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Everything posted by OccamsRazor

  2. But in that equation when it comes to pay it should be a little different because in a pinch Timmo could play anywhere in the lineup...his versatility must be considered.
  3. Yeah then he'd get suspended for all of them hits in orange and black... :blink:
  4. I get mine from Miller Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To bad he's gone what hockey knowledge that cat had!!!!!!!!!!! B)
  5. There is also a good chance Timmo may not be done after this next upcoming season...and will resign for a hometown discount at around 4mill per. If so i would be open to resigning him, although older dude is a true warrior and would love to have him back.
  6. On a cheerier note... Well i would expects also for the Phantoms to get a infusion of NEW talent. Randford(LW) and Parks(RW) should be eligible i believe. Noebels(RW) to replace underachieving Testwuide. Hovinen, Philips, Heeter in net. Goodbye Leighton! Cousins won't be eligible till 2013. On the blueline is Luukko ready for the Phantoms? Oliver Lauridsen back for 2nd season. Hopefully Homer can uncover some new prospects.
  7. Damn Bert i would sure love to think the Flyers are contenders next year...right?
  8. Good however the Flyers need him MOST!!!! Needed size on the blueline is always A PLUS!!!!
  9. BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So i would thing headed into next season Coburn and GrossamnN will be counted on to be the team's shut down pair when going against the other teams top unit... ...also barring any unforeseen injuries you know the Flyers luck. Timonen i'm sure will miss the first month or two while healing from surgeries. Certainly don't won't to have to rely on Gus, MAB playing for the big club to start the season. No Lilja either. Homer can land a cornerstone blueliner to add to the mix. Regardless next year will be huge for Coby and Gross hope they prepare in the off sesson accordingly....
  10. My trade proposal.... JVR rights to Carle for RW Charlie Coyle and Jonas Brodin and a 2nd....too young prospects (winger and defensive help) for i believe a decent return. Grandlund may be available but they(Flyers) already have a log jam at center.
  11. I agree would rather use the money on a defenseman that can ACTUALLY help...5+ mill for 35-40 point blueliner is WAY OVER PAYING... ....i wish him well but REALLY want someone to swoop in and sign him to some crazy deal so they don't have to bother with him. I know some like him but i don't think he can help with their problems which was apparent during the playoffs. Just tired of seing him get out muscled on every play it seems. With out Pronger he is exposed.
  12. I know....can't i DREAM...in even in my drunkin stupor....let me dream.... DAMN TIED UP! carter not jeff
  13. The hardest part is REALIZING i'm going to have to pull for Richie, Carts, Justin and Simon to hoist the Cup because i just can't bring myself to root for the Rangers...can't do it so as bad as this is going to hurt..i'll have to do it!
  14. If we are going to go old and sign an old guy lets sign one who can at least keep up with the kids... ...that is why vote goes to Selanne... ...Kimmo hook us up!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Why does everyone keep thinking that NJ is going to let their young Captain go????? Ain't going to happen... ...they are cheap but they ain't stupid. Parise will resign in Jersey.
  16. Isn't that what just happened verse the Devils, i'm suggesting change and you're suggesting they over pay for the same soft turd they weren't getting enough from at 3.75 mill?????????? So now you want to give him 5mill per???? I never said Carle should put anyone through the glass but it would be nice for some clean hits around the crease...
  17. HHHHHhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm the more i think about it. A straight up swap Illya for Roberto? Ok it's a deal. Hell why not?
  18. Huh......no way would i trade a player who can't handle the pressure for another goalie that can't handle the pressure....don't make sense.
  19. Snider will never do that because he'd have to come out an admit to a mistake. I don't have a problem with the Bryz thing beside the length. I could have dealt with the HUGE yearly salary had it not been for more than 3 years. Committing to a guy who had never played before in Philly is just ABSURD!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Dude you're so RIGHT that blocker save he made yesterday while sprawled across the ice was SURELY out of this WORLD!!! As soon as i can find it i will post it here. AMAZING! Right now if i had to choose between the 2 Lundqvist or Quick..i'd take Quick in a heart beat.
  21. Also i know Sarich is no young dude and will be 34 next year, and also while he is no sloth he also isn't real fleet of foot but it has to be considered that he hasn't been a negative player on the +/- side since 06-07 on a not so good Tampa team...would be a good not so expensive choice for the blueline. The defense needs to just let Carle walk he is not what they need to be able to be successful with Bryz in net...size a crease clearing presence. Sarich is 6-4 and Carle is generously listed @6 foot yeah...and SOFT!!!!
  22. Just some of my thoughts on the direction: Let Carle walk sign Sami Salo (also a right hand shot for the powerplay)for 2-2.5 mill to play with fellow Finn Timonen. The OLD FINN PAIR!!!!!!! Axe Lilja and resign Bourdon for around 1 mill. Let Kubina walk. That is a start. Coby/Gross Kimmo/Salo Mezz/Bourdon/Gus I like Garrison as well but i doubt Florida lets him go. Corey Sarich should be able to be lured away from Calgary for a chance to play in the playoffs. And another right handed shot. Coby/Gross Kimmo/Salo Mezz/Sarich/Bourdon/Gus My preference.
  23. My BIGGEST BEEF with the whole deal was they couldn't settle on a 3,4-5 year deal FIRST!!!!! IT WAS A 9 YEAR DEAL OR NOTHING WITH A NMC???? No middle ground there they could agree on 9 years or he walks???? Or WAS THE 9 YEAR DEAL THE MIDDLE GROUND AND BRYZ REALLY WANTED A 18 YEAR DEAL AND THEY MET IN THE MIDDLE!!!!! It's like going on a first date with a girl and even before you've had just a single KISS you ask her to marry you...AMAZING!!!! Who does that???? I'll tell ya who...the FLYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Let Carle walk sign Sami Salo (also a right hand shot for the powerplay)for 2-2.5 mill to play with fellow Finn Timonen. The OLD FINN PAIR!!!!!!! Axe Lilja and resign Bourdon for around 1 mill. Let Kubina walk. That is a start. Coby/Gross Kimmo/Salo Mezz/Bourdon/Gus I like Garrison as well but i doubt Florida lets him go. Corey Sarich should be able to be lured away from Calgary for a chance to play in the playoffs. And another right handed shot. Coby/Gross Kimmo/Salo Mezz/Sarich/Bourdon/Gus My preference.
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