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Everything posted by mojo1917

  1. @Digityman I will not spend 3:36 seconds of my life watching that man do those things...LOL
  2. @radoran I was using all my will power to not go back at that fellow. My thought was he'd get bored with talking hockey and go to the philly.com site to stir up some stuff... so thanks for breaking the seal, i guess it is on now.
  3. So many experts are saying the Pens are too deep and too experienced for the Flyers to overcome. While I disagree with the whole too deep business, because pascal dupuis and steve sullivan would play on our 3rd line and pp specialist, and on that team they are relied upon pretty heavily. I do give a nod to our young guys not having the "playoff experience". but not enough to make me think that guys like chris kunitz and matt cooke are suddenly going to play like mike bossy and jari kuri. Plus, how long does it take to get that experience, is it the first time you see a guy laying out to block a shot ? I think our guys are with it enough to say okay that's how we do it now and fall in line. the other thing that i think gets discounted is this, it's not like the Pens don't bring their A game to play the Flyers everytime they play, they hate us we're a target for them, they play at a playoff pace against us all the time anyway. and the same is true for us, I don't think the "Playoff Experience" factor is going to be a factor at all due to the rivalry. If this were the rookie Flyers vs an experienced say Ottawa Senators team there may be something to it since there isn't much history there. thoughts ?
  4. the 79 series was heartbreaking for me... i was just a tyke but those O's were my boys... truth be told I had a pretty good baseball youth, the phillies were really good as were the O's my only hope was they wouldn't ever meet in the WS and then 83 happened. it was like being a child of an english father and irish mother so much self loathing....
  5. nothing, he's great, but he's at the end of his career not the beginning, i've enjoyed him from a far and if it were 7 years ago i would have a different answer. the flyers track record with aging veteran stars hasn't been great historically , present company jagr excluded. he's too expensive & too old to deal our talented younsters for.
  6. He's human, Giroux is a competitive son-of-a-gun and was giving him the business pretty good... I'm sure 28's mouth was running like a duck's *** during that exchange too... This is why I don't fear this team, 71 can be taken out of his game if you skate tightly to/with him and play him physically, he gets frustrated. Same with 58, he wants to be a bad-*** so badly that he'll give you a couple of plays a game where he sacrifices his positioning to make a hit, usually he's able to get away with it because he's such a good skater, the flyers have players with the speed and skill to exploit that.
  7. I hate Kane he's a bonafide conceited jerk. his NHL 36 portrayed a guy with a lot of skill but isn't a 3rd as talented as he thinks he is.. some people can pull his attitude off and still be likeable he however doesn't have that gift. plus game 6... yeah he's easy to hate. just sayin'
  8. @aziz does the carolina hurricanes cup not count as success for a southern expansion team ? even though it came after the 'nings... not trying to be a smart alec, just noting that you mentioned bettman's expansion... the 'canes were in carolina pre bettman as the whale's relocation and were a competitive and entertaining product. and the vanbiesbrook led panthers played in a cup finals in the 90's they had that whole throwing rats on the ice thing going it was fun ? so the south wasn't totally barren as far as having some successful hockey clubs.
  9. The Stamkos comparison is interesting to me, I don't get to see too many 'ning games so I don't know a lot about the muggings he takes, but since he goes into those high traffic scoring areas I'll bet he takes his share
  10. Rangers are going to be a tough out, i don't know if they have an extra desparation mode though, they already contest every inch of ice, so maybe we see how good they are since everyone else will be playing that way too. i think they're too good for the Sens. I just can't see jose theodore beating martin broduer, sorry i just can't, even though martin is real old. the devils are a one line team to me, but i think they are just better than the panthers. you could knock me over with a feather if the panthers win this series. Poor goaltending, and bad lockerroom dynamics will doom the Caps, the Broons 3rd line wins this series, they're too big and too deep The Broons are little knicked up but the Caps are a hot mess I just cannot see winning a playoff series. If the Flyers don't beat the Pens and the Pens stay healthy they will win their 4th cup. the rest of the league is buying their hype... I think the Flyers beat the Pens though because as I have been saying for a while, our forwards 1-9 are better overall and guys on our 4th line would play on their 3rd, we're as fast as them, we can play rough, and this Flyers group is resilient, an excellent road team and plays well in the consul energy center plus our goalie is playing well. Our guys are young and like honey badger don't give a **** about no stupid penguins.
