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Everything posted by fanaticV3.0

  1. I would too. I think Couturier and Downie could stand to have a little lit injected into their games and reuniting them might help.
  2. I've never been a fan of his, but I was ok with him when he first came back. He was playing well, had an impact, and had obviously toned down. But he hasn't done much since and I'm not in the mood for a 26 year old project player. I'd rather concentrate on some of the young players we have - who haven't quite established themselves yet - or go after someone else via free agency.
  3. Downie is a FA at the end of this season, right? If he is, I can't say I'm in a rush to resign him.
  4. I wanted to edit my post, but for some reason that button doesn't always appear. I also wanted to say that it would be pretty hard to get both of those players in one off season, so it might take a couple of years. They're probably 2-3 away from being a legit contender, but I think they can certainly build on that in the mean time and at least make the POs (and experienced it as a group)
  5. I think it depends on when they get what hey need (top line winger and a #1 defenseman). If that were to happen this off season, I cold see them being a lot better in a year. Add those two things and I think you see a lot better team.
  6. McGinn would actually have to play in order for that line to happen.
  7. I'm normally on board with that, but since people are so upset about Giroux and that many still have a crush on him, I'd have think there would have been some discussion about it. Plus, him not making the team stands out to me more than Giroux. Yzerman made some really bizarre picks and omissions. I mean this in the most non-homosexual (NTTAWWT) way possible, but I think I have a crush on you. Good player who couldn't hack it as "the man" and excels in an environment where the pressure is off him and I'm sick of people who can't get over the fact he's gone. Completely agreed with your first post too. I don't know what the hell Yzerman is thinking with some of those picks.
  8. What they need is experienced players. If those experienced players also still happen to be young - Subban for example - that is great, but what they really need are a winger and d-man who are already capable. They need a solidifying presence. They really lack somebody who is poised and calm.
  9. Considering he and Carter have virtually the same amount of points, he's a better player, and the fond feelings some here have about him, I'm surprised nobody is upset he didn't make the Olympic roster. Him not making it is a bigger deal that Giroux imo. Giroux was considered elite just a few seasons ago and while still pretty darn good, has taken a step back. Richards, while not anywhere near offensively skilled as Giroux, is more established. He actually has more points than his teammate who got selected too. What is Yzerman on?
  10. I'm past the point of trying to sell you on him. I was just pointing out your crappy logic. If you are going to point out his stats as the only reason you don't want him, recognize who he plays for. He's a talent who is wasting away on that squad.
  11. The boys have won 10 in a row at home, 5 of 6 on the road trip, have jumped to 5th place in the conference, and I have to keep seeing a thread about Giroux not makign the Olympic team - which has turned into a thread about Neal, Kunitz, and MSL - at the top of the list every time I check the list of topics. Somebody kill me now.
  12. I don't want to trade Schenn and I didn't want to trade him in the beginning of the year, but if someone had a knee-jerk reaction and simply want to move somebody because of how bad they were playing then, that I get. I still don't agree with it because of what we've already pointed out, but it at least makes more sense. In addition to the points we've made.....they are in a PO spot! So, he's not playing particularly badly, he's part of a young core we're trying to build, has gotten better each year, and Laughton is playing against children and we're discussing trading him?!
  13. Damn. That so would have made my day if I found out that was him. That's right. Him and FlyGuys swapped cities.
  14. This baffles me every time it comes up, which is a little too often. People bitch about them not being patient with youth, but then stuff like this comes up and during what is going to be his best year as a pro no less. He is literally getting better each year....and we're talking about trading him? He hasn't even played two full seasons (154 games to be exact) in the league yet and we're talking about moving him for an unknown quantity? Unf-cking real.
  15. I have no idea whether he was native to Philly or a transplant. I think some people from the board actually met up and would know more than me about him.
  16. The picks were already made at that point though. He played poorly for too long. He really was having a bad year until not that long ago. I don't know why people care to be honest. Olympic hockey is fun to watch because it's basically an all star tournament, but I don't really care who wins. I care more about the Flyers doing something than I do team USA.
  17. I don't care for shortened seasons either, but you can't just ignore them because you don't like em. You're talking to me about a player's full body of work and want to completely disregard a portion of it because you don't like it. Even if they did ignore it - and I'm doubting Team Canada did - Giroux still struggled out of the gate this year. Olympic teams are essentially all-star teams and they can be based on who is hot right now.
  18. I don't give a f-ck whether you like him or not. It has nothing to do with the conversation. We're not trading hockey cards here. Whether you "like" somebody had nothing to do with anything. His production and environment do. He plays on a sh!tty team. That's a fact. There's nothing to "disagree" with there.
  19. They're not going to be this year either, but it's a work in progress. If they simply make the POs this year, that alone is a nice step.
  20. You think? I don't think it's that tough to swallow. Two years in a row now he really struggled out of the gate.
  21. I bet your bedside manner is wonderful too.
  22. We're still complaining about Bob and his fluke season? Really?
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