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Everything posted by Bertmega

  1. Typical back room BS. This team needs to be sold and moved. Is Gary Bettman so proud that he cannot admit that he made a mistake with placing a franchise is an area that cannot support the team? Now the tax payers who couldn't give a rip about this team have to flip the bill? Let is get dragged through the legal system and maybe the result would end in Gary Bettman collecting unemployment. Sell the team and move the franchise to an area that can support a professional team. Both financially and fanatically. Cough, cough, Quebec City Cough, Cough!
  2. Michael Leighton's deal is up this summer. I doubt he returns. I am willing to bet that Bob is traded along with roster player for a high draft pick this summer.
  3. The story line is great where Rupp was calling Shelley irrelevant. I wash JS would have fought like that every chance he got. Great fight none the less
  4. My God! Why is that man wearing sunglasses inside? Seriously, did he look in the rear view mirror prior to going inside the Arena and say; "Hey, what could complement my sweet Village People handlebar mustache? Oh wait I know, those flippin awesome Foakley Sunglasses that I got at Lukoil for $6.99!" "To all my little Hulkamaniacs, say your prayers, take your vitamins and you will never go wrong."
  5. @JackStraw My goodness those reporters are brutal. To broadcast the word "crap" when describing the home team has to cut right to the core. Bryzgalov would have been on suicide watch during his lost in the woods tenure had he played for the Leafs. Hard to imagine that it has been 8 years since they have seen the post season.....
  6. so can he play? or will he need surgery and we have to rely on the guy that Lavi has forgotten about? Awesome
  7. wait is this sabrespace.com? Could have sworn I was in the Flyers forum. Let me recheck the web address....
  8. @flyercanuck That's because it was Panaccio doing the reporting. You weren't expecting credible journalism were you? He's too busy writing articles that are blaming Matt Carle for the loss last night.
  9. @Irishjim They are not going to have an easy road that's for sure, but then again who would have thought that they would lay down and die against the Broons. My take is we are either getting the Rangers or the Pens in the 1st round. This is going to be the test if you ask me. If they stay healthy they can go on to fight more than likely the Pens or the Rangers. Too bad Montreal can't get in to clear some of the heavy lifting for the O&B, or as Smytee would say the Black and Orange
  10. @Vanflyer Any chance of JvR returning by round #1? I feel like the kid (JvR) is in the fan's doghouse, but will be a beast when he is finally healthy enough to get a full season under his belt. But the most dominating I saw him was the brief stint that he had with Simmonds and Schenn.
  11. @JackStraw That is a very good point. I didn't think of it along those lines. I think Danny B will turn it on soon enough though. One can dream for 2010 again, right?
  12. @AJgoal Good call on Read. Man this team amazes me with the depth at forward. It is so good that I can leave out the leading rookie scorer on the team and still like the line up. Good catch AJ
  13. @Green Man He is there, I was just too lazy to look up the proper spelling of his name. I have him on the 4th line
  14. @AJgoal Voracek and perhaps Talbot would work well. Voracek can control and move the puck well and Talbot can grind it out. I like Danny B and I don't want to dog the guy, I am just puzzled as to what is going on with him. My wishful thinking forward lines (healthy) going into the playoffs would be: Hartnell-Giroux-Jagr Voracek-Briere-Talbot JvR-Schenn-Simmonds Rinaldo-Court-Wellwood
  15. @Green Man Agreed. I have no idea what the F is going on with Danny B, but I really like Schenn and Simmonds together. Once JvR comes back, I think they would make a great line.
  16. @canoli Exactly. I think we can beat Pittsburgh and I am not too concerned with any other team in the East except the Rags and Boston.
  17. Holmgren absolutely did a good job rebuilding this club in a short period of time. If Bryz can hold up and they can keep this core intact, I would say that they are not too far from a cup.
  18. @idahophilly At this point I think Kuato has more credibility than Timmy P. I think Bryzgalov is starting to understand that now
  19. @flyercanuck That is painfully true.
  20. @Vanflyer Thank you for the summary. Good stuff there. I really have mixed feeling about the NHL playoff format as of now. I can see where most are coming from as well. A best of 5 for the first round would be nice, but then I would miss the extra hockey.. Again, very good summary on your end, thank you.
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