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Posts posted by nossagog

  1. Well we all know they sucked on purpose to get Mario. They just plain sucked for real when it was time for Malkin and Crosby to be drafted. Heck, even not winning the lottery has helped them. Think anyone takes OV over Malkin knowing what they know now?

    The whole we tanked for Mario thing still kills me. Look, I'll give you and idea of how old I am, I had partial season tickets in the three years leadup to Mario coming, and sadly moved out of town in 1985. 5th row up from the ice in the corner where the Pens shot twice, $12/game. I was there, we simply sucked. The Pens would always have one or two decent players, and the rest were fringe. Rick Kehoe, Mike Bullard and Randy Carlyle, I felt sorry for those guys because they played their hearts out every game, they weren't tanking.

  2. @Polaris922

    I agree. And if I'm Iginla and I want a shot at winning a cup, do i join a team on a 13 game winning streak and have the tough job of being wingman to Crosby or Malkin, or join the Bruins and play with Bergeron and Marchand. I love Bergerons game, But he's not in those guys league.

    This x 2. Look, there will be alot of hate for Iginla for the way he pushed this, especially from New England. But in the end, can you blame him? He's 35, how many more chances does he get to win the cup, and to probably look good playing with Sid and Geno doing it! Anyone looking at it purely from the Iginla side of things understands.

  3. I'm selling high on the 1st line. If you guys can guarantee Kunitz and Dupuis can keep this pace through the playoffs, I'm in. ;)

    I won't be upset if they keep that line together (which it seems is the plan). I just think that both lines are better served if Kunitz is reunited with Malkin and Neal and Iginla skates with Crosby.

    I'm more of a "what have you done for me lately" kinda guy. And lately, that line has been on fire. Can they keep it up? Who knows, but you can't change that at the moment. The three of them "just know" where they'r going to be. I'm sure that when Iginla gets into the lineup, there will be a lot of switching. . . at times. But right now, no thank you on that change.

    Having Geno back in the lineup had the Jets wondering which way was up at times, and that is a division leading team. I think Iginla can fill the same role as Morrow did last night for on that line. I'm drooling with the thought of them pushing Morrow down to play with Sutter, and I'd toss in Bennet. I think THAT line would be great also.

    But Ray is Ray, and I think Bennet will be the guy who pays in time, tis a shame.

    • Like 2
  4. I chuckle a little about the very nature of this threat. I mean... you guys are concerned about potentially messing with chemistry because of how well-balanced and deep your roster looks right now.

    I wish we had your problems. :angry:

    It is intersting - and sad - how just one year after the Flyers beat the Pens in the first round of the last year's playoffs our team went in diametrically different directions.

    Its all relative, the Pens were already on a roll, but had holes to fill in. I don't think ANYONE imagined that "the great and powerful Ray" could pull off what he did. Hockey is a weird sport though, there is something to be said about chemistry. Sure, there are now TONS of options, Just don't screw it up some how Dan.

  5. Okay, just finished watching the game on DVR. Damn they look scary, and I am GLAD to hear Shero say he has no plans on breaking up the top line. Two for Duper one for Kunitz tonight and sooooo many chances. You can't break that up.

    As for Morrow, I loved what I saw from him tonight, his net front presence created havoc in there, and gave Neal and Malkin many chances. Sutter is going to have alot of fun with him on the third line once Iginla gets here.

    Murray's first game, solid. He even pushed into the offensive zone once or twice tonight.

    That was a pretty dominent game against a division leading team, this is gonna be fun to watch.

    • Like 1
  6. I don't hate Boston at all. But that thread--and a couple others on that board--were just riveting. I was laughing, too, but even when they were all excited I was thinking "you poor bastards."

    That's what had me laughing so hard. They saw salvation coming at the end of the tunnel in the trade for Iginla. Had him pegged in, planning the party. Too bad in turned out to be the #12 train coming in the opposite direction to run them down. And I'm there reading and waiting . . . and waiting . . . and waiting . . . and WHAM!!! The world ended for them, and some are REAL bitter about it. I guess I would be too.

  7. @nossagog

    Like I said in the Shero vs Holland thread, Shero is a great gm, cause he has Crosby and malkin. Iginla tells Feaster he wants to play with those two great centers, Feasters hands are tied. Boston offers 2 players that could likely play for Calgary next year, but he's forced to take two guys that will likely never make the NHL and a very low 1st.

    I think he's on the gravy train for a few years to come if this works out, but only if it works out. I wonder if any of these types of aging vets will say, "Screw the money, I want to sign here to win a few cups before I'm done." Hey, it could happen.

