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Andreas Athanasiou


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Last night in the Wings final tuneup of the preseason against the Babcock led Leafs, Andreas Athanasiou absolutely was the best player on the ice for either team.

He centered a line with fellow stud prospects Anthony Mantha and Tyler Bertuzzi and in spite of the Wings playing mostly kids and the Leafs playing the majority of what is expected to be their opening night lineup the kid line killed it, absolutely dominated.

Athanasiou who is a big kid and lightning quick opened the scoring in the second on a breakaway, splitting the defense leaving Roman Polak in the dust and firing the puck through Bernier. With a minute to go in the period, with the Wings on the power play Athanasiou faked Bernier down to the ice and fired it across to Mantha who roofed it making it 2-0.

Halfway through the third, the Leafs showed frustration with the kid Wings and started taking liberties, Bertuzzi was leveled on an open ice hit at center ice, seconds later, veteran Peter Holland https://i.ytimg.com/vi/bXhSsRvKKXU/mqdefault.jpg

went behind the net and Athanasiou who had his jaw broken last season on a cheap shot showed no fear as he barreled in at full speed, crushing Holland with a devastating hit behind the net leading to a board meeting between the two teams and Mantha had his first pro fight against Holland seconds later and while it was a lot of holding on he did manage to get a few good ones in early.

Mantha was terrific, Nick Jensen was solid on the back end, Bertuzzi was lightning fast and was everywhere, Mrazek looked like a star in the making but Athanasiou was the class of the game. Even the Leaf announcers on Hockey Night in Canada kept raving about him, in between trying to decipher who would be in net for the Leafs this year and if Brad Boyes had a spot locked up, all they could talk about was the play of Athanasiou. Not saying he should make the Wings, I think after missing a chunk of last year to injury it would not hurt to see him in Grand Rapids to start the year but the kid has been huge all preseason and has made a statement that if not now, then soon he will be coming up for good.

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@yave1964  Andreas is absolutely electric. I have no doubt he will be a star the future. His speed is probably in the top 10 of the NHL and his moves lift people out of their chairs.


 I read today in the Free Press that Dylan Larkin has stood out in TC, but will probably head back to Grand Rapids. Are Mantha and Bertuzzi expected to make the final cut? I know that Pulkkinen has been hurt for the past 3 pre-season games, but he is guaranteed to make the team. I wonder which vets will pay the price if the rooks make the squad?

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@yave1964  Andreas is absolutely electric. I have no doubt he will be a star the future. His speed is probably in the top 10 of the NHL and his moves lift people out of their chairs.


 I read today in the Free Press that Dylan Larkin has stood out in TC, but will probably head back to Grand Rapids. Are Mantha and Bertuzzi expected to make the final cut? I know that Pulkkinen has been hurt for the past 3 pre-season games, but he is guaranteed to make the team. I wonder which vets will pay the price if the rooks make the squad?

Larkin certainly turned heads, I watched every single preseason game and he was lights out, against Toronto in the previous game (he didn't play last night) he had a defenseman literally draped all over him all night, the kind of thing usually reserved for veterans. He has commanded that kind of respect already. I was hoping that with Datsyuk and Helm out that Larkin would make the squad but it looks like they want him to start at Grand Rapids.

Pulkinnen is a lock to make the team, he has earned it with his play in the preseason before he got hurt but mostly with his play over the past two years, I don't know if you knew but he led the AHL in goals scored in spite of only appearing in 46 games, having spent a third of the year with the Wings. He is a real goal scorer, I was uncertain how his big slapper would translate to the NHL but he looks stronger and it is sickening how accurate it is this preseason.

Athanasiou just has so many skills, he can pass and shoot and his speed is deceptive, he gets moving and cannot be caught by most players. Just so many things he can do with and without the puck. He had a broken jaw last season from a dirty, cheap shot by Moroz of Oklahoma City so starting the year in GR is a good idea.

