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Posts posted by RonJeremy

  1. 2 hours ago, mojo1917 said:

    Reminder: The dude that said that got the hell beat out of him and died horribly. 

    I'm just breakin' your balls here...let's have a drink. 


    It was a great scene.

    The guy who took the beating was Billy Batts  aka William Bentvina a Gambino guy. No, no you insulted him a little bit...drinks are on the house. 

    • Like 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, radoran said:


    The point is that they are all not good enough to get where the Flyers supposedly want to go so it doesn't matter who's "better".


    You're sitting there arguing of which is the best piece of #### in a field of manure.


    Understand just what it is you're shining there.

    Is that not the reality of this team? As of this moment Frost is the best playmaker and one of the most naturally skilled guys on the team. It's like at 3am in the bar, the six actually looks like a ten, because thats all thats there. Until we get better players who can actually contribute now, this fact will not change.  If you owned a Ford and wanted a BMW, do you get rid of your Ford before you acquire the BMW and then have nothing? And no one is trading in a BMW for a Ford, so for now, we are stuck with what we have. That is actually the argument. The truth is not a foolish statement. So let's name our centers right now with a higher skill level than Frost...

  3. 17 minutes ago, ruxpin said:


    I wouldn't say this is a hard disagree, but I think Poehling is very effective on the 4th and maybe the 3rd and playing against equivalent talent.  I'd like to see more of him on higher lines, but I think this is where other teams have erred with him.  I think he makes Laughton even more expendable than he previously was.


    I've been a Frost cheerleader, but I would move him if the right package came along.

    Poehling is definitely very good on the third or fourth line, but unless Coots makes a big comeback , Poehling may end up as our second line center. Coots was totally shot down the stretch last year. Coots is very slow and even slower now with the bad back. We have to cut down Coots ice time to preserve what’s left of him. Poehlings size and skating are there and he has shown flashes of offensive skill, whether he can take a step up  and score more remains to be seen.

  4. 11 minutes ago, ruxpin said:

    I think that's where I am with the #12 pick.   If it's one of the D-men or Catton, I have to think long and hard. But I'm probably going D with the thought that by the time he's ready (not called up, but ready) it may be time to dump Sanheim for cap room.


    At the same time, we really need some competent centers.  I want to say that's at least half the problem with Farabee.

    The bottom line is we really don’t have a legit #1 center or a legit #1 dman. So in my eyes since this draft is loaded with dmen , I’m going defense. I also think that Yak and Dickinson have a better shot at being a top pair guy than Catton has at being a top center for the very reasons you said. I also don’t think York,Sanheim or Drysdale are #1 defenseman either. I also agree that when you don’t have any playmaking, play driving centers your wingers are not gonna score like they should. Guys like Tippett, Foerester,Farabee and Brink need some playmakers to set them up. That’s why I’m all for trading TK or Drysdale for a young center or high pick like Lindstrom to really make an impact at the draft. Walking away with a top dman and center would be great, otherwise we have to hope we are bad enough next year to land a center at the 25 draft. Michkov is a play driver and will make his teammates better, but Coots skates like a sloth, Laughton has hands of stone, so we have Poehling who has better offensive skills than shown or Frost to play with Michkov. So at this point Frost and Poehling are the top two centers. I think Coots is a third liner now. 

  5. 24 minutes ago, flyercanuck said:


    If Catton was over 6 feet he'd likely go 2nd overall. You don't get those guys picking 12th. 

    If I had a 12 in dong I’d be John Holmes instead of Ron Jeremey. I know, that’s why I’m going with Yak or Dickinsin if they are available or we trade up. If not then I guess it’s Catton or Helinius. 

  6. 17 minutes ago, mojo1917 said:


    He is a boy. 

    And a he's a young one at that.

    He may get man weight that will put him around 175. He may work in the gym that may put him around 185.

    He is an elite skater and playmaker.


    Morgan Frost is elite at ? 

    I'd rather have a runt with crazy talent than a just a place holder.

    Put him on with Forester or your boy Tipp, now that line has some size. 

    Problem solved.

    We've seen what Frost does with those guys. Drives play. weeeeeeee, that's like winning a trade. Amirite? 




    There are other boys like Yak and Dickinson who are over 6ft and weigh 200 lbs. I'll take them.

  7. 6 minutes ago, mojo1917 said:


    He is a boy. 

    And a he's a young one at that.

    He may get man weight that will put him around 175. He may work in the gym that may put him around 185.

    He is an elite skater and playmaker.


    Morgan Frost is elite at ? 

    I'd rather have a runt with crazy talent than a just a place holder.

    Put him on with Forester or your boy Tipp, now that line has some size. 

    Problem solved.

    We've seen what Frost does with those guys. Drives play. weeeeeeee, that's like winning a trade. Amirite? 




    I'm not comparing the runt to Frost. I'm comparing him to Yak and Dickinson,  who I'd rather have because big skilled dman are harder to find.  If they are gone then I guess we go with the runt.  If we draft the runt, then we are stuck with Frost for a few more years while the runt bulks up in juniors.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, radoran said:


    Farabee has actually put up 22 goals and 50 points in the league as a 24-year-old. He's under contract at a reasonable number and as a wing isn't expected to have the same impact that your alleged #2 center does.


    While he's actually had more of an impact than Frost.


    That said, I'm more than OK walking away from Farabee for a good return.

    There's really nobody on the roster I'm overly attached to.

