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Posts posted by WordsOfWisdom

  1. 5 hours ago, yave1964 said:

    BUT Wow what a cost. Foligno for a first and a fourth?? In the same deadline where Taylor Hall can barely get you a second? Rittich for a third?? Really?? Nash doesnt cost much but may not play again this year. Hutton has been found wanting everywhere and came over for a 5th. The problem as I see it is the Leafs severely overpaid in terms of futures. they won because they added the needed depth, they lost with what they gave up in picks, they won because they managed to keep all their prospects, not having to trade a Nick Robertson or a Lilijgren. 


    It always seems like Toronto has to overpay to get players here. 


    Maybe they thought it was a crappy draft coming up?  Maybe it's all or nothing right now for the Leafs?  I don't know.


    Maybe Taylor Hall is so sh_t right now that Foligno was considered the more valuable commodity? 


  2. 2 hours ago, yave1964 said:

    Let me get this straight....foligno is worth a first and a fourth, Hall and Lazar are only worth a second and Bjork?? Seems like overpayment by the Leafs, and the Bruins got a steal. 


    That probably speaks volumes about how worthless Taylor Hall has become.  


    Foligno was the captain of the Blue Jackets, so probably more than just a pure numbers guy.  


    My only gripe here is giving up a 1st round pick for a guy who is on an expiring contract. You want to at least get a few years out of someone like Foligno if you give up a 1st to get him. If he does nothing for the Leafs and is let go at the end of the season, then the Leafs will have lost an elite player in the draft for nothing. 



  3. 14 hours ago, FD19372 said:

    I think when you couple the fact that, as I've said before...everywhere Taylor Hall goes, losing follows, with the fact that they have a very meh roster, and had a coach that was almost definitely over his head, it makes sense that they are where they are. They are another team, like the Flyers with Giroux, that gave Eichel the "C" before they should have. I had very little expectation, for them to succeed this season.


    I agree that with Buffalo's roster in YOUR division, they were never going to be in the playoffs this season. I think Sabres management probably thought they would be competitive for one of the final playoff spots. For them to be the worst team in the NHL was unexpected.


    14 hours ago, FD19372 said:

    The Flyers on the other hand, are an organization that high hopes and management has sat on their collective hands..as the season fades away. At least in the Sabres case, they'll have a high draft pick. Meanwhile, the Flyers are in the typical "our culture is just fine, thank you" denial. So, to me, it's the Flyers that are most disappointing. This team was supposed to be, at the very least, competing for a division title.


    I think if you look at the Flyers going into last season, nobody expected the Flyers to win a division title. They weren't even picked to make the playoffs if I recall correctly. It wasn't until that incredible winning streak that people really started to take notice of them. The Flyers play last season caught a lot of teams by surprise. So, that's why I think they were too high last season and now they're slightly too low this season (but that's because of the division). The truth of where the Flyers really are when life (hopefully) returns to normal is take last year's team stats + this year's team stats and divide by two.  :) 

    • Like 1
  4. 46 minutes ago, Brewin Flames said:

    I always thought Campbell was going to be a very solid netminder, i just assumed it would have been in Dallas.


    It will, however be interesting to see how he does against different competition next season.


    One has to question whether there will be a next season or whether we'll be entering lockdown #4, 5, and 6. At this point there's no reason to think anything will be different, even with the vaccine going out to people. It's not making any difference to the number of new covid cases in Canada for example. 


    I'm thinking the prospect of one more season without fans and the NHL will put a halt to its operations until further notice.



  5. 1 hour ago, flyercanuck said:

    Pretty sure if you played in a division with just Ottawa in it, Matthews would break all Gretzkys records and Campbell all of Brodeurs. It's not the same as playing an NHL sched. At all. 


    Hang on a minute. Your division has Buffalo, the worst team in the NHL. The Central division has Detroit. The Senators are bad, but they're not the worst team in the NHL. 


    The North division is a division of mostly .500 teams. Playoff bubble teams who either just barely miss the playoffs or just barely get in. Ottawa is the only bad team in the division. If anything, you could say the North division is a division of 7's, 8's, 9's, and 10's, in terms of conference rankings under a normal NHL season. There's no overly powerful teams but there's also no real pushovers either. 


    Looking at just last season's stats, the North division teams placed in their conference as follows:

    • Toronto: 7th
    • Montreal: 12th
    • Ottawa: 15th
    • Winnipeg: 6th
    • Edmonton: 4th
    • Calgary: 7th
    • Vancouver: 8th


    So basically, 5 out of the 7 teams in the North division made the playoffs in a more normal NHL season with a somewhat normal NHL schedule.


  6. 5 hours ago, flyercanuck said:

    * beat ONE top 10 team in the process.


    You really are grumpy about these divisions aren't you?  ;) 


    Now you know how it feels like to be Toronto and have Boston in your division. Too bad you couldn't have Tampa in there as well.   


