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Everything posted by Spinorama

  1. that sounds hilarious, hopefully someone will post it
  2. I think he's looked pretty good in his two games up. Unfortunately I wasn't able to give sole attention to the game last night but it was on in the background and when I watched and saw him on the ice, I never thought "SEND THIS BUM BACKDOWN!!!!" Looking forward to seeing more of him though...
  3. I'd sign it! I can't imagine anyone else having the kind of impact Lindros did on this organization and thus no one should ever don the 88 again! wow, and to think he didn't win a cup. Let's be honest though, he was Flyers hockey throughout the 90's, the only thing missing is a cup.
  4. Man,I really hope the new CBA allows that!
  5. I'd love that. One thing I can't stand is seeing players get these ridiculously long contracts just to help teams manage the cap hit. It makes a player your team has that much harder to move is he isn't play up to snuff. It could potentially lead to a player to take nights off when he feels like it cause he's already got his career contract. I like 3 - 4 years max for players.
  6. excellent points all round. I was surprised but pleased to see Bob come out in the second. I was thrilled to see Jagr back so soon but that excitement was ill placed it seems.
  7. I seen a bunch of interviews with Eric recently and my guess is he'll probably take the high road. He has in every other interview.
  8. yeah Bryz for me as well. There's a bunch of frustrating things going on with this team but I'd say the one for me is Bryz. With the hoopla and the money, I expected more than we've seen. I expected the most out of him than any of our other new acquisitions so of course if they all aren't meeting my expectations, then he'd be disappointing me the most. I guess I just didn't expect all that much out of our new acquisitions so they aren't really letting me down.
  9. I wasn't able to tune in, thanks for the recap!
  10. I agree, the team looked bad overall. One game isn't enough to make a complete assessment of what we are dealing with but I'll assess one game's performance. Marshall plays with more of an edge, but unfortunately it felt like sometimes he was taking himself out of the play a bit to play with that edge. He also looked like he could use a tad bit more quickness and or positioning. Confidence and experience should help with the speed thing though since once he has a better understanding of where to be, he'll go right to that spot instead of delaying. I found myself noticing Bourdon less last night. It could be I wasn't looking for him but I don't feel like i heard his name much. Which in his case could be a good thing. Considering the game itself was a bad one and a bad loss, the fact that I'm not sitting here practically blaming these guys for their horrendous play says a lot to me.
  11. As you and @Irishjim said, $8.25, nuff said, no way!
  12. unfortunately i think you're right
  13. these announcers are crazy. You can definitely tell these guys are new to broadcasting. AND WE HAVE A BREW HA HA. they're so giddy
  14. who said I was blaming anybody? All I said was he shows up and the team starts playing like crap. If you want to believe that I implied he had a direct impact on that result then go for it. People talk about chemistry and not ***** with lines all the time. Maybe it wasn't his presence that was causing the problem directly but someone had to sit to make room for him. Lines had to be changed around. The team lost chemistry along the way there somewhere. So was he a direct problem? no, but it's hard to ignore the trend and say that something wasn't a miss there. Don't get me wrong though,I like the guy.
  15. Hopefully he'll do something with this attempt. Sure, like everyone is saying, 4 games isn't the biggest sample set to judge a player on. That said, it's hard to ignore the fact that when he showed up, the team started playing crappy and he didn't look go in the process. The team is playing significantly better than when he had his first stint so hopefully that'll help him look and play better this time around. Also,I like our current center situation so I think they should move him to wing, the position Jagr vacated.
  16. the guy said he's had problems before and he pointed out that he's 39 and predicts this might be a recurring problem in the future... sounds reasonable, didn't sound like over reacting to me. This penchant for everyone going to the extreme is actually a little annoying. Complaining about something doesn't automatically mean going off the deep end, people need to stop reacting as if that's happening... it stunts discussion. Sorry wasn't directing this entirely at you... just a trend I've been noticing that's been kinda annoying. I find myself constantly trying to type things ever so gently when it comes to constructive criticism because people tend to over react to the slightest criticism and it takes too much effort to get people to see that. Perfect example, can you tell the difference between: "JVR SUCKS!" and JVR is off to a disappointing start?"
  17. I find myself going over there to take a look at the carnage as well. It's interesting. the other day I found myself rooting for nothing but BR posts but there are a few stragglers who refuse to let the place die, as if arguing with BR is going to change anything. This new PP guy is BR, I'm convinced and he's playing the woe is me schtick and people are actually going for it. I mean,BR is missing and this PP guy is there in flux and people still wonder and try to give the guy the benefit of the doubt? No wonder BR won in the first place. Oh well. It's funny though and sad, kinda like going back to the neighborhood you grew up in only to see it now a the riff raff have taken over.
  18. I agree. Finally started to make some "WOW" saves as well
  19. Voracek was rocking the blacked out stache as well.
  20. I agree that Couturier is going to be in the mix as well.... holyshit, you mean we're talking about 2 players... that are ON THE FLYERS? how nice is that
  21. per this article: http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/flyers/Report-Carter-requesting-trade.html It'd be interesting but at the same time I could see it. Maybe he was convinced that he and Nash would be the cogs to build around, plus Umberger is there. And then he gets hurt before he has a chance to do anything. Then while hurt he gets to spend a month watching his team go back into the crapper. Probably not a scenario where one would be excited to get back on the ice. I wonder how long Columbus would try to make it work with a player who is obviously not happy to be playing for the team (if in fact that's what's going on)?
  22. I have to admit this was a tough one for me since most of the players we traded away I was fine with trading them. Gagne was a tough trade but 2 things kept me from getting hung up on it, he was possibly one hit away from done and his contract. If we held him through the end of his contract, would he have taken a pay cut to stay with the team? Sharp was one of those players at the time I didn't ,mind the trade because while he was here he had yet to hit his potential. Of course hindsight being 20/20 I can say sure I'd love to have him back but at the time of the trade it didn't really bother me all that much. It would've been nice at the time to hold onto youth though. After reading a bunch of posts in this thread I'm gonna have to agree with Zubrus. I liked him when we had him, wasn't quite sure why we gave up on him and had gone on to have a nice career, as well as some good games against the Flyers.
  23. if Hartford ever gets a team back,they NEED to be called the Whalers. If anything other than "the whale" is in hartford, it is a crime
  24. totally sucks! I was looking forward to watching our first D prospect actually grow into a defensemen that we'd all be talking positively about. Hopefully he repairs quickly and doesn't miss a step when he gets back
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