  8. I hope Iginla can make it to town tonight to at least show up and sit in Mario's suite.

    I'll catch up with the game after bowling tonight, I can only imagine the energy in that place tonight.

    Murray will get his first chance tonight, I posted the lines in the other thread. Paired up with Niskanen. I think the transition into the defense is harder than the transition into the offense for a new player.

    With all that has happened over the last 5 days, this could be a letdown game. ;)

  9. @ nossagog

    I'm with you on Bennett. But I'm wondering if he'll get sent down soon.

    He and Despres will probably get sent back down as soon as Iginla gets here(tommrow) and Malkin is taken off of IR. They'll probably be right back up next week when the playoff roster expansion kicks in.

  10. I know but the 2nd line is broke (at least at even strength). I think reuniting Kunitz with Neal and Malkin fixes that and pairing Iginla with Crosby and Dupuis really isn't going to cause a drop in point production. Iginla and Kunitz are very similar as far as style of play. Morrow on the 3rd line gives you the luxury of moving Cooke to the 4th which gives you the luxury of making Glass a scratch.

    As long as by scratch you mean jetison into the great abyss as garbage.

    The second line technically isn't broke,because it never really worked. Neal and Malkin have had so many fillins on that line, with Bennet being the only one who seemed to fit in. Put Iggy there to start and see if it lights a fire.

    Today's lines at the game day skate were:





    (Bennett, Jeffrey)




    Sigh, poor Beau, I really think he deserves to be in the lineup. Sounds like Malkin is a gametime decision, I'd personally sit him tonight.

  11. I can just imagine


    And finally in post #241 at 12:28 a.m. from unifiedtheory in Burnaby, BC....

    "He's a Penguin!>!!?!?!?!!?!"

    It appears these guys haven't been this surprised since Andy Dufresne escaped Shawshank Prison.

    OMG! I feel like a bad person. I walked through that forum thread, like watching game 7 of a cup final and knowing the end when your team wins. Sadly, I've got tears in my eyes laughing. Honestly, am I a bad person. I don't hate Boston or their fans, but the whole buildup, then the false announcement, that kathunk, a 10,000 foot drop in emotion from elation to near suicidal. The only thing better would have been seeing the emotion of some of these guys. I wonder how many monitors broke this AM.

  12. Your power play just got ridiculous.

    when Malkinstein comes back damn, Crosby centering Igina and Malkin with Letang , wow, put Neal out there some where or on the 2nd unit. holy ****...

    Can't see them change that too much.Neal would stay on the first unit, with everyone focused on Crosby and Malkin, he eats up those one timers from the faceoff dot, that's the Pens bread and butter.

    Top unit typically plays 75% of the PP, run in Iginla maybe and use four forwards and a defense. Crosby-Malkin-Neal-Iginla-Letang.

  13. @nossagog

    I took the liberty of starting a new thread with your comments....

    "Holy Stacked Deck Batman!". Wow, just wow. I figured that after the Morrow/Murray trades, Boston would go after Iggy. And I can't believe that someone did not offer more than two prospects and a first rounder. Think of the possilbe line combinations:

    Dupuis-Crosby-Kunitz (Hotest line in hockey cannot be broke up, I know the temptation will be to move Dupuis off and put iggy on)

    Neal-Malkin-Iggy :o



    Jeffery, Glass on the back burners

    I think they try Iginla on a line with Crosby to start.

    Iginla / Crosby / Dupuis

    Neal / Malkin / Kunitz (Remember how great these guys were last year?)

    Morrow / Sutter / Kennedy

    Cooke / Vitale / Adams (4th line problem solved...)


    Orpik / Martin

    Letang / Niskanen

    Depres / Murray

    (Eaton / Engelland)



    Bennett and Jeffrey to the AHL (Assuming Jeffrey does not have to go through waivers?)

    They'd lose jeffery to waivers. Just dump Glass, literally.

    Bennet, I hope he's not the odd man out, just think what he could learn playing with this team. Put him on a line with Sutter and Morrow, and we have a third scoring line.

    @B21 I just can't see them breaking up that first line, it would be madness, shear madness. There is only so much chemistry to go around, that line has it, as that wise man Murphy once said, "If it ain't broke, Don't fix it!".

    Malkin's line has had so many wingers for him an Neal on it this year, there's no chemistry to lose, put Iginla there. If that line becomes a fully productive even strength line like Crosby's line, yikes.

