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Completely biased takes on the most hated team in the league.

Entries in this blog

Process Asessment

If you follow me on twitter, you are already well aware as to how I feel about the way Alain vigneault has been steering the ship that is the Canucks over his tenure, but more specifically the last year and a half. Today I received this gem, which sums it up perfectly. I honestly could not have better expressed how I feel about the job Vigneault is doing any better myself. So kick back, crack open a pack of your favourite lozenges and enjoy the hell out of this guest article written by K



An elbow for an... elbow?

Remember when Zdeno Chara took ran Max Pacioretty face first into the stanchion or when Shea Weber grabbed the back of Henrik Zetterberg’s face and smashed it off the glass? Two of the most glaring examples of intent to injure ever seen in the NHL, zero suspension. Fast forward to last night in Chicago where Jannik Hansen attempted to make a play that happens several times over the course of every single NHL game (trying to knock a puck out of the air with his hand) when his elbow, inadverten



There's Something in the Chowder

In yet another display of the vast intelligence running rampant through the streets of Boston, several fans took to twitter tonight to express their displeasure at their team being eliminated from the finals. Unfortunately they chose to do so in very disgusting manner as they hurled racist comments towards Joel Ward of the Washington Capitals, the man who scored the overtime winner. Joel is black, which apparently doesn’t sit to well with Bruins fans, which is ironic considering the colour of



Why Keeping Luongo makes the most sense

As you are already quite aware, we are both huge Luongo fans. I'm quite certain Ricky may even have some Luongo stuff from when he was an Islander. Needless to say we were both extremely excited when he came to Vancouver and on numerous occasions have had his back when the rest of the market seemingly wanted him gone... I do mean numerous. We'd both be extremely sad to see the best goalie this franchise as ever seen traded away, but that's not the focus here. Not taking anything away from



2012 Playoff Preview

It seems nowadays everyone has an opinion on who is going to win each series in the NHL’s Stanley Cup playoffs, be it trusted experts, ex NHL’ers or heck, even a monkey. Doug Maclean falls into one of these categories, we’re not going to tell you which one, you can decide that for yourself. We will however follow the crowd and let you know who we think is going to move on into round two. We will be going round by round giving you our picks, series mvp’s and goats as the match ups are determi



So you want to be a Canucks fan?

Maybe your team didn’t make the playoffs and you’re looking for someone to throw your support behind or you’re from Vancouver and just can’t be bothered with the regular season. Either way, with the playoffs only a couple of days away, it’s now time to act like you care and have been behind the Canucks all year long, every step of the way. Feeling a little uneasy about making the leap from not watching a game all regular season to a know-it-all super fan? Don’t worry, BrowntoBure are here to p



Was Daniel Sedin's concussion preventable?

Welcome to another edition of Monday Meltdown. This week we take a look back at Duncan Keith's cheap shot on Daniel Sedin that outraged all of Vancouver and wonder, was it preventable? Before you start yelling at your computer, of course we know it was preventable from the stand point of if Duncan Keith was not a dirty player and a complete idiot who cannot control his elbows the play would never have taken place. But what if there was a deterrent playing along side the Sedin twins, someone lik



NHL Once Again Rewards The Offender

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. What happens when we continuously get duped? I guess we’re all just a bunch of idiots with egg on our face, right Shanny? Yesterday the majority of Vancouver fans were bracing themselves for Duncan Keith’s hearing Friday afternoon with league disciplinarian Brendan Shanahan and the inevitability of nothing more than 5 games, as is the rule for hearings which take place via phone call. Late last night there was a glimmer of hope on the ho



Duncan Keith; the Choir Boy

Last night in the game between the Vancouver Canucks and Chicago Blackhawks, Hawks defensemen Duncan Keith delivered a vicious elbow to the face of Daniel Sedin, resulting in a concussion. This is nothing new for the Chicago Blackhawks or Keith for that matter, who has a history of retaliating with cheap shots. Warranted, Daniels earlier hit on Keith was a little late and his shoulder did ride up after initial contact with the chest of Keith that does not excuse the blatant head shot delivered



Power Outage on the Left Coast?

As Lower Mainland residents woke up this morning morning to a raging wind storm that has knocked out power in a few areas, you have to wonder if this is the same storm that has recently put the Vancouver Canucks in the dark. Vancouver, who is on a lengthy 7 game homestand, are now 2-3 on that homestand, after dropping back to back Saturday night decisions to lowly Buffalo and Montreal, with a win against Winnipeg sandwiched in between. Before this 7 game stand at Rogers Arena, the Canucks schedu



Monday Meltdown: NHL Rulebook M.I.A

It's Monday and you know what that means. BrowntoBure are back with another edition of Monday Meltdown. As you well know, this past weekend was Daylight Savings, where we all set our clocks forward an hour. Unfortunately it seems the NHL lost this message somewhere in translation as they've set the clock back, all the way to the year 2003, the height up the "Dead Puck Era". As of last week the NHL and its' astute officiating crews had called approximately 350 less obstruction related penaltie



Shooting from the hip

Shooting from the hip, a weekly feature from Canucks Hockey Blog. Featured this week, BrowntoBure: http://canuckshockeyblog.com/?p=9497 Check it out, and you can find out a little bit more on us.



