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Posts posted by OH1FlyersFan

  1. Aside from the FACT that you have NO IDEA WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT you may want to just shut your pie hole.

    In fact, you may want to do that regardless of the fact that you have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

    I actually thought he was making sense....basically, in a round-a-bout sorta way, what Phlfly was saying was just keep your mouth shut and walk away. That's always good advice - especially when outnumbered by a bunch of drunk, pissed-off Flyers fans. Despite how we may analyze or react to this particular incident, and it is unexcuseable and disgusting, not aggravating or inciting the situation is usually a good and smart thing to do. Not always easy, but smart.

  2. In the spirit of full disclosure, I can't stand Tortorella. He can be a whiney d!ck and grates on my nerves. That said, I thought what he said about the officiating in the 3rd period after the Winter Classic game was refreshing.....whether his perspective was right or not, it was nice to see some call finally and publically call BS on the officials. I mean it's reached the point where NHL refs actually make the old Supreme Soviet in Communist Russia look like a competent body of officials. Disappointing.

    But when the League, which can't accept that it ever does anything wrong, steps in and fines him $30K, it just becomes all the more disappointing. Here's what the NHL had to say, "

    "There is no acceptable explanation or excuse for commentary challenging the integrity of the League, its officials or its broadcast partners," said NHL Senior Executive Vice President of Hockey Operations Colin Campbell. "People can disagree with calls by officials on the ice, but even in instances of the utmost frustration there is no justification for speaking as inappropriately and irresponsibly as Mr. Tortorella did."

    Well, that's laughable. As is pretty much everything that leaves Cambell's mouth. First, to think that this League under Bettman has any integrity at all is hilarious. Second, to think that any of these officials have any intergrity is hilarious, and to engage in some Tortorella-esque hyperbole, just beyond belief. Third, to squash Tortorella's right to free speech, to say there is no justification for pointing out injustices, is just downright un-American and unconsitutional!

    Ah, that feels better.


  3. This was actually a really fun game to watch - regardless of the outcome. But, when we went up 2-0, I knew the Rangers had us right where they wanted us and we were pretty much guaranteed the loss. Unless we put up 5 or 6 goals (and as proven in a couple of earlier games, even that's no guarantee), we're going to have a really hard time getting a win. As somebody else posted - goaltending was once again the difference. That said, it was a great hockey spectacle today, exciting from start to finish.

  4. omg Ott deserved a beatdown, and there were a FEW Flyers trying to go with him. Pushing/blocking a coach? What a punk.

    Yeah. Unfortunately it looks like it will have to wait until next season. I was really hoping we'd play them at home in Philly. But not this season. It needs to be addressed. Ott may have just topped Avery as the biggest punk in need of a severe beatdown on my list -- but still behind Bettman, Cambell, and most of the officiating corps. And then you have Colin Cambell saying these off-ice incidents need to be reviewed. Sounds like an impending fine.

  5. So what does everyone think about giving him another year on the team?

    I say do it. Did you notice how happy he was for Giroux when Claude scored that first goal. Truly, genuinely happy for him. That's what he brings to this team. That and the awesome goal of his own he scored. I'd sign him for the next 5 years just to watch how he and Giroux play.

  6. The Dallas game tonight is pretty big. They're tops in the Pacific Division, sitting on 39 points. Not a crazy-high scoring team with 85 GF but they only have 89 GA, but a tough opponent, especially at home.

    We need to get these two points to keep up with the Rangers, Caps, and Pittsburgh who all won last night. Heck even the Islanders managed to beat Winnipeg. Something I'm still waiting for the Flyers to do. Those points would have come in handy considering how close the standings are in the Eastern Conf -- only a 10 point difference between the 1st and 11th placed teams.

  7. You'd think the shootout would be a great opportunity to highlight the awesome, stellar, magnificent, $51 million skills of your number one, franchise goalie. After all, it is one on one, goalie versus shooter. No traffic, no skates to ricochet off of, no defense that could possibly break down and miss an assignment. Just the shooter, the puck, and the goalie. Nice three goals Bryz let in there. Is stopping even one too much to ask for???

  8. That's just great. We have potentially THREE blue chip centers on the team and they're all concussed to hell.

    And what scares me to death about these concussions now is that it seems like you can never shake them once you get one. They linger and could manifest symptoms at any time and you're more susceptible than before and the least little injury could be back a recurrence even worse than the original. It's just bad any way you look at it.

  9. But what if stopping the puck is just an aftereffect of the cosmic reverberation of a multitude of sustainable sentient species distributed across an infinitude of inhabitable planets? Did you ever think of that?

    Touche! I hadn't thought of that. But when you put it that way.....lol. Nicely done.

  10. Define 'too soon'. We're 10 games away from the half way mark.

    But wasn't he signed because he was already supposed to be stellar? I know coming into a new city, a new team, a new coach with a new system can be challenging, but Bryz is a prefessional, supposed to be highly skilled, and the answer, and is being paid accordingly......all because he's stellar. I don't think it's too soon to expect him to be playing to those expectations. I can't help but to oversimplify in the extreme and this is some of my frustration coming out for the 5 goals he gave up to Boston, so my apologies - but this ain't rocket science, all he has to do is stop the puck!!!!! Just focus on stopping the puck one shot at a time.

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