  14. Yeah what the hell is up with that ?

    i think Shero has some kind of Jedi mind trick thing going on,

    Ray: Those aren't the players you want, you want these guys from Wilkes-Barre.

    Feaster : Your right Ray I want those guys from Wilkes Barre,Especially since I passed on Agostino 3 times... say how about a 2nd rounder in 2014 too ? I mean it is Ignina

    Ray: No you'll be happy with this years 29th or 30th pick

    Feaster: Yes, I'll be happy with that crap shoot.

    Ray: you can go now, Your Welcome

    Feaster: I can go now, thanks Ray

    I mean what the hell ? he improves the roster without moving one guy from his NHL team ? that's some serious Ju-ju or something.

    Now that's good stuff.

    It will be interesting to see, if we ever get the full story, of what happened behind the scenes. Iginla may have had something to do with this after the Morrow and Murray trades. He might have said, hey, if I'm going to be a rental, what's my best chance to win the cup, and told Calgary that the list of teams he'd allow a trade to is now one.

  15. Oh, I know Briere isn't comparable and you're right that it's not the point. But it just seems like the enemy just got several bazookas and the Bruins are talking about going and getting a limp undercooked piece of halibut in the attempt to get "more firepower."

    That whole concussion thing is going to put a damper on any Briere talk. Termed indefinitely, if he's not in the line up in the next few days, no contender it going to touch him.

    • Like 1
  16. Got it. Then my question would be this....Does the $7,000,000 in cap space the Pens had at the beginning of the season not also get pro-rated as the season progresses? Does that $7,000,000 become $3,500,000 at that halfway point, etc, etc. If not, these guys easily fit.

    I don't think so, that's how these deals get done at the deadline. I'm sure with what the Pens did over the past 5 days, someone is going to have an article explaining it in details, because I'm sure alot of other fans(especially those in Boston) are scratching their heads this morning.

    Imagine the difference in feelings waking up this more as a Pens fan, or a Bruins fan. They not only lost a tough game last night to the Habs, but I think the equipment guy already was sowing his name on a B's uniform.

  17. I'll join your cautiously optimistic approach. Still have to play the games. An 8th seed did win the Cup last year.

    That said...holy ****e. I'm more excited about how Shero pulled this off than actually getting Iginla. Boston all but had the name sewn on the jersey. One of their top prospects was a healthy scratch last night in his AHL game. Even the Habs/Bruins post game on NBC Sports was already analyzing who made out better...Pens w/ Morrow and Murray or the Bruins w/ Iginla.

    That's two who chose to come here now. Guess we have something good going on, eh? ;)

    Either that or Shero has pictures of Feaster banging a moose.

    :lol: I wonder after the Morrow/Murray thing that Iggy didn't go in and refresh his list. Better win it now, it will be a great letdown if they don't

  18. I was hoping someone here would answer that.

    They had about $7,000,000 going into the season. I always thought that things worked on a pro-rated basis. I.E. - If you could fit the annual hit in then you could fit the pro-rated hit. Morrow at $4.1 million and Murray at $2.5 million fit annually or pro-rated.

    Unless there is some obscure clause that allows this or my numbers are off or the Pens had the full $7,000,000 to work with but only take the pro-rated hit (the money works if that is the case).

    Paging @aziz...

    All of the contracts in trades are prorated based on the number of games they are going to play(or could play). Not sure what the factor is this year with the shorteded season, but basically the pens are picking up probably a fraction like 1/4 of their salary as a cap hit for the rest of the year. It could be even lower if they take the 14 games left as a percent of the normal 82 game season.

  19. "Holy Stacked Deck Batman!". Wow, just wow. I figured that after the Morrow/Murray trades, Boston would go after Iggy. And I can't believe that someone did not offer more than two prospects and a first rounder. Think of the possilbe line combinations:

    Dupuis-Crosby-Kunitz (Hotest line in hockey cannot be broke up, I know the temptation will be to move Dupuis off and put iggy on)

    Neal-Malkin-Iggy :o



    Jeffery, Glass on the back burners

  20. @Phillygrump As much as I like and respect our Pens posters, gotta agree here....another season of seeing Crosby hoist the Cup...geez, just the mere thought of watching that again makes me ill....never, ever again, I hope and pray.

    Jeez. I'm going to have to tell Uncle Gary on you guys , just being mean to the Pens. Desn't matter how bad you tank, you'll never get the first pick, Uncle Gary will fix it for us, heck he'll probably give us YOUR pick this year if you end up with the number one pick.

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