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One of the kids on my granddaughter's team is the son of UVM's defensive coach.  That coach has been kind to my granddaughter.  He's spent  time with her and helped a lot.  The thing that I notice is that she's enjoying the game more.  She's always liked to play, but this year the joy is obvious.   She skates onto the ice in the free and easy stride that players who are happy use.  She's no Bobby Orr, but it makes me feel great to watch her having such a good time speeding around the rink.  


The guy understands that kids who are having fun will be more receptive to learning. 



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That's so great to hear, it's hard to find coaches who are really passionate about what they do. Glad that your grand-daughter is enjoying playing an amazing sport, hopefully she continues to find it fun for quite a long time :)


Good coaches that actually encourage a kids passion are rare so I recommend you rate the team he coaches so that more players are lucky enough to know where to find such an encouring coach :) I think a rating site for female players is http://icehockeyleagues.com/


Best wishes!

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She's always played on boy's teams.  As you know,  that situation often leads to the girl deferring to the boys.  This guy encourages her to pursue the puck and skate with it.  He doesn't spend time during the game pointing out tactical mistakes (He knows that's what practices are for). 


I'm going to watch at least one of her games tomorrow.  I'll make a point to pat the guy on the back and express my appreciation.

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