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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. Considering how the "C" worked out with Richards, I hope the Flyer err on the side of caution. Kimmo or Briere would be better choices due to their maturity. Let Giroux just be Giroux at this point
  2. how do they even consider Leighton? after what he has shown, unless he is the recipient of divine intervention, he will completely suck. How would they explain that?
  3. yeah that was him... I friggin loved that guy. He was a true psychopath. could you imagine him as a stock car driver?
  4. McGillis.... that guy threw some nice hits..... who was that maniac the Flyers had a few seasons back that launched himself at anything that moved? I think we eneded up shipping him to LA?
  5. Same 'ol Flyers..... did Einstein says the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results? its no wonder this team always falls short
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