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Please explain to me


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Whenever the Flyers go through a stretch of poor play or dysfunctional drama, the Flyer fans jump on the media bandwagon and begin villifying individual players or coaches whether it be Eric Lindros, Roman Cechmanek, Bill Barber, Mike Richards, Brzgavlov, JVR, now its Giroux,


Why must people be sheep and begin following the scapegoat mantra of the media and the organization?

when its pretty obvious to see that its the culture of the organization since the latter half of the Lindros era.  Its the same BS over and over with different actors.


Why is this so difficult to comprehend????


Now we're shouting for Giroux's head to be chopped off at the gullotine.


And some wonder why MagnumPi believes Philly fans are STUPID; among the least intelligent

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when its pretty obvious to see that its the culture of the organization since the latter half of the Lindros era.  Its the same BS over and over with different actors.
Why is this so difficult to comprehend????


i will get behind what you are saying when you can tell me how the culture of the organization has caused read, voracek, hartnell, timonen, streit and giroux to have 5 goals and 21 points between them 15 games into the season.  once i understand how something as nebulous as "culture" can make proven goal scorers stop scoring goals, i'll stop looking for more...tangible reasons.

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because it's one thing to have effort and lose and another have no effort,lose and quit. im tired of quitters,excuses on this team, dont want to play for this team your a## is out the door. i have to say it they are bunch of losers, i dont care if the whole team gets traded, i want players that want to play and compete, not a bunch of losers

Edited by flyersfan83
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assume these players are talentless and losers


who repeatedly acquires these losers?


the organization!!!!!!!


therefore the the entire organization needs to be gutted beginning with Snider


either way you look at it the problem begins with the Snider/Clarke/Holmgren band of drunken idiots.


Going on witch hunts against individual players is exactly what Snider wants you to do because it deflects from the root of the problem.


Not sure why this is so difficult to comprehend

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assume these players are talentless and losers
Going on witch hunts against individual players is exactly what Snider wants you to do because it deflects from the root of the problem.


so, instead of witch hunts against individual players...go against all of them?


look, here's why it just isn't nearly as simple and vague as you say:  the team has six 20 goal scorers.  those six players currently have 11 goals, combined, through 15 games.  82 man games played among them, 11 goals scored.  that has nothing to do directly with snider, holmgren or clarke.

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your missing the point


since the Lindros era there's been a different circus surrounding this team every couple seasons.

Shouldn't that tell you the problem lies at the heart of the organization? im not sure why this is difficult to understand.


Lindros then Cechmanek then Barber then Footsberg then Pronger and Richards then the Center City drunken crew then Brzgalov then LAvi now Giroux is a loser

Everyone becomes a loser when they play for this team.  Why is that?

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sorry, I'm not buying the Claude Giroux is a talentless loser who needs to be dumped off the roster argument; when every other season there's a new loser who is supposedly the cause of all the problems. 

From Eric Lindros through Mike Richards and now Giroux these guys werrer losers and needed to moved. 

Why does this organization have a constant circus surrounding it?

Shouldnt you begin looking at management?

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The one common through all the years,players,and coaches is Ed Snider and his right nut Clarkie!

Yeah, that's why players are sleeping with each other's wives, abusing drugs and alcohol, and proverbially quitting on the team. Thanks for clearing that up.

More likely, all teams have these problems, but we Flyer fans couldn't care less. And, players are increasingly arriving with a greater sense of entitlement. How do you coach someone who has owned their earlier coaches, has a guaranteed contract, and knows that modern sports will replace the coach if things aren't going right? No one blames players nearly enough for their direct problems, like on ice play and actions off ice that bring negative attention to the company. Know what happens to a normal guy? They get fired.

How do you introduce accountability into a system where the CBA negotiated it away? Berube is sitting guys left and right, but he still needs to ice a team. Snider isn't telling Giroux it's okay to miss the net and quit shooting. Homer isn't telling Giroux that defensive zone responsibilities are more like guidelines. Clarke isn't telling Giroux not to man up and take responsibility for his on ice play - that could ruin the only good Flyers goalie I've been alive to see.

Management has a share, but it isn't the problem.

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"Everyone becomes a loser when they play for this team. Why is that?"

I think this is actually the important question here...

The only thing I can deduce is that this organization does an excellent job of (for the most part) assembling a good team 'on paper', but fails to find the right mix of personality and skill set .

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You're not 100% wrong on this one….the brass of this team ultimately is the reason they can't seem to get over the hump.  They bring in some talent, but can't figure out the way to build around it, they get disillusioned, trade away the talent, and start over.  It is truly a never ending cycle and it is getting harder to endure.  


