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From The Athletic - Flyers Poll/Survey (Part 3) - Front Office


The Athletic Flyers Poll/Survey  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the most confident and 1 being the least confident), how confident are you in the Flyers' front office as led by Chuck Fletcher?

    • 1 - least confident
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5 - most confident
  2. 2. If you could erase one (#1) move done by Fletcher over the past 12 months, which would it be?

    • Rasmus Ristolainen trade/ and then extension
    • Sean Couturier extension
    • Ryan Ellis trade
    • Voracek / Aatkinson trade
    • Keith Yandle signing
    • Shayne Gostisbehere trade
    • Claude Giroux trade
    • The firing of Vigeault/ choice of Mike Yeo as interim head coach

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The Athletic has a poll/survey running on the State of the Union for the Flyers.  I will be posting some of their questions. 


They listed a lot of questions.  Here is Part 3.


Comment below for these 2 questions only

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I hate Fletch. Period. End of story.  I thought he was poor choice from the beginning.  Simply put, I DO NOT trust him to do the right thing.


The Risto trade / extension is an abomination and will set this franchise back for years to come unless they find away to move him.  

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  • 2 weeks later...



Speaking of Fletcher, we’ve now reached the job approval question of this survey for him, and surprise surprise! It’s not pretty. A whopping 74.1 percent of the surveyed group — nearly three-quarters — have a confidence level below the midpoint of 3 when it comes to the Flyers general manager. That comes out to a 1.91 average approval rating.


It’s been a stark decline in terms of confidence in Fletcher as well since the Flyers Fan Survey began. In 2020, he was way up at 3.96. Last season, he dropped to 2.71, with a plurality giving him a 3. Now, more fans picked the lowest possible confidence score than any other option, and he’s down to below 2 on average. Not great.


One slight silver lining for Fletcher? His 1.91 average confidence rating is still higher than the view of the overall health of the organization (1.77). If one wanted to be charitable, that could be interpreted as a slight acknowledgement that all of this might not be Fletcher’s fault.

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We got this one right too ....


OK, this one might have been cheating a bit, because technically, the Rasmus Ristolainen trade and extension were two separate moves. That said, had the two been separated out, they almost certainly would have ranked 1-2 in this poll, and in truth, the two feel linked because Part 2 seemed essentially inevitable given the high price relinquished on the part of Fletcher to complete Part 1. Unless the Flyers dramatically turn the direction of their franchise around in the near future, it’s easy to imagine Ristolainen and his $5.1 million cap hit over the next five years being the primary critique sent Fletcher’s way to explain succinctly why his tenure failed. It’s viewed that poorly by the bulk of fans, at least those in this survey.


The rest pale in comparison to the low regard that the survey hold the Ristolainen acquisitions, but the signing of Keith Yandle — which originally seemed like an understandable depth add but became anything but when he played like the NHL’s worst defenseman and was not scratched in large part due to his pursuit of the consecutive games record — isn’t viewed with fondness, nor was the decision to attach a second-round pick just to ship out the final two seasons of Shayne Gostisbehere’s contract. Though that deal is in a way linked to No. 1 on this list, given that Fletcher quickly allotted the cap space cleared by Ghost to fit Ristolainen’s $5.4 million cap hit in 2021-22. Welp.

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1. On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the most confident and 1 being the least confident), how confident are you in the Flyers' front office as led by Chuck Fletcher?


I am not confident at all that CF is the man to construct your playoff competitor, let alone a Stanley Cup contender.
I saw firsthand his type of work with the Wild, and he was bouyed by the fact that the Wild already had a solid player group in place, and all Fletcher had to do was nurture that.
He really didn't....not in any meaningful way.

Now, with a much bigger mess to deal with in Philly, well, if he couldn't tread water with what he had in Minnesota, he certainly won't be able to get the Flyers to rise from the ashes with what they have now.
So yea, 1--Least Confident. Ya'll need a new GM.



2. If you could erase one (#1) move done by Fletcher over the past 12 months, which would it be?

Easily, EASILY, the Risto trade, then subsequent extension for the money they did.
Obviously, lots of other questionable stuff in there too, but that RistoFiasco stands out like a turd in a sea of vanilla!
Risto was NEVER a top whatever defenseman, never worth a big contract for what he brings, and not only did the Flyers trade for him, giving up quite a bit to do so, but then intensified the pain by extending him at over 5M.

Ouch, ouch, and triple ouch!

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Where is the "All of the above"? 


If you undid EVERYTHING Fletcher has done, the Flyers would be better off.

On 6/12/2022 at 12:34 PM, pilldoc said:

I hate Fletch. Period. End of story.  I thought he was poor choice from the beginning.  Simply put, I DO NOT trust him to do the right thing.


The Risto trade / extension is an abomination and will set this franchise back for years to come unless they find away to move him.  


It's great that every big move this oaf makes, the first thing that comes to mind is "How do we get out of this?". 


I hate him more!



Edited by flyercanuck
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