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Everything posted by FD19372

  1. I heard Jake Voracek is available.
  2. Lycksell a little careless penalty with his stick, and that might about do it.
  3. Nice shift in the offensive zone, only to be followed by a penalty there. Not the Flyers night, it seems.
  4. It looks like the team, might have been at some of the local Detroit bars before the game. They look awfully sluggish offensively..though you'd figure with 19 shots through two periods, one would go in. Even though i thought our goaltending has been good this year, tonight is not one of those nights. Giving up three goals on 12 shots, can't happen.
  5. If only the Flyers would have gotten ONE of those shots at the end, on net, they could have easily tied this game.
  6. Ersson won't like his save % after this one. That being said, he's had a good third period.
  7. Nice block by Seeler, to prevent a good quality scoring chance for the Lightning.
  8. I blame this game on Chuck Fletcher. I just want to blame him, one more time.
  9. 3-0 lead gone now due to ex-Blues legend, Vladimir Tarasenko. Oh..and BAD turnovers.
  10. The Flyers have to stay out of the box. They're generally outplaying the Avs, outshooting them 11-5, but you can't take penalties against a team with tremendous firepower and an excellent PP..even without Big Nik and Lando.
  11. That's a damn good team, even without Heiskanen, that they just outshot 43-16 and beat soundly, 5-1. The Flyers are playing very good hockey.
  12. Goal of the year, and Oettinger is obviously quite good, on top of that.
  13. Heck of a comeback in a tough place to play, against a team that plays well in their barn. They heard me say they were getting beat, to too many loose pucks. No quit.
  14. Getting beat to a lot of loose pucks tonight, too slow on just about everything.
  15. I guess they knew something. I can't blame the Flyers entirely, but I have to blame them a little for this mess.
  16. The question that none of us Flyers fans, which we might not ever find out the answer to, is did the Flyers know that he didn't want to play here (obviously, it's a question needing to be asked, before drafting him)? If they did, and he said yes.. he wants to be a Flyer , than the kid is dishonest, and has no integrity. So, if that's true. I want no part of Gauthier on the team despite how talented he is.
  17. Very good trade made by Danny B, IMO, especially if it’s true that Gauthier didn’t want to play for the Flyers. Drysdale should fit in very well on the top, or second pairing.
  18. Seider Makar Heiskanen Provorov...oh wait.
  19. Oh, good. His trade value, will never be higher!
  20. Speaking of howitzers, there's one heck of an accurate and good one by Draisaitl. 4-2, Oilers.
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