  7. 4 hours ago, Brewin Flames said:

    Campbell broke the mark of 10 wins to start a season set by Montreal's Carey Price in 2016-17.


    I mentioned Campbell in a previous thread a few months ago that he was going to be Toronto's #1 goalie shortly and here we are.  Andersen played his way out of the starting job and Campbell has certainly made the most of his opportunity.



  8. 1 hour ago, SpikeDDS said:

    I am really impressed so far in how smart a GM Steve Yzerman is. Is it possible for him to be just as good a GM as he was a player? What a story it will be if Stevie can rescue this organization not once, but twice, both as a player and as a GM!


    Usually it doesn't work out when a player becomes a GM.  Yzerman is a rare breed indeed.  :)



    • Like 2
  9. 23 hours ago, Howie58 said:



    I grew up in Vineland, NJ, not too far from Philly.  At the time, the paper was known as the Vineland Times Journal.  Now it's the Daily Journal.  Every blue moon I go online to see what's up.  Today, I saw the following article:




    I agree with this assessment.  The last decade has been disturbing and as we've been saying for months, this year's squad is barely watchable.  Fans have a right to be angry and CF/Comcast have a lot of soul searching in coming weeks and months even if we miraculously make the playoffs.  


    Buffalo is probably #1 most disappointing. 


    I think the Flyers were a little too good last season for what they were. This season's drop off is more of a correction. Although under normal circumstances, I think you would be one of those bubble playoff teams fighting for the last spot.  To me, that's where the Flyers are. A .500, middle of the pack team. Far from the bottom, but also far from the top.  :) 


    • Like 4
  10. 3 hours ago, flyercanuck said:

    It'll be tainted because the division he's in is a joke.


    I think it's safe to say that under normal circumstances, Toronto, Edmonton, Winnipeg, and Montreal make the playoffs. They're all "bubble playoff teams". They've all been making the playoffs recently. (Montreal might be the only one out.) The only thing missing from the North is one of the elite teams. There's no Boston or Tampa for example. 


    3 hours ago, flyercanuck said:

    It's like when the Leafs finally get out of the first round in almost 20 years...only because the team they beat wouldn't be in the playoffs in any other division. 


    True, but it's also a fact that the Leafs have been running into the #1 team in the playoffs in the first round every year, and that's not what the first round of the playoffs is supposed to be about. If not for covid screwing up last season, the Leafs were on a collision course with Tampa in the first round, the eventual Cup champions! I mean you can't script that. The Leafs face Tampa, Boston, and Washington every time they hit the playoffs, all President's trophy level teams. 


    This time the Leafs will actually face a team in the first round of the playoffs that isn't a Stanley Cup champion. They'll actually face a "first round level" team in the first round, and the playoffs will gradually increase in difficulty as they go on.


    Long story short, if the Leafs get past the first round, you could technically put an asterisk there, but I'd put an asterisk for all the seasons the Leafs ran into a Cup champion or Cup finalist in the first round... because running into the eventual Cup champion in round 1, pushing them to 7 games and being eliminated in round 1, is not indicative of how good your team is.  :) 


    3 hours ago, flyercanuck said:

    scored with a caterpillar on his upper lip that threw goalies off


    lol 🤣


    You just watch. Every player will copy Matthews now and they'll all have one.


    3 hours ago, flyercanuck said:

    I think Matthews is capable of scoring 50 goals against real NHL talent. I just actually want to see him do it. Not hypothetically.


    I want to see him do it too.... but with the increasing craziness of our world today, the idea of playing 82 game uninterrupted seasons may be a thing of the past. This may be how things go from now on. From one lockout or pandemic directly into the next.


    I look at it like hockey from the era when teams only played 50 games or whatever. We need to rethink those milestones or we need to just start normalizing all the data so everyone is on a level playing field. 


  11. 3 hours ago, yave1964 said:




    We have had conversations before about THN interviewing Tyler freaking Ennis after a neat goal on nights when MacKinnon had six points and barely draws a mention. THN really must stand for Toronto Hockey News lol


    But the good news is that it got mentioned. I bet people living in Colorado said nothing about it at all.  


    In other words, if it doesn't get reported on SportsNet or TSN, you can be sure that ESPN (or the Outdoor Life network or wherever the h_ll the NHL is broadcast in the US these days lol) certainly wouldn't mention it. 


    The honest to goodness truth is that you could open up a newspaper in Colorado and read NOTHING about the Avalanche. You could open up the Toronto Star newspaper and find out every last detail about the Avalanche...... in a TORONTO newspaper.  And it has always been that way. 


