wild jersey. Yeah, a fun team to watch since now that the league has killed all the physicality in the game so what's left is the speed.


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  3. 3 hours ago, Podein25 said:


    He mixed the lines up last night, putting Laine on with Scheifele and Wheeler, Perrault up with Little and Ehlers. Seemed to work, since they made the comeback (Little tied it up as the 6th man with the goalie pulled). But I expect Maurice to go back to their regular current lines.


    I was talking with a friend who is a real Jets fan (I'm a part time fan at best) and was suggesting that maybe Little was the problem with that line, that he's getting long in the tooth. He disagreed, saying that both Laine and Ehlers are playing like idiots. FWIW.

    Okay. That's probably the combo most to Laine's liking. Two hard working guys doing the dirty work and setting him up for one timers.


    Yeah, Little is by no means too old but playing for over a decade in the league takes it's toll, I can understand your buddy's reaction.  And I've seen Ehlers play a lot, fantastic hands with a high hockey IQ, can't see him as the culprit. Maybe it's Laine? Feeling a bit lazy, not keen to dig the puck in the corners etc.

  4. 7 hours ago, Podein25 said:


    He's playing on a line with Little and Ehlers, which on paper should be good, but they have yet to find chemistry. 


    Yes. At some point Maurice has to react. Three top picks who's already established themselves in the league but together not getting anything done. I don't think Scheifele and Wheeler can carry the team all by themselves although the Avs seem to be going nicely just by their 1st line scoring.

  5. On 7/26/2018 at 6:33 PM, Podein25 said:

    Best shot in the history of the game and it's not even close really. He needs to work on his foot speed though.


    True. Plus I think he's pretty selective when he even uses his foot speed. Ok he's a big kid but I would see his tendency to take big wide circles as a problem. He likes to casually look around for some neat little opportunity which just doesn't occur by itself especially 5 on 5. So far 8 games, 3 PPG, no goals 5 on 5 (341 players have at least 1 goal). Scheifele and Wheeler play on another line which might explain it. Interesting to see how things develop.

  6. 56 minutes ago, Alexandron said:

    Our kind of an old-ish roster have got more than 100 points during the regular season last 2 years in a row. This season they started slow , but became recently more active and more productive. Hope they will improve more, including a playoffs results too. And we(fans) are getting older and slower - sign or not to sign for the new Wild Message Board? 🙂.

    Hi Alex, what's going down pal? 😎

    Quite a few doesn't remember those 100 points since they didn't accumulate anything in the playoffs - back-to-back 1st round exits! One could even argue that those exits hurt a lot more because the regular season hinted there would be more to come.


    I was in no hurry to sign in here since it was summer and like already mentioned, nothing really changed with this team. What was there to talk about? The "tweaks"? 😁 *no pun intended*


    Since this place is moderated I have a feeling we won't be seeing the "high voltage" discussions we used to. And for the record, I'm glad it's that way in here. Calling names grows old fast especially without a moderator. But hey, let's have a good one in here bud! 😊

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, ClusterChuck said:

    Hi All.

    Another one from the Wild.com Titanic. I wasn't sure if I wanted to start a new forum but I guess I just missed the group

    *sniffs* and the discussions. Of course looking forward to all the new people too. 


    Hi Chuck,

    I know you missed me, no need for any smoke screens. 😉 Welcome back!

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  8. Yeah I agree but first they need to place a bag of dynamite under the current PP system and units and think it all over. 55 goals is a dream if Suter continues his show on the blueline not to mention Koivu and lack of players wanting to get bruised in front of the net.


    How would you run our PP, wildstar?

  9. 7 minutes ago, Lonkkis said:

    Took you long enough. 😋

    Ah, the first shot at me. Fair enough. 🙂


    Although seeing in the offseason we're going with the same old roster another season really didn't get me excited. I'll probably post the same old rants I did last season! 😁

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  10. On 8/4/2018 at 6:04 AM, Alexandron said:

     And I am still waiting for Hockey-78 to sign too. Because you always able to raise I would say the voltage level in our discussions.

    Why thank you! 🙂

    Aiming to raise the level of hockey IQ in discussions but if voltage works for you then that's what you're gonna get... 😉

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