Monday Meltdown

Welcome to Monday Meltdown. Starting today, every Monday BrowntoBure will take a look back at the week that was in Canuck land and release a little of that Monday stress by ranting on something that really had us shaking our heads. Allow us to ease into this by going to the well for something we could just as easily title "Vancouver's response to every single goal in the last 3 years" How many of you wake up Monday morning excited for the week? Well if you're anything like me you loathe the mom



The 'Kassassin' locks in

On yet another night where the Vancouver Canucks failed to show up for a first period against the St. Louis Blues there was one guy who was ready to play right off the hop. Zack Kassian single handedly accounted for half of the Canucks shots through one period of play and looked quite dangerous in doing so. He was setting up teammates and driving hard to the net, something this team has been looking for since the departure of Todd Bertuzzi. Mason Raymond, take notes! If there's one way to fi



A deal for the ages

When you love something let it go, if it succeeds in Buffalo... You're screwed... Or something like that. Today Mike Gillis made a decision that could change the course of history for Vancouver hockey fans and their beloved team, with the decision to deal fan favourite Cody Hodgson to the Buffalo Sabres for Zack Kassian. Fans were outraged when the news broke of the trade just after the 12pm trade deadline on Monday. No police cars were torched, no windows were smashed and not one building wa



A dream that hasn't quite ended

Back in the 2005-2006 season, the Vancouver Canucks were lead by a watered down version of the West Coast Express, and had dug themselves quite the hole trying to get into the postseason. They never did, and missed the playoffs for the first time in 5 years, but they looked to have found something quite unique in the process. We all know how important games in March are, especially when trying to solidify a playoff spot, and with some injury problems, the Canucks called up 24 year old Alexandre



Mason Raymond, view from the perimeter

Today BrowntoBure was featured on the website of The Province Newspaper (Vancouver) Here's the link: http://blogs.theprovince.com/2012/02/17/feature-friday-mason-raymond-view-from-the-perimeter-written-by-browntobure/ hope you enjoy the read. Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/BrowntoBure



Vancouver Valentines

Well it's that time of year again, Valentines Day. Being that most guys pretty much hate this day, it's time to have a little fun. Ever wonder what the players on your favourite team would write in their valentines to a loved one? Me neither, but i did come up with a few ideas of what some of the Vancouver Canucks might write in theirs. Cody Hodgson: Dear overtime, these past few weeks I've been watching you a lot from a far, I know that might sound kind of creepy to you, but you fascinate me.



The Vancouver Canucks, through the eyes of the enemy

After going one by one through each NHL team message board the past couple of days and asking the question, why do they hate us? Some things have been made very clear. In almost every market in the Eastern USA the common response as to why they hate the Canucks seems to be quite simple, they don't. Most of them could actually care less about the Canucks as not only do they rarely meet with the current structure of the NHL schedule, but they have bigger fish to fry in terms of their divisional



The fire still burns

Over the course of the next few months BrowntoBure will be scouring North America, speaking to a fan from each NHL city to find out the answer to the question that just won't seem to go away. Why do they hate us? First up, one of Vancouver's oldest foes, The Calgary Flames. Today we caught up with Trevor Martins, producer of the Sekeres and Price show. Which airs 10am-2pm, Monday to Friday on the Team1040 in Vancouver. Here's what he had to say: So living in Vancouver, how exactly did you bec



Calling all NHL fans

Over the last couple years there's been much made over the Canucks being "the most hated team in hockey" so we have taken it upon ourselves to do a little digging and find out why. We will doing a series of 30 blog posts on why and what exactly it is fans hate about the Canucks or their fans. We are looking for a fan of each team, preferably based in that city... But not essential, to do a short interview with us via email or IM. Anyone who is interested in this please send us a message and we



Oh how Swede it is!

Ever since the Canucks drafted Henrik and Daniel Sedin in the 1999 entry draft, people knew that then GM Brian Burke had drafted two kids who were one day gonna be special players in this league offensively, and that they were. In the first few years of their NHL careers, fans, media and NHL analysts across North America weren't seeing what was previously advertised. In the years that followed, while both Daniel and Henrik showed signs of being the players that they were hyped up to be, people d



Canucks Hitting Snooze

We're just now entering what are known as 'the dog days' of the NHL season, but for the Vancouver Canucks it seems to have started much earlier this year. At first glance at the standings you may think that is just a typical Vancouverite looking for something to complain about, but when you dwell a little deeper there are some glaring things that stick out like a sore thumb, knee, groin or whatever other injury Sami Salo has been able to rack up over the years. Undoubtedly the game of the year i



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