With that being said, fans have very right to get on players who are not performing up to their contracts.  You have talented players like Giroux who go 15 games into the season without a goal, the team is sinking faster than the Titanic, and you expect people to sit back and say nothing?  Yes, every fan base has people who go overboard and proclaim the guy a talentless bum who should be traded away, but that is not representative of the entire base.  No player is exempt from criticism and no player should be.

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The only thing I can deduce is that this organization does an excellent job of (for the most part) assembling a good team 'on paper', but fails to find the right mix of personality and skill set .


and this is the part where i can agree with @magnumpi, these teams are not particularly well built.  and that is on management.  but.  that doesn't explain an extensive list of players each drastically playing beneath their career normal.  that part is not on management.  that is on the players to some extent, but to me it primarily falls on coaching.  1, 2, 3 guys slumping, they need to find their way out.  6, 8, 12 guys slumping, there is a problem with how the team is being deployed.

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and this is the part where i can agree with @magnumpi, these teams are not particularly well built.  and that is on management.  but.  that doesn't explain an extensive list of players each drastically playing beneath their career normal.  that part is not on management.  that is on the players to some extent, but to me it primarily falls on coaching.  1, 2, 3 guys slumping, they need to find their way out.  6, 8, 12 guys slumping, there is a problem with how the team is being deployed.

I agree. The coaching plays a significant role in putting the players in position to succeed.

But something tells me Berube and Lappy are not the kind of coaches that preach positioning.... Hence the problem.

But management hired guys like Berube, Stevens, and Lappy....

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I think you're on to something - it seems the media is a bit intense and the fans circle like sharks with blood in the water.


The lack of a cup win in the past 40 years makes some fans reek of desperateness and anger seeps beneath the skin of many.


I hate to over simplify it, but win a few games and life gets easier for everyone. 


Today was a good game, lets hope there is more of this over the next few weeks and finish with a strong month.


This year will be incredibly long with the Olympics.  As long as they can get/stay around .500 headed into the break much of this will be ancient history headed into the playoff push.


Win at Ottawa on Tuesday, pressure cooker lowers a bit more.........

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I do think the organization should look at ALL candidates instead of sticking with former players/coaches etc when filling positions. Lavi was a recent decision and he did fairly well for a few years at least. I don't think they should've promoted Berube but what do I know.

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i look at the big picture


and looking at the past 20 years there is a very clear pattern of a never ending circus with different actors.


Nothing will change until Snider, Clarke, and Holmgren are gone; that is very clear to me.


So, I'm not going to get upset at indivual player because in the grand scheme of things whether that player is replaced or not is meaningless.  The same problems will exist after he leaves until management is completely replaced.


i dont waste my time in minor details. 

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So, I'm not going to get upset at indivual player because in the grand scheme of things whether that player is replaced or not is meaningless.  The same problems will exist after he leaves until management is completely replaced.


how do you explain the actually decent seasons the flyers have had under the same management?


and is your theory that once snider and holmgren are gone, poof, the flyers will start playing well?

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how do you explain the actually decent seasons the flyers have had under the same management?


and is your theory that once snider and holmgren are gone, poof, the flyers will start playing well?

thats really a silly response. its not what im saying at all


until the Flyers formulate a strategic plan other than applying band aids from season to season they will never win the cup and the band aid approach will exist as long as Snider is running the team

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until the Flyers formulate a strategic plan other than applying band aids from season to season they will never win the cup and the band aid approach will exist as long as Snider is running the team


fine, and you aren't wrong, but that doesn't even begin to speak to what we have seen out of this team over the last month.  yes, snider and holmgren have built the team in a moment-to-moment manner and there isn't a bigger plan and the team is less than it could be because of it.  they are not dead last in the league in goal scoring because of it, though.  snider and holmgren HAVE built a team capable of scoring more goals than buffalo.  the fact that they aren't scoring more than buffalo is caused by something else.


unless you see berube and laviolette as more symptoms of snider and holmgren.  a coaching staff capable of communicating and directing the players to a large extent resolves the current problems, regardless of who runs the team's front office.  even with the disease of snider and holmgren, they are at least a middle of the pack squad.

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it's the same thing over and over again with this organization, there's no winning coach on this team, you draft players and get rid of them, giving out large contracts to players that worry more about their paychecks. that's not a winning culture, a winning culture is to bring players that want to win rather worry about paycheck, there are so many overpaid contracts on this team.

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