    I agree, nobody is safe,except Michkov,.but I do like Tippett and Foerster.  We haven't had snipers like them since Reggie Leach. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, radoran said:


    TK had 29 points-less games last year. No more than three in a row - once.


    Frost started off point-less in his first six games and during his "hot" spring he had two points-less stretches of three games, another of four, and finished the season blanked in the last six games. That's 16 games with no points while he's supposedly "hot".


    I don't get the fascination - did he buy you a beer at a bar once or something? #Esche



    I don't. I just don't think he's that good. It's hanging around waiting for a guy to be "that guy" that has the Flyers where they are now.


    This year is his chance. His last chance.

    No, he didn't buy me a beer,.but all we hear is how we need skill and he is our most skilled center and yes the rest of our centers have hands of cement.  Some of the plays I have seen Frost make ,I have never seen made by other Flyers.  I do agree he needs to turn it up a few notches or his days in Philly are over.

  10. 2 minutes ago, radoran said:


    TK had 29 points-less games last year. No more than three in a row - once.


    Frost started off point-less in his first six games and during his "hot" spring he had two points-less stretches of three games, another of four, and finished the season blanked in the last six games. That's 16 games with no points while he's supposedly "hot".


    I don't get the fascination - did he buy you a beer at a bar once or something? #Esche



    I don't. I just don't think he's that good. It's hanging around waiting for a guy to be "that guy" that has the Flyers where they are now.


    This year is his chance. His last chance.

    It's definitely his last chance and probably Farabees too.

  11. 5 minutes ago, radoran said:


    Again, very low bar to clear.



    I'm talking about Frost starting slow because he's always started slow.


    Sometimes when guys show you who they are, believe them.


    Again, he comes out and starts hot and puts up a 60-70 point season, terrific.


    I ain't putting money on that.

    He may not, but until something better comes along....it seems like alot of our guys are in the same boat. Farabee was hot and then faded in the stretch . Maybe we just have a bad team.  Of course it's a low bar, the team is mediocre. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, radoran said:


    Right, and he better blow some doors off from the jump, not bumble around for 40 games...


    There's nothing magical about "keeping Frost" - I'm actually getting tired of "waiting for Frost."


    If he's productive, great. If not, they need better players.

    I agree and that goes for all the guys. If vets like TK go on 15 game pointless streaks, then how can we expect a young guy like Frost to do better. We have to take into account this team blows.

  13. 5 minutes ago, radoran said:


    "On the team" is a low bar to clear.


    And this would be the second year in a row that Frost had a "hot" Spring.


    Unfortunately, the season starts in Fall. And the Flyers wound up absolutely collapsing down the stretch.


    I don't see anything about Frost that makes me go "he's the #2 Center on a Cup winning team in five years."


    If he plays effectively and productively for a full season next year, we can revisit.



    P.S.,  Everyone talks about Frost starting slow but they dont talk aboit all the other guys doing the same thing. I don't see much consistency from any Flyers players, the whole team is streaky and dissappear for long stretches. Frost got benched alot early on and in spite of all the games he missed he was still one of the top scorers. 

  14. Just now, radoran said:


    "On the team" is a low bar to clear.


    And this would be the second year in a row that Frost had a "hot" Spring.


    Unfortunately, the season starts in Fall. And the Flyers wound up absolutely collapsing down the stretch.


    I don't see anything about Frost that makes me go "he's the #2 Center on a Cup winning team in five years."


    If he plays effectively and productively for a full season next year, we can revisit.



    His development like many other Flyers was hindered by injury and poor coaching. Like it or not, right now he is our most creative playmaker. It remains to be seen if he can become a legit #2 center. This is the deciding year. 

    • Like 1
  15. 22 minutes ago, jammer2 said:

    Not saying a straight up deal, but a young talent like Stanks is a nice starting point. Kid is creative and could really boost one of THE worst power plays in the history of the league. 

    It all starts with the defense,Guy Lafluer couldn't score with our PP personnel.  We need some creative dmen who's passes aren't so telegraphed and who can actually hit the net with a shot. Our PP is so slow and predictable, I've seen more creative PPs in a street hockey game. 

  16. 26 minutes ago, jammer2 said:

    Maybe its just me, but I think Stankoven has considerably more offensive upside than Frost. I agree with BC here...get the skill/talent in the building and then make adjustments.

    What about just getting a big guy with skill instead of a small guy and then making an adjustment.  We need to move full speed ahead, not reconfigure and make adjustments.  We have wasted enough years,  we have to make every move count.

  17. 34 minutes ago, BobbyClarkeFan16 said:

    We're not Florida yet. And these big guys just don't grow on trees. And this is exactly how the Flyers got into trouble in the first place - Charles 'Entertainment' Fletcher was enamored with how the Islanders were built with size and truculence and that's how he and Vigneault went about trying to reshape the team. 


    I don't give a flying **** what other franchises do. This franchise needs talent. Get the talent first and then start adding size. 

    What size and truculence do you speak of, we have been drafting smaller guys for years now..Farabee, Frost, TK ,York and Brink all first or second rounders. We haven't drafted for size since Sam Morin.

  18. 10 minutes ago, jammer2 said:

    Not saying a straight up deal, but a young talent like Stanks is a nice starting point. Kid is creative and could really boost one of THE worst power plays in the history of the league. 

    Is he a potential #1 or #2 center? If not then I'd keep a trade chip like TK for a trade in the draft to get a guy like Lindstrom or a. dman like Dickinson. 

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