    I think you take the good with the bad. Yes, many of these publications cover the Leafs heavily, but it's well deserved. Largest hockey market = largest audience = largest coverage. However, those same publications (most of which are based in Toronto) are the only ones shining a spotlight on many of these US teams in non-traditional hockey markets. So if we're not covering your team, chances are nobody else is either.  :) 




    • Like 1
  12. 9 hours ago, TropicalFruitGirl26 said:

    I can't see myself ACTIVELY cheering for the Leafs, but then again, its not like I would cheer against them either.


    So if it's Colorado vs Toronto in the Final, you wouldn't root for Toronto to end their drought?   😐 


    9 hours ago, TropicalFruitGirl26 said:

    Honestly, I think the problem for me and anything Toronto is the pure saturation of "Maple Leafs news" when there are bigger stories elsewhere around the league.
    Same problem with baseball and the Yankees for instance.


    Fixed it for ya lol.  ;) 


    Interesting tidbit: This forum doesn't have any Leafs related feeds in its Twitter news feed. All the Leafs related news here comes from me.   :)  In other words, you're extremely sheltered from Leafs news in this forum, and I'd say every other story gets told here (if I'm being honest). The news feed covers the Coyotes as much as the Leafs.


    Plus, even if you're in Leaf-land like I am, our programs talk about all the teams. In fact, most of the NHL coverage of all 30+ teams comes from Toronto. So while we obviously talk about our own team as well (who wouldn't right?), if it weren't for networks like SportsNet and TSN, there would be no coverage at all of the players and transactions occurring in places like Vegas, Arizona, Anaheim, Carolina, etc. because those teams don't get any press in their local market.


    9 hours ago, TropicalFruitGirl26 said:

    That said, it looks like I am going to have a pair of dogs at least, in the playoffs (Lightning and Wild) and a third if Vancouver somehow, someway, manages to sneak in there...and if they DO, they likely get Toronto in the first round.


    Vancouver isn't going anywhere this season. The Lightning and Wild are a different story however.  :) 

  13. 10 hours ago, lynxrattle said:

    It's a blown call, but one just have to marvel at Gretzky. Usually such a nice character, but when it's 12 seconds from losing the series and the possibility of getting into the Cup finals, stuff just happens... What a player he was.


    Sometimes a loss is so deflating that you can't recover from it. Leafs never got over the game 6 loss.  Gretzky carried the Kings on his shoulders in game 7. 


    It also seems to be an unwritten rule in hockey that to win a Stanley Cup you need to get past the game's greatest player at some point in your journey. You can never dodge the Wayne Gretzky's of the hockey world, which is why the first impediment to Toronto's Stanley Cup hopes this season is without a doubt Connor McDavid. The Leafs will have to get past him if they want to see another conference final. Yeah it's a team game, but McDavid is the modern day Gretzky, and he could potentially bury the Leafs by himself, just like Gretzky did in 93. 


    • Like 1
  14. 32 minutes ago, lynxrattle said:

    One can't go wrong with a twin axe and a twin horn helmet!


    Interesting tidbit of knowledge:  Rarely (if ever) did a medieval battle axe have an axe blade on both sides. Why? Well, it adds a lot of extra weight to the weapon, and you only need one side to strike with. Typically, the opposite side of a medieval axe had a spiked end designed to penetrate armor. Like this: :) 





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  15. On 4/5/2021 at 11:41 AM, radoran said:


    Second straight year we don't need an * for the Cup winner...


    Ohhhh GIF by memecandy


    Not to make this all about Toronto again........  but if the Leafs can't have fans in the arena, and if we can't have a parade to celebrate winning the Cup after, then I hope this isn't the year the Leafs break the drought. It would feel like the cheapest, shi__est victory ever to win now given the current circumstances.


    I want the Leafs to win when everything is back to normal. Asses in seats, and crowds of people not wearing masks for the parade. 



  16. On 4/4/2021 at 3:07 AM, Puck_Pun said:

    Ahh, what a nonsense season. Guaranteed Canadian presence for longer than usual, though


    The NHL used to have a format similar to this in the early 1990's. Top 4 in each division made the playoffs and you had 1 vs 4, 2 vs 3. Round 1 was called the division semi-final. Round 2 was called the division final. Round 3 was the conference final. Round 4 was the Stanley Cup final.  :) 


    I agree. Seeing a Canadian team as one of the final four teams is definitely nice.  Still only a 25% chance of winning the Cup, and we all know they're going to get smashed in the conference final to make a US vs US final, but at least it's two playoff rounds more than what the Canadian teams usually see so that's something.   :) 

  17. 1 hour ago, J0e Th0rnton said:

    The last time the leafs even made the Finals Lester B Pearson was prime minster of Canada


    Well admittedly, the Leafs would have made the Finals if Kerry Fraser hadn't blown the call on the high stick by Wayne Gretzky to Doug Gilmour in 1993. It should have been Leafs vs Habs that year for the Cup. Not saying Toronto would have won. (All evidence points to them being shut down by Roy just like the Kings were.) However, they should have been in the Final and would have been if not for that blown call. 





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