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Unifor to represent CHL players?


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  The idea of a union for the CHL players is not new, it was shot down 2 years ago, with Unifor at the front and center of that opportunity.  Well, the folks at Unifor appear to be pretty desperate to acquire payments from the 3000 or so CHL players. Big money at risk, so the union is pushing hard this time.


  I don't think it will help jr players all that much. They have a guaranteed 40,000 dollar University scholarship to fall back on, that is nothing to sneeze at. Unifor wants to take that school money and give it to the players on a weekly basis. Most kids will blow the money, and have nothing left to fall back on.


 The only thing I disagree on the players have to use the school money within 18 months of graduating from their jr teams. This in effect forces player to choose between a minor league career that could turn into more, or dropping hockey to make sure the Univ. money does not expire. Players should not have to make this choice. If they earned the Univ. money....they should be able to use it whenever they want.




 The other thing, some teams (about a 1/3rd) I"m guessing, just can't afford to pay players. The league might have to establish a fund where teams kick in based on profit margin....or something close to that. Not fair to the money making teams, but I don't see how else to work this.

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Junior players do not need representation. I think you will quickly see it become MIS-representation with little to no help and only the loss of dues to the paying members. That is strictly a money grab move by UNIFOR. Somebody sees it as an easy slice of pie and is trying to put their nose in where it does not belong.......(and this is coming from a pro-union person).

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Junior players do not need representation. I think you will quickly see it become MIS-representation with little to no help and only the loss of dues to the paying members. That is strictly a money grab move by UNIFOR. Somebody sees it as an easy slice of pie and is trying to put their nose in where it does not belong.......(and this is coming from a pro-union person).


 Totally agree rod, this is one giant money grab. Unifor used to be Local 444 here in Windsor, they represented the Chrysler workers who constructed our world famous Chrysler Mini-Van. They merged with a huge Pulblic sector union and became the biggest union in Canada. These guys are *all* about cash.


  All that will happen is the kids will get their tuition money up front, a lot will blow it and have nothing to fall back on. Better to just leave well enough alone. The very poor teams will not be able to afford this, so yeah, we will lose teams and fans over this whole mess....BULLSHIT I call!!!

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