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Everything posted by mojo1917

  1. the goals tonight just killed the skaters. the clarkson goal... damn @Green Man 9 more years of this guy playing like he has will waste the talent assembled. he was not what most people were expecting, he was no where near as good as he needed to be when it counted. sorry calling it like i see it, year one is in the books and he is not a value at 1/10 of his salary. if we can buy him out , we should. that clarkson goal is the beginning of a potentially long and contentious relationship with this fan base.
  2. If we lose this game there will be no way for him to ever be successful in this city. So what then...?
  3. all our guys need to do is score one more than the devils if we score one more we'll win, i'm sure of it.
  4. mojo1917


    i would like to agree with this but have reached my quota
  5. mojo1917


    Jagr for 2 million maybe, not 3.3 though, he'd need to take a pay cut. i think he's been a great influence on these young guys, i think he's been a big reason for Jakub Voracek's emergence... the opportunity to play with his idol has brought out the best in him.... so it might be worth 3rd line minutes and 1.5 to 2 to keep him in the fold, more time with Voras, more time to make an impact on Schenn, Couturier, and the rest of the pups.
  6. @SoCalFlyfan i've been rolling my eyes, because i like hockey and would rather watch paint dry than the rangers style of play, laviolette has won using his puck possession attacking style, he's won the damn stanley cup, with a bunch of guys that wouldn't get arrested in canada on his defense corps... you're right the when you say the devils are beating us at our own game. should he be able to make an adjustment ? fair question, but this team isn't built to play like the rangers so that's not going to happen so that adjustment isn't coming. he can't control who gets hurt, and who stays healthy. not to blame our current plight on injuries but i wonder how we would be looking if we had mezaros playing. that makes the whole rotation better, more experienced and physical. and as i have said elsewhere , this group has exceeded my expectations by so much , i'm having a hard time being pissed off that we're getting beat by a large, fast and healthy NJ team.
  7. @flyercanuck sure why not ? it feels like a 5-3 even when we've got 5 skaters , at least tito-train and zac will make a physical play.
  8. mojo1917


