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Any Chance Against Sharks Tonite?


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We are on a 3-game winning streak, but must be taken with a grain of salt...beating Edmonton, Calgary, and Tuesday nite Jersey, were not exactly our biggest contenders (& a couple of those games just barely squeaking by!).  Jersey was a bit of a surprise the way they fought us hard, & we had one really bad bounce off a ref's foot that ended up in our goal. But I'm quite happy with our play Tues nite, with some  pluses: Lu played for us great, the emotions of the showdown against Schneids never got into his head, and I was pleasantly surprised by our 3rd line guys Santorelli & Richardson...Santorelli having 2 back-to-back game-winning goals in O/T, needless to say, a nice pick-up from the Jets on the cheap at $550,000. 


Tonite, however, is our biggest challenge on our streak (so-called)...we face one of our biggest opponents of this season again, the Sharks, having lost our last 10 games to them (including playoffs).  The Sharks are brutal this year, off to a rampaging start, and that's even before mentioning the Hertl kid's flare. 


I think so far, Torts has helped us overcome some flaws in our game, one especially being becoming more aggressive on plays, not allowing us to give up on 2-0, 3-0 deficits (& come out winning), and shoring up on our defensive play. I see us getting progressively better in some areas, each game. But we are far from being a 'contender' yet, imo.


So, tonite is going to be a real test for us...in showing how far we've come since our last shellacking loss of 4-1 from them 1 week ago.  How do you think we'll do? Do we have a chance to win or even come close?

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