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Quick, Miller, and Howard to be named to the US Olympic Team


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The official announcement is to come at the Winter Classic.  


When is Quick expected to be back?  Miller has probably been the best of the three so far.


I can't say I feel confident in Howard he has been inconsistent all season, but then Schneider hasn't been on top of his game either.  Bishop has probably been the best goalie this season if Howard continues with his poor play I'd rather the team carry Bishop.


Have to say I feel less strong about the US goaltenders than I did prior to the start of the season.

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Why Howard? , he's not the best Goalie... shoot, Bishop is SO much better than he is... I think the US Olympic team has something against my teams Goalie.


Having said that, being a US citizen, I may just root on the Canadian Hockey Olympic team this time just because of it... Damn people in charge of Team USA Hockey don't know WTF there doing, idiots...

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LOL...I think there's plenty of people up here who think the same about Hockey Canada. I'm going to have to say the US has made bigger leaps than Sweden or Russia or Finland in a shorter span in building a quality program 


Honestly, between the picks though BISHOP by far has proven himself to definitely make the TEAM USA roster... you know that, we all know that. So if he doesn't get in with Team USA. I am totally going with Team Canada in Hockey.


BISHOP deserves this, nuff said...

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Don't forget the whole Stamkos miracle recovery. There's another reason for ya!

This subject has nothing to do with Stamkos... SO, on this topic, you should agree with all of what I said and not just a part of it...

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