    back to JvR, do we think he needs another pass ? the guy was injured for a significant portion of the year. Do we use him in the offseason to bolster the defense ? or do we hope that the promise he shows becomes his default game rather than the occasional where did that come from game ? i think i'm inclined to see what he's like when healthy next year, does his hockey iq increase ? does he find the open areas for his shot ? can he find some chemistry with some linemates like he had with simmonds and schenn before his foot broke. he's got great skills and speed i'd hate to see him join the ranks of guys who've blossomed because the flyers weren't patient.
  9. not giving up either ! i say dress both rinaldo and the tito-train tonight, and put them out first with talbot in the middle... f the devils !
  10. @orange_crush yep, might as well write off the rest of Laviolette's tenure... fire him and all the things. this team is experiencing growing pains, 75% roster turn over,6 rookies playing more professional hockey than they have played ever in their lives, mega injuries on the blue line, the guys brought into help with those mega injuries are injured... it is unrealistic to expect to go through a season without losing a major player at some point, but the injuries to our defense corps have been significant, almost comical. i think this off season some tough choices need made, timmonen does he retire ? can pronger be bought out, do we let carle seek his fortune elsewhere , who should be targeted to play in laviolette's go-go system to make our head case goalie feel comfortable ? right now the personnel are not able to sustain the style of play.
  11. this current beat down from the devils for whatever reason is easier for me to handle, they are beating our guys all over the ice. winning battles, foot races, their forecheck is causing lots of turnovers... the results so far in the series are just. when i think back to the early 00's and late 90's the flyers were out working the devils , out shooting them 38- 25 and losing 3-2 because that ****** broduer was ridiculously good. this isn't like that, this is our guys are getting beaten, and sometimes that happens. whatever the result of this series, i'm proud of this team and think the future looks pretty bright, i really like this nucleus of players , these young guys have exceeded my expectations by a mile.
  12. I agree with @trevluk regarding Giroux. i think he knew exactly what he was doing, i think watching broduer play the puck outside of the trapezoid for the 60th time this series coupled with a couple of good old fashioned punches to his back finally took their toll. this current beat down from the devils for whatever reason is easier for me to handle, they are beating our guys all over the ice. winning battles, foot races, their forecheck is causing lots of turnovers... the results so far in the series are just. when i think back to the early 00's and late 90's the flyers were out working the devils , out shooting them 38- 25 and losing 3-2 because that ****** broduer was ridiculously good. this isn't like that, this is our guys are getting beaten, and sometimes that happens.
  13. i agree with this. but that's not how it will shake down... i'm sure.
  14. @OccamsRazor the drop off from carle to gustaffson would be significant, i didn't miss that part of your post, i considered it foolhardy... IMO Gus is not ready for big minutes and if you hate carle now you'll really hate gus next year by january. Gus is an NHL player, he's not a top 4, on our team, but he's a solid 5/6, so again i ask if carle walks, and if he's looking for a pay day he will and you'll be happy, who would you like to see as his replacement ? because i guarandamn tee you, you won't be pleased with gus playing carle's minutes.
  15. I have noticed them giving up the blue line also...usually it has been Lilja and his partner and in every case that I've noticed it, NJ has had odd man situations with a flyers forward in full burner trying to even it up. So I'm not sure that laying the lumber is the right play. Cause if you miss it's a two on zero or breakaway. Aside from the scenario I've just typed though I,d like to see them make that entry into the zone more difficult than it has been so far.
  16. nice jinx @SoCalFlyfan thanks... how about you keeping any more rays of sunshine to yourself... ( i jest ) actually i'm thinking the flyers shot the wad on the Pens series, guys are playing with concussions (grossmann), and bad backs (timmonen), big swollen knees, (hartnell) and now jmdodgerts is saying G has a groing pull..... i think that Pens series really took a toll on the flyers health, as well as most of their emotional capital.
  17. well that would help explain all the falling down.
  18. you don't really think that, do you ? i guess you do. i disagree, strongly. my point <> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this is how far you missed it by. who would the flyers replace his minutes with ? keep in mind we're talking top 4 minutes 22-25 a night minutes. think hard, because there aren't a lot of good options, there's more expensive carle, (suter) there's costing a lot of assets carle (the only exclusion is weber and could we get him to sign here ?) and a bunch of guys that aren't as good who would sign for carle money (subban,jackman et al)
  19. this team has exceeded my expectations by so far it is not even funny. that said, i'd still like for them to beat the devils because i think they are the more talented team. but if the devils are too hot, or too big or whatever they are and the flyers are eliminated from the tournament, i'll be pleased with this version of the team and excited for the future.
  20. I'll agree with the "out coached" but only a little, Lavy likes for his team to dictate the terms and tempo of the game, and thus far he hasn't found the right combination of things to allow for this to happen. the devils really seem like they've gone to school on the flyers breakout, there always seems to be guys where the puck is being passed, it's like they moved the trap into the our offensive zone. they pressure with a couple of guys and seem to have a couple of guys pressuring the first pass option too. sometimes it seems like they're playing with 6 skaters. so either that's hustle or they're way faster than our guys (not likely) or they've studied up on our tendencies which will need a little tweaking. the other thing is keeping the puck away from broduer, he's killing us with his puck handling, we need to have possession going into the o-zone , even when we get the puck deep he can still break the forecheck with his ability. Lavy can only do so much though, it seems like our guys lose every big face off , we're always chasing the puck for possession, they're a big team so once they get the puck it makes it harder to knock them off it and energy that could be spent dictating the pace of play is spent chasing. @aziz has a point, they've played as well as they can and have lost a game and have gone into OT on the other, and lead 2-1, we win sunday and everything is back to square one and we'll have home ice. they're not this juggernaut that can't be beat, hell a poor panthers team was able to beat them 3 times and could have won that series. i don't think the panthers do anything better than the flyers.
  21. good point here, and this is something that MAF doesn't do as well, I'll bet Marty has busted our bad dump in's 70% more than MAF did. we need to control the puck entering their zone, you need the perfect dump to the corner or the the half wall...and even then broduer can make a play. giroux has looked like he's been hurt, not injured, just like he took a hack to his mitt or shot to his rib cage... sore. plus, i don't remember seeing him fall down as much as he has in this series before either, it's like someone new is sharpening his skates and is giving him the paul coffey groove or something. i still think the flyers can win this series, there needs to be an adjustment or two made, and i think @flyerrod is on to something with keeping the puck away from broduer on the dump ins.
  22. if he doesn't resign here, he'll be missed. we'll wonder why we're having a hard time getting out of our zone, wondering why that new guy didn't pinch. it's fine to hate on him, we are after all philly sports fans, but i can't help but think whomever the flyers sign to replace him will be the same type player, who will do the same type things, maybe the new guy will have a better shot, but will be charmin soft in the d-zone and you'll all be longing for Carle's 5.5 mil game. careful what you wish for is all i'm saying , if we tender an offer to suter for big money or swing a deal for yandle, you will all hate their game and contracts just as much as Carle.
  23. The Devils finished strong, they had 1 less point than our guys , so it's not like they suck... I can credit their players and their coach they are very effective with their forechecking and are winning more 1on 1 battles. Plus it seems to m like they know our tendencies on the breakout. There are always sticks and skates in the way of our passes. Plus I think they're doing a good job in their end pressuring the puck carrier and blocking shots. I still think our guys can win the series though, when our guys are able to sustain our forecheck the debs have no answer, so it comes down to our guys winning races and possessing the puck, Elias is killing G in the circle , we're always chasing the puck cause we can't seem to win any draws. That would help too.
  24. yeah it was all Briere's fault on Tuesday... i think i can find instances of every flyers forward watching the devils play hockey tuesday night. Our top 9 was atrocious, so to act like it's all Danny's fault is like saying the titanic sank because of a faulty O ring on bilge pump 4. the well documented fact that he's not great defensively isn't exactly a secret so to act surprised and indignant over it is a little silly.
  25. aeniema is still my favorite record, love stink fist and eulogy....10000 days was good but it made me angry to listen to it ; they're pretty powerful that way , jambi (love that solo) i think was my favorite song on that one, missed latreralus and never bought it on my brother's recommendation. as i got older my attention span has grown shorter for music that i must listen actively too, and tool falls into that category.
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