  11. @Finnfly75 i'm not sure you can hit a penguin cleanly...even if you do. and like you, I hope "mad coburn" shows up for this series, Kubina hasn't looked like the guy that was tough to play against a couple of years ago on the 'ning, that's for sure.
  12. @Finnfly75 You hope they play like flyers.... I'd be happy if they win the playoff series. I didn't care one iota what happened yesterday. Let's send a message and get our players suspended for the series ? You saw the ridiculous game misconduct on Rinaldo, imagine the minutes, fines and suspensions if the Flyers turned back the clock and really sent a message, those days, especially against that team are long gone.
  13. @PHIFlyers10 yes, i wouldn't mind that at all
  14. giving orange jesus a rest or is he hurt ?
  15. @B21 i think malkin is ugly ? sidney looks like the lost jonas brother ? our team hasn't played like the bullies for about 20 years yet the moniker sticks and so does the perception. while your team has some guys who've gooned it up pretty good in their careers and some other players who know their way around a slash away from the play and are perceived as victims ? that a phantom hook on jeff carter leading to a pens powerplay goal, and ultimately a pens victory , was a turning point in a game the flyers were going to win ?( i mean heads up play by staal but that call never goes my teams way in that situation) this is probably where some of the nonsense cones from. plus, like the conversation i'm having with @sarsippius, sporting hate is the just about the last place where men can talk smack and not worry about the other guy's psyche.
  16. @flyercanuck after months of speculation i can now see where the silohette on you avatar comes from. nice for a while i thought it was Mato Nanji from indigenous
  17. @sarsippius well there is nothing that warms the heart like some deep rooted sports team hate... i get it.
  18. @B21 i reckon somewhere there are people that may read your comments and say... you know what, that guy makes a good case for his team being just like every other team in the leauge, maybe i should give those poor ol' pens some slack... but those people are on the columbus blue jackets board or the chicago blackhawks board, probably not on any team's board that plays in the eastern conference and sees them more than 2 times a year. just saying your sysiphian effort here is admirable; but in the end, most of us don't like your team , don't like it's two best players. We resent the fact that after a long history of the "rivalry" being akin to fire's rivalry with kindling in the favor of the flyers, a team that has gone bankrupt, nearly been moved multiple times in its history, lucked into generaltional talents not once but twice because they could not suck enough... And now this model franchise has one more cup than the flyers who since expansion have more 100pts seasons than evey team but boston , not to mention the boatload of stillers fans out front pulling the band wagon and making true fans like yourself look bad. that's all i'm saying.
  19. that's seems reasonable to me 3.5, i like his game. he's what the team needs since cp might be done. now we need to either resign carle at a cap friendly price or overpay for nashville carle, i think they're the same player, and if we can get one for like 1.5 million less a year, than the other that's who i want. that gd wisnewski deal f'd us all.
  20. i find the decision to fine fonzi pretty laughable. i mean it's not like he's going all ric flair about the situation. it's gamesman ship mixed with some emotion, stephan is a good player for them ,and i'm sure he's not pleased with not having him available to dress. is it a coincidence that the flyers and rangers have both lost players to questionable hits vs the pens ? i mean probably they're all saints, who play "the right way" according to @aziz. 20000 is a lot of suits and pommade, it's crap, and in other news crosby just said he's done talking about it for the 8th time, somehow though he continues to have words come out of his mouth that deal with this very subject. is he like paris hilton ? if we just quit giving a f uck does he go away ? let's try it.
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