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Posts posted by EmptyShelf

  1. If Koivu continues to lead the forwards in TOI (and Parise and Suter are top at their positions), this team will not only NOT make the playoffs, but will be drafting in the Top 5.  I wouldn't mind a high pick, but this is not a year that is as deep as some in the past.  I would look for creative ways to package any 30 something VET out by mid next month.  I would take draft picks, 3rd and 4th liners, anything to create some team flexibility.  The arena will be empty by T-Giving anyways, unless they show some 'will to win and Team First,' which I have never seen from this 'core.'

  2. CL kept from the rebuild for this?!?  There were multiple examples to confirm that this 'core' could not win (e.g. the first round humiliations over-and-over).  Instead of doing what he could to get a few of his 'core' further upwards of their downward apex to waive NTC/NMC's for a trade to rebuild, he has now boxed himself in with a few more elderly additions, lost the middle 'core' (Granlund, Coyle, NN, maybe Haula, and was soon to be Tuch), and added some questionable young resources back (Donato, Fiala, and...Rask 😡)


    There is now no other choice but to tear down before trade deadline this year.  The irony is that this (non) 'core' has even less value (and more baggage) than there would have been a few years ago, and rebuilding this team will be an even more daunting task for his new GM.  A first step would be to start decreasing minutes and line rankings for the graybeards very soon.  That way, at least you know which young guys should stay (or go) by providing them more opportunities (TOI, PP, PK).  Also, get on a plane to Russia often this year and get Kaprisov signed in April - at least he MIGHT be a star at a forward position (God knows we have none now).  Lastly, get Koivu the HE77 off the powerplay and in the top 3 TOI - he skates like my 75 year old father and is fu@#in worthless.  Also, get rid of limp-wrister (20) and whiny ass (11) for any minimal return that you can BEFORE the deadline, as the vultures are circling above them (and will be also in the empty EXCEL by XMass).  

  3. There is NO excuse for the veterans.  They should know how to get going more than a rookie, and have the personal trainers, dietitian's/cooks, and every other advantage that money brings to get moving early.  The issue is that we have OLD players that are slow, content, and overly comfortable (knowing they keep their line spot, C's and A's, and TOI; no matter the results).  On the other hand, are the youngsters (in the NHL) that are coasting more than we would like, while other youngsters just want a chance in the minors.  Our goalie also has no heat on him from the back-up: no matter how well/poorly he plays. 


    It is a BAD RECIPE.  Koivu and Parise should NOT be 1 and 2 TOI for the forwards for the second straight game (Staal was in bottom 2 this game).  Suter also has the most TOI on defense (what else is new?), and he STILL doesn't look like he gives a $hit about a W or L.  They will NOT win with this continued on ice management.  Koivu is only 8-10 months removed from an ACL tear, and was ALREADY the slowest Mule in the league.  Our trades were TOTAL TRASH.  Has anyone seen the $4MM man from the NN trade yet?  Is he still a healthy scratch?  How is Fiala working out for Granlund - didn't think so.  How about Donato this year - same streaky issues the Bruins couldn't stomach.    SMH

    • Like 2
  4. Dumba is likely the best offensive threat on the team.  The problem is, he is a defenseman.  Where is our scoring going to come from without Granlund to set up the Zucker's of the world?  It sure as he77 won't be with Koivu dragging them back and causing a slowdown.  The 'old man' line isn't going to scare anyone either - if they even make it through the year together.

  5. On 9/11/2019 at 7:41 PM, IllaZilla said:

    Fiala wasn’t going to get a better deal. Check out CapFriendly.com.  Fiala slotted in with several other players his age and more or less similar production. I think the Wild went a bit high, but not terribly.

    The Wild will have plenty of cap space next season, especially considering Koivu ($5.5M) and Ennis ($1.5M) come off the cap. Kaprizov is only going to cost around $3M. 

    I beg to differ.  Kaprisov is going to cost a lot more than $3MM.  If the Wild wait out this year and he continues to play the way he is (6G 7A = 13pts in 10 Games), he is going to cost $5MM+.  Svetlakov has already re-upped over there for four more years (another Wild pick).  Thus, Guerin is going to have to impress Kaprisov given the history in dealing with the Wild, and given that he is probably the top player not in the NHL, and the KHL will want to keep him.  Check out this quote from his last meaningful interview:


     "Well, you know that they weren’t too interested in me. What round was I picked at? The fifth? “I think that they forgot about me immediately after the selection. Only when I made it to the WC they started to do something and started talking with my agent. We all seen the job the Maple Leafs did with Nikita Zaitsev. There was nothing like that with me. I want to play in the NHL. Just not now, but a bit later. At first, I need to play well here, to be more confident. Sometimes I don’t play well even here, in the KHL."


    This is indefensible for a team with as little young talent as the Wild that struck gold in drafting him in Round 5.  He should have been signed BEFORE his most recent contract.  Fletcher 'screwed the pooch' on this one, and it scares the he77 out of me that Fenton reached out in the last year - that could have really soured things for Guerin.  Fenton was an arrogant and inept imbecile.

    • Like 1
  6. On 9/24/2019 at 6:42 PM, IllaZilla said:


    I went to the Twins game Saturday night with the Mrs. And you know what? I was thoroughly entertained, even though they lost. A bunch of young guys just out there playing their hearts out.

    Everyone was hustling. No one was "conserving" their energy. Everyone swinging for the fences at every at bat, not trying to "bunt 'em over, boys!"

    I expect when these guys come up for contracts the Pohlads will trade most of them away because they're not "The Hometown Boy". 

    But for right now I was entertained.

    I have seen several Twins games recently.  They are great fun to watch, and they should be able to keep the core together for 3 more seasons before the Arbitration diminishes.  They have been well-built, and I would like to see the Wild learn some lessons (e.g. play the young guys as much as they can, so when they mature like the Twins have, you are a threat to beat any team in the playoffs).  That said, the Twins pitching scares me at present, but shouldn't in 1-2 years when Graterol, Balazovic, Duran, and others are up with Berrios.

  7. On 9/20/2019 at 1:45 PM, IllaZilla said:

    Not sure if this should go here, but it sounds like two players that are on the outs are Victor Rask and JT Brown. Remember how both Fenton and Boudreau commented that Rask should take advantage of working with Andy Ness over the summer to improve his skating? Apparently that suggestion fell on deaf ears. Rask failed Boudreau's infamous skating test (basically timed Herbies). So did JT Brown.


    And it sounds like neither of them have had a strong training camp either...



    I will NEVER understand the NN for Rask trade.  Like NN, or hate NN, Rask was a horrible trade that was never scouted.  If he had been, his skating, speed, and fitness issues would have been well known.  Just dump Rask anyway you can, it's a sunk cost/loss from a former GM, whom has $0 value.  Fenton is a totally thick jacka$$ for making this 'old-time hockey' trade.  I don't think he will ever see GM again, either.  Total Disaster....

  8. This team has somehow managed to paint itself even further into a corner where age and inflexibility have become very high walls to overcome.  The zucc and Spurgeon signinings further exacerbate the issue.  Someone (CL) clearly wont give up on the Country Club and go rebuild.  At this rate, they will give Koivu another 2 years with NMC, bidding it up against themselves.  So glad I dumped my tix.  Will be geriatric next six years and an example of ‘how NOT to build’a professional sports team; Exhibit A: MN Wild. 

  9. I am fine with Hartman, and like this signing.  Not Zucc at that ridiculous price/term - a total reach. It is also the fall-off in proven skill from the beginning of last year to this year that I am worried about.  There is a lot of hope in our young players and old nags that leads me to believe we will move up in lottery position. 

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