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Evolving team?

King Knut

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I really liked the first period of the penguins game.

I'm glad they wi. The ranger game. I thought they looke good against the isles.

But to me all three games looked like totally different teams.

Is this the flyers "learning" a system from scratch or are they trying on different hats?

Whatever it is, it's a decidedly better direction. Eager to see tonight against a #1 goalie.

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2 games before the 2nd win was the Canucks and I'm sorry, but they looked god awful I. That one. To me that was the most lost they looked all year.

I said this two games before they won their second game. They look better and will start winning. Boy did I get slammed on saying that.

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This team had been devolving for the past two years... No longer a contender and a bunch of stiffs for the most part. No way this team is even finishing the season at. 500


But at the same time, the team has been committing itself long term contracts to the "core"


If we presume they re-sign BSchenn, they have the same top nine forwards for two more seasons after this one.


They have the same commitment to their "top 4" defensemen.


We know that's not going to happen. Matt "No No Trade Clause" Read is playing his way into trade bait and Jakob Voracek looks like a guy who saw his team let his childhood hero walk away for nothing.


I think we can presume that Hartnell, VLC and Giroux will stay. Why anywhere Hartnell would go to would take on that contract is beyond me. 


We could also see the Schenn boys dealt, too - let's hope that doesn't follow the tradition of trade sequences that turn Danny Briere and Vaclav Prospal into Adam Burt.


So many people were happy to see JVR leave town - he's now keying Tronno's top line with Phil Kessel and the frakkin' LEAFS were in the playoffs last year and the Flyers were not.


Maybe JVR needed the kick in the pants.


The entire Flyers organization desperately needs an angry mule.

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It's my contention that there are a lot of bad vibes in the club house because of these management decisions.

I feel as though this sort of frustration has been building for some time.

It used to be that when its got fed up with Homer, he'd dish them. The turnover rate in personnel was so high that there was a fairly low level of frustration build up in each guy.

Now it's come to a head.

My contention is that if Homer is fired or leaves at all (but I mean leaves, not sets up camp in the front office like Clarke) a lot of our current problems go away.

Guys will be happy again. They will loosen up again.

We've all probably had crappy bosses. It's hard to do your job well when you think the boss is an idiot plus tou think he hates you. We're I a player on this team I would find it difficult not to think both of homer right now.

Is hexy different? I dunno. My gut says get out of the good ole boys club. But that ain't gonna happen until lukko and snider are long gone.

Honestly, my sincere guess is that Homer is the problem.

They are playing better. That's a plus. Now the 3rd period thing is in their heads and the press will make sure it stays there for a year or two, but they are playing better hockey for much of these games.

Hopefully it continues. .

But at the same time, the team has been committing itself long term contracts to the "core"

If we presume they re-sign BSchenn, they have the same top nine forwards for two more seasons after this one.

They have the same commitment to their "top 4" defensemen.

We know that's not going to happen. Matt "No No Trade Clause" Read is playing his way into trade bait and Jakob Voracek looks like a guy who saw his team let his childhood hero walk away for nothing.

I think we can presume that Hartnell, VLC and Giroux will stay. Why anywhere Hartnell would go to would take on that contract is beyond me.

We could also see the Schenn boys dealt, too - let's hope that doesn't follow the tradition of trade sequences that turn Danny Briere and Vaclav Prospal into Adam Burt.

So many people were happy to see JVR leave town - he's now keying Tronno's top line with Phil Kessel and the frakkin' LEAFS were in the playoffs last year and the Flyers were not.

Maybe JVR needed the kick in the pants.

The entire Flyers organization desperately needs an angry mule.

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