Mantha has appeared cocky as if he has something to prove. He is fearless in front of the net, setting up about ten feet out and simply waiting for the rebounds or a pass. He even had a fight last night, not the best fight ever but he scrapped with Holland who is not a lightweight, and had a pretty goal to boot. GR bound however.

Bertuzzi, wow there is another one. He looked great but raw, caught out of position a few times but solid. He needs a year, maybe two in the minors.

All of these guys (not even mentioning Ferraro who is a 4th liner with a bit of scoring ability) mean that Jurco better bring it this year, Franzen better avoid the head shots or he will be replaced by Mantha in a heartbeat. Miller, Glendening, others as well are looking over their shoulders. The wealth of depth in the AHL has them wondering where they will be playing.

Abdelkader and Helm are both UFA at the end of the year. One at least is almost certainly a goner not because of lack of skill on their part but because of the elite talent ready to take their place.

Great time to be a Wings fan.

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I am COMPLETELY with you on AA! If you take away the help from the press for Larkin and Mantha, one could easily argue that AA did more to improve his standing than any other Red Wing in the preseason, perhaps even more than Larkin, as difficult as that has been to do. He had Z's eye for sure, and that was BEFORE his last game.

The frustrating part is that you can just see the foundation for future Cups among these kids. They will have what it takes I think. I would, selfishly, want them to be up in time to help Pav & Z win another one, but in order for that to happen, the RWs (barring some selective long-term IRs) are going to have to move some of these players who are taking roster spots who are OK-to-good, but not good-to-great, and in the past decade that has just not happened unless a contract ran out. We are going to need to be willing to let players go who have been a part of our system for a while. Make trades for good youngER prospects or high draft picks to make room.

I also wonder about Helm's expendability after this season. I LIKE Darren, but if these kids continue to play like they just did, they have Helm's skill set (speed) and then some (ability to consistently finish, consistent playmaking at that speed) and don't carry his injury risk. I won't like seeing him go, but if we can get this kind of production from these kids at rookie prices, it's been nice knowing ya, Darren. There is no way what his market value will be will be worth keeping him if these kids continue to play like this. No way.

This is the kind of departure we fans had better be prepared for, because it will be coming. All, of course, will be forgiven soon thereafter if they continue to play like this. Winning heals all such wounds.

The other thing which just WILL NOT GO AWAY is Franzen's contract and the pain it will cause. Hate to say it, but that contract is probably the biggest obstacle to getting these guys all with winged wheels on their chests as soon as they should be getting them. I think I just heard the sound of Ken Holland kicking himself. Again. Now that we have previewed the future, it is easy to see how that is the mistake that will keep on giving.

I hope we are able to get these boys up, in, and adjusted before Pav and Z leave or injure themselves to where they are a shadow of themselves. Can you imagine the damage they could do if they were all on the same team together healthy?

<wiping the drool>

In contrast to what you said in your last comment, I think it will be better to be a RW fan in a year or three versus now. These kids plus the core of our veterans? Whew! But you are right. This is definitely an exciting time! It is not hard to see a bright future coming, and in not very long.

Thinking VERY long-term, it will be VERY interesting to see how we will be able to hang on to ALL of these kids should they develop into what we see as their potential. You can only have so many really good players who get paid elite salaries. Gotta keep balance in mind. I hope that Yzerman-Lidstrom standard of taking a bit less than you are worth in order to be a part of a winner takes hold in these guys. The good news is that more than any other franchise, there is a connection with our former stars and players who may instill this into these guys. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Cross that bridge when/if we get there, obviously, but building a dynasty in today's NHL takes superior craftsmanship. Hope they can plan that as well as they planned the Babcock-Blashill transition.

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No. All the big kids except for Larkin were sent down to GR. Wings just trimmed to 27 today. Have to be at 23 by Tuesday. I expect Larkin to be sent down. I DON'T expect him to stay there very long. These kids have had a VERY significant offensive impact this preseason. If the scoring dries up, it will not be long. Like Nyquist did a few years ago, if RW scoring starts and stays low, Larkin's play in GR may force them to bring him up before they would ideally want to according to plan. Losing has a tendency to change plans, I've read.

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