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Talent Scouts-Good. Personality Scouts-BAD!

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The Bruins have done a good job identifying talent in the draft. But they have a very hard time identifying the good personalities in the draft, or so it seems. Drafting and trading young players because they're bad people is not the way to win Cups. 


Maybe it's not all on the personality "scouts", but the organization is at fault for not maturing players the right way?

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The Bruins were riding high on the hog and didn't "need" to develop players for the long term - they were in "win now" for the past several seasons.


Two Finals and a Cup to show for it - there are worse results for teams.


But chasing the dragon has caught up with them.


Perennially successful teams maintain a pipeline of talent coming up rather than relying on increasingly expensive vets. Even more important in a cap world.


Plus, they have nine players with some sort of NMC/NTC. When you handcuff yourself like that, you have to move other guys instead.

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Now now. As Can Neely says, they need players who play the Bruins brand of hockey. + An old Jacobs method for dealing with contract negotiations is "SHIP EM"


So ship them Kessel's, Seguin's, Hamilton's, Smith's and Lucic's!...........And draft based on Bruins brand instead of skill and deserving.........


While the rest of the league laughs lol

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The Bruins were riding high on the hog and didn't "need" to develop players for the long term - they were in "win now" for the past several seasons.


Two Finals and a Cup to show for it - there are worse results for teams.


But chasing the dragon has caught up with them.


Perennially successful teams maintain a pipeline of talent coming up rather than relying on increasingly expensive vets. Even more important in a cap world.


Plus, they have nine players with some sort of NMC/NTC. When you handcuff yourself like that, you have to move other guys instead.





Bruins are now starting to pay the price for their success.

Not saying they can't rebound, but it will be a tricky process....one which, if you look at a team like Chicago, CAN be handled and dealt with, though certainly not the easiest thing in the world to do properly.


And even with the Hawks, the success, the high priced players and low draft positions due to that success may finally be catching up with them.

Then again, with 3 Championships in 6 years and being a legit Cup team every year during that run is payoff in itself....and ANY team out there would take that then deal with the consequences later!


Bruins just need to learn how to play the Success vs the Cap game when it comes to drafting.

Personalities on a team CAN be a factor in how well a team will do, but I think talent will still supercede personality issues more often than not.


If a team has good professional veteran players (such as what the Bruins have always seemed to have), then that should help in squelching any personality problems in the locker room, save for extreme cases.

Now, if a team is going to go into a 'hissy fit' the moment there is just a bit of personality problems, culture clash, or minor adversity with team makeup, and start trading away good young talent because of it, then one really has to question the 'powers that be' on that.


But overall, as far as moves made to try and keep a team cap compliant and competitive at the same time, I think Rad said it perfectly.

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Now now. As Can Neely says, they need players who play the Bruins brand of hockey. + An old Jacobs method for dealing with contract negotiations is "SHIP EM"


So ship them Kessel's, Seguin's, Hamilton's, Smith's and Lucic's!...........And draft based on Bruins brand instead of skill and deserving.........


While the rest of the league laughs lol


IMO Hamilton should have been the turning point for them to go from "win now" to "develop for future"


What do they build on now? Chara, Seidenberg and McQuaid for three more seasons? I will never understand this current Seidenberg contract. Never.


And for all of Neely's much vaunted talent - and he certainly had talent - he managed two playoff rounds in the last five years of his career.


"